"Hey Sadie, how are ya?" Kate asked Sadie with a smile. Then she replied, "Ouu you look radiant today. I'm good, what about you?"

 "Horrible. Sadie my friend, I've made horrible mistakes in my life." Kate said tiresomely as she went to her desk.

 "Haven't we all. Mistakes are all about learning from them." Sadie implied.

 "No... you don't understand. I think this one's beyond a mistake. It's like a stupid decision I made." Kate moaned then she proceeded in burying her hands on her face.

 "Kate, stupid decisions are mistakes! Okay, how bad was it?" Sadie asked. Kate was reluctant to say it but she eventually did, "I slept with Antonio last night."

 The moment Sadie heard what Kate said, she choked on her spit. She started coughing and as she coughed, she managed to ask for water until Kate got one and gave it to her. She cleared her throat and then she whispered, "How the fuck you gon' sleep with the enemy bitch?!!"