Pacific Terrace Hotel, Daya's suite.

 Cameron came in trying to act innocent, "Where were you?" Annabelle asked him as she leaned against the wall and folded her arms.

 "Uh... I went to see that lady off," He responded. Them Annabelle asked, "Ohh... what was her name again, Marley?"

 "It's Harley," Cameron said. "She's pretty, isn't she?" Annabelle asked him hoping to get a negative answer.

 "Yeah she is, very pretty in fact," He said with a straight face. She looked away from Cameron and blinked her eyes multiple times immediately after she heard his response. She was deeply affected by his response. "Is anything wrong with your eyes?" Cameron asked her.

 "Nah, it's fine. So, do you find her attractive?" She asked him. Cameron blushed when he heard her question, "I mean, she's got great ass,"