It was a horrible night for Kate. She couldn't believe she let Antonio hit her again for the second time. And this time around, they went all fifty shades of grey.

She was so disappointed in herself. Not only did she sleep with Antonio, Miranda saw her. And she knew Miranda expected more from her after everything she had told her about him.

"Kate, so you knew about them?" Antonio asked her.

 It was a horrible night for Kate. She couldn't believe she let Antonio hit her again for the second time. And this time around, they went all fifty shades of grey.

 She was so disappointed in herself. Not only did she sleep with Antonio, Miranda saw her. And she knew Miranda expected more from her after everything she had told her about him.

 "Kate, so you knew about them?" Antonio asked her., "those are the two places my mind was limited to go." Auriela added.

 Arthur took a brief pause and said,