That Jerk

"Who are you? What are you doing in this room?"

Jody shivered from head to toe as she stared at the man. Despite his good looks, she couldn't help but be intimidated by him. It is as if she saw the appearance of a weredragon, and she seemed to see it in the eyes of the man, furious at her. Her tears began to flow again. However, this did not alleviate the man's anger at her.

"What are you doing, Zev?"

When the man heard Glendir's voice, he turned to the door. He let go of her, got out of bed, and approached Glendir as if nothing had happened.

"Can you tell me who she is, dad? What does she have to do in Zera's room?" Zev said irritably.

Liza approached Jody and helped her. The man held her tightly and thought he had dislocated her bones. She also heard the two talking at the door.

Glendir said, "She's my visitor, Zev."

"Seriously, Dad? Your visitor in Zera's room?" Zev said, annoyed. "We have three guest rooms, dad. I don't understand."

"I'll explain to you. Wait for me outside." Glendir said.

Jody and her assistant were in bed, and Zev glanced slightly at them. Jody's gaze met Zev's, but Zev was the first to turn around and leave the room. Glendir approached Jody and sat across from the bed, shaking.

"Are you OK, Jody?" Glendir asked.

Jody lied when she said, "I'm fine, Uncle." She was still trembling in fear of the man's presence.

"Please be patient with my son. He is Zev." Glendir said. "He's also a weredragon."

Jody shifted her gaze to Liza, who was sitting beside her, nuzzling the arm that was too tight in the man's grip.

"You have nothing to worry about, Jody. Even Liza, your servant, is a weredragon who lives and serves in my land," said Glendir. "They're part of my pack."

When Liza met Jody's gaze, it gave her a small smile. Jody couldn't believe weredragons surrounded her. Her parents are killed by a scary monster, just like the man who attacked her earlier.

"I told you, weredragons under me are all human. If you saw a weredragon without humanity, that creature is an outsider." Glendir said.

"Then that guy..." Jody said. "He must be an outsider. I'm sorry, uncle, but you might be wrong. Are you sure he's your son?"

Glendir smiled. "I'm sorry, Jody."

Jody suddenly felt embarrassed. "What's wrong with him? Why is he so mad at me? I can move in if there's another room in this house," Jody said. "I don't want to have a connection with him."

Glendir chuckled. "No, Jody, there's no need. No one owns this room because Zera hasn't been around long."

"Who is Zera?" Jody asked.

Jody got curious about who Zera was. She had seen Zev sobbing earlier and could feel his great sadness. Zev's longing was apparent in every tear, probably because they were both in the same boat.

"Zera, she's my eldest child." Glendir explained, "She's Zev's older sister."

"She's the one you remembered with me." Glendir nodded. "Where is she now?" Jody asked.

"Zera died," Glendir said. "The same weredragon who murdered your parents murdered her."

Jody was stunned and felt embarrassed. She suddenly asked Glendir about Zera. She also didn't expect that the monster who killed her parents was also the one who killed Glendir's daughter back then.

"This town, weredragons, attacked Rivendell five years ago. Markus and his pack came to Rivendell intending to commandeer Rivendell and become Alpha in my pack. But Zera bravely intervened, and Zera was about to kill him. When one of Markus' fellow weredragon preceded her, she got stabbed in the back, which killed Zera. Zev was not yet a weredragon at that time. He saw the weredragon kill Zera. He was close to Zera, so her death was painful for him. And I fought Markus and killed him, so I kept my place as Alpha of Rivendell," Glendir said. "And when I saw you earlier, I immediately ordered Zev to look into what happened, and I discovered Nigel was the one he had encountered the other day. The day you saw him, Zev caught him secretly spying on Rivendell. "

"What happened to that creature?" Jody asked. Since the monster hadn't killed her that day, she believed it might come back to her. She suddenly gets nervous.

"Dead. We were at the salon when Zev killed him," Glendir explained.

Jody remembered talking to the older man while fixing his hair.

"Maybe Zev drinks again," said Glendir. "He was glad to have been given justice in the death of his sister."

Jody took a deep breath because of what she heard. They finally gave her parents justice, thanks to destiny and Zev.

"If my memory serves me correctly, your birthday is within this month," Glendir said.

Jody nodded shyly. She no longer has to dream about her debut now that her parents are dead, especially since her last dance is dead.

"You should start your training, Jody," Glendir said.

"Training? What training?" Jody asked.

"You have to learn self-defense. You have to learn martial arts to protect yourself," said Glendir. "Not all the time we're with you, Jody."

"I understand, Uncle," said Jody.

"My hunch has never been wrong, Jody," Glendir said. "Your parents have a deep secret and are protecting you; that's why they brought you here in Rivendell. We will know the truth on your birthday."

"I wish you were wrong, uncle," Jody said.

"I wish that too, Jody," Glendir said. "I think I should leave now. I want to talk to Zev, too." Glendir stood up and stepped closer to the door as he said," Good evening, Jody. "

Jody smiled and said, "Good evening, Uncle ..."

Glendir smiled at Jody as she closed the door.


It was three in the morning when Jody felt hungry. The grumbling of her stomach did not put her to sleep. Perhaps because she cried for hours, her body was tired, and she needed to eat to regain the strength to scream. Since it was already late at night, she was ashamed to wake Liza to cook for her, so she quietly left the room and went to the kitchen.

Jody carefully descended the stairs as she exited the room. Jody looked around steadily. The lights were dim, but the place was still bright. As he descended the stairs, he looked around again.

'Damn, this mansion is huge,' Jody thought.

Because she had yet to eat, she didn't know where the kitchen was. It took Jody almost fifteen minutes to find the kitchen. She walked directly to the refrigerator to get something to eat. Jody did not know someone in the kitchen was watching her in the dark.

When Jody descended the stairs, Zev ignored her and went directly to the kitchen for cold water. He even wondered why it would take Jody fifteen minutes before going to the kitchen. He was curious to know if she got lost or if that house tour was in the dark.

"You're like a cat scavenging food in the night."

Jody felt like someone had poured cold water on her, and she quickly sought the person speaking. When she noticed a glowing golden eye in the corner, the cake icing he held slipped.

She would have shouted when she saw the man in front of her. But in the blink of an eye, it was close to her. She didn't know how it got close to her, but she knew the man when she saw it up close.

When the guy gazed at her, Jody knew it was Zev. He focused his gaze on her eyes before shifting to her lips, but Jody was stunned when Zev brought his face closer to hers. Her eyes widened when she felt Zev's tongue caress the edge of her lip. Zev immediately turned his face away from her. Jody felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

"Delicious." said Zev, "Eat it before it melts." Zev then walked away.

Jody took a deep breath and sat in the chair before the nook. She expected her body to soften with nervousness, but she felt differently. Jody couldn't explain, but her whole body was on fire. She felt the heat seem to evaporate on her skin. Jody is getting red all over, not just on her face. Jody knew it wasn't a kiss, and it wasn't her first kiss, but the heat she felt all over her body was new, so her palm clenched.

"That jerk!" she hissed.