Mila made everyone set things up for Alex's birthday. She and Sebastian asked Mr Alan to get them the ingredients for a cake, so they could bake Alex's cake. Mila gathered all the students, except Alex and Greta; who was still in the reflection room. She took them to the common room to divide the labour.

 "So, there are 13 of us. Well, 11." Mila said. She noticed Arthur and Auriela were missing,

 "Where the hell is Arthur and Auriela!" Mila demanded.

 Shortly, Arthur and Auriela came to the common room, and they both chorused,

 "We're here."

 Mila began to group them, she grouped Ophelia, Iris and Sebastian, Apollo, Hamilton and Gia in the same group, Auriela, Arthur and Jason in the same group, and lastly, she paired herself and Julius together.

 "Iris, you're the leader of your group. Your group is in charge of the decorations. In that box beside you, you would see everything needed to decorate this room and the pool out back." Mila said.