The Grumpy and Short Tempered


Jody sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. She screamed as though she was escaping. Although Jody was fleeing that beast in her dream, her eyes couldn't believe it. Her hand was the same as the monster's. When Jody saw the thing, it raised one hand and was going to attack her, so she raised both hands and covered her face with her hands.

"Are you alright, Miss Jody?"

Jody turned her gaze toward the door. Liza moved forward and went up to her. Jody inhaled deeply and wiped her brow with her hand.

Liza smiled and said, "Good morning, Miss."

Jody smiled a bit. "Good morning,"

"Miss Jody, you need to get dressed. Sir Glendir is waiting for you in the garden," Liza added.

After taking a deep breath, Jody got out of bed. "OK."

After getting up, Jody went to the bathroom. She was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her dream baffled her. She assumed it was because of what had happened the day before, so what was going through her mind?


"Why didn't you go with Jody to school?" said Glendir.

Zev chuckled as he had some bacon before speaking. They had their regular breakfast in the garden. He recalled the woman's expression last night when she spotted him in the kitchen. What he did also sprang to mind. He felt weird, even though it wasn't a kiss, and he had no intention of kissing her. He just wanted to seduce his father's adoptive daughter, but there was something weird about her he couldn't put his finger on. It also didn't put him to sleep last night, wondering what was unusual about her.

"We both agreed I'll teach her self-defense. Why do you want me to be your adoptive daughter's nanny?" Zev asked.

Glendir chuckled. "I'm simply trying to connect with you. I'd also like you and Jody to get to know each other. Your first meeting didn't go well, and she fears you. She thought you were trying to kill her."

"If you hadn't come, dad, I might have killed her," Zev said seriously.

"You cannot do that. I believe..., " said Glendir. "She is special."

Zev drank the juice, then he spoke again. "What do you mean when you say "special"? If your guess is right, she might also be a weredragon, " said Zev. "And that means she'll also be ugly when she shifts."

Zev's words made Glendir laugh again. "You know the story about Erjon and Luisa, right?" Glendir asked.

Zev said, "Dad, their story is just a family legend. There's nothing special about them. A weredragon and a human falling in love is nothing special, and I don't like their love story."

"When you were young, you thought their story was true. What seems to have changed?" Glendir asked.

"Because I'm not a child anymore, dad, and if the story about them is true, it's been a long time since that happened, so what does your adopted daughter have to do with them?" Zev asked.

Glendir didn't answer. Instead, he took a deep breath and drank his tea. Zev noticed that his father suddenly stopped talking.

"Dad, don't worry. Since we will be in the same school, we will get to know each other." Zev said seriously. "When we're at school, I'll take care of her." He had a sneaky smile on his face.

Glendir turned to look at the door when he saw Jody through the open sliding door. He gave her a friendly smile. Zev exhaled deeply before turning to face Jody and who was approaching them. He frowned when he saw Jody in Zera's clothes.

"Why is she using Zera's dress?" Zev asked.

Glendir gazed at Zev. Zev's face was grave as he sighed angrily at Jody wearing Zera's dress.

"After school, Zev, we'll get her clothes. Jody has nothing to wear, so I must give her Zera's clothes." Glendir explained.

"Dad, the things you do make it even harder for me to get over my sister's death. First, you brought that woman to our house, then you put her to sleep in Zera's room, and now you're letting her wear Zera's clothes, " said Zev.

Glendir said nothing so that Jody couldn't hear them. Their eyes met as Jody walked toward Zev, but he wasn't in the mood. Before Jody could even get close, he stood up.

Zev said, "I'm leaving," He turned his back on everyone and walked away immediately.

Jody just stood there and watched Zev go. Glendir took note. Glendir told Jody, "Please take a seat."

Jody said, "Good morning, Uncle." Jody took Zev's seat. The maid took Zev's dish and gave Jody a new one.

"Please don't get mad at Zev. We're leaving after we eat, " Glendir said.

Jody asked, "Where will we go, uncle?"

"First, we will be at Rivendell's College. Even though your parents are dead, I don't want you to stop studying. I'll treat you like my child, just like I said I would." Glendir said.

"Uncle, thank you. I appreciate how kind you are, but is that even possible? My papers are..." Jody said.

"You don't need to worry about anything. Your school papers are on their way, and it's not a big deal if you sign up late. I've fixed it." said Glendir.

Jody thought, 'Wow when money moves, everything changes.'

"OK, Uncle," said Jody.

Glendir turned to look at Liza. "Liza, get dressed. We'll take you."

What Glendir said shocked Liza. She said nothing as she looked at Jody. "OK, Sir, I'll just get dressed." Liza quickly turned around and left them in the garden as she walked away. Jody looked at Liza as she walked away, then turned to Glendir, who was sipping coffee.

"Are we taking Liza with us?" Jody asked.

Glendir said, "Yes, we'll get you some clothes and other things you need."

"Uncle, I think I'm too much trouble. I'll look after..." Jody said.

Glendir laughed. "Ah, young woman. You have a deficient thought of how strong I am."

Jody giggled. "Uncle, no. I thought you shouldn't care for me because I'm old enough. Even your son seems to dislike me," Jody said. "He's jealous, I think."

"Don't lose patience with Zev. He was still sad about the death of her sister. You'll get along fine with Zev because he's a nice guy." said Glendir.

Jody said, "Hopefully, Uncle," 'Because that would be like hitting the moon.' Jody thought.

They first go to school to sign up. Everyone looked at their car when Glendir, Jody, and Liza left. The school president immediately comforted them and walked them to the administration building.

In a small town, that was a comprehensive school. Jody turned around and saw everyone in the class looking at them. She turned away and looked at the horizon. Zev nodded and stared at her. He had a ball in his hands and around his waist. Zev is with other men who are also looking at her. Jody thinks these men are Zev's friends.

Jody was the first one to avert her gaze from Zev. Jody's heart started beating faster. It shocked Jody when Liza took her hand. She gave Liza a look.

Liza told Miss Jody, "Sir Zev always looks at you. He might have a crush on you, don't you think, Miss Jody?"

She saw something strange in his eyes that she couldn't grasp. Jody thought, 'That's impossible. We hate each other, and having feelings is a curse.'

"You may tell me anything, Miss Jody. Your secret is also mine," said Liza. "I'm not just your servant; I can also be your friend."

Jody inhaled deeply. "Damn, Liza, it looks like you, my best friend, like Cassy."

Liza didn't speak and just smiled.


After a long day, they were on their way home. Jody could sign up and go shopping. She asked Glendir if she could visit her parents' grave before they went home, and he said yes. They spent several hours at the tomb before going home. They stayed in the house after doing all their important jobs outside. Liza taught them everything she could need to know about weredragons.

"Is that serious?" Jody asked. She remembered the beast, and it had a scaled skin back then.

"I'm not joking, Miss Jody. You're just starting, so you don't feel great yet, but as your 18th birthday gets closer and closer, you'll understand what I mean." Liza added.

"I don't know if you're trying to scare me or just tell me something." Jody was curious. "Aw!"


It shocked Jody when she saw Zev. When the man exited his father's room, Jody looked at Liza as they walked. Zev held his chin while Jody had her forehead.

"Aren't you looking where you are going?" "What the hell?" Jody and Zev both yelled.

Zev inhaled deeply. "I want your apology."

"What? Why should I say sorry?" Jody asked.

"Oh, perhaps because you ran into me?" Zev said sarcastically.

"We collided accidentally," said Jody. "If I'm going to say sorry to you, say you're sorry to me too."

When Zev got close to her, Jody moved away. She takes a few steps back until the railings touch her waist. Zev put both hands on the bar and his muscular arms on her. He also got close to her face as she tried to get her face away from him.

Their eyes met. Jody suddenly felt nervous. "Are you sure you want me to say sorry?" Zev asked.

"Yes. If you also want me to apologize," said Jody.

"Don't count on getting what you want. First, you're in our house; second, you're just a guest; and third, I don't like you," said Zev.

Jody smirked. "Do you think I like you, too? The way you act irritates me to no end. How am I supposed to like you? Your attitude is the same as the men in the slum areas who aren't well-mannered or educated. They might be nicer to people than you are." Jody said with annoyance.

Zev did not speak; instead, he took his hands off the railings and walked down the stairs. Jody took a breath and put her hand on her chest. Liza went up to Jody.

"Are you OK, Miss Jody?" Liza asked. "I do not know why Sir Zev was so rude to you. He wasn't like that before but suddenly became that way."

"Do you mean he changed right after I got here?" Jody asked. Liza just gave a slight nod. Jody chuckles. "That jerk! Damn it! Maybe he's mad that I'm getting his dad's attention. I get a lot of help, like when Uncle let me use the room of his dear sister."

"He might just be trying out something new, Miss Jody. Sir Glendir paid attention to you, just as you said," said Liza.

"Haist, but even so, he must learn to get along with people. I'm a woman, too. I don't have a muscular body like him," said Jody.

"He's handsome," Liza said.

"Yeah, he's handsome," Jody added. She turned to face Liza after hearing her chuckle. "Oh, crap! I have just said the same thing as you said. It means nothing ."

"I said nothing, Miss Jody," Liza said. Liza walked away from Jody.

Jody immediately followed her as she grabbed her head. Jody whispered. "Why did I try to imitate her? That monkey is not handsome at all. Hmph!"