The Date

When Jody exited the car, Brian approached her, and she was slightly surprised. Liza looked at her and gave her a slight wink as if she were teasing her.

"Hi, it's you again...." Brian told Liza.

"Yes, please look after my friend," Liza said.

Brian chuckled. "Of course,"

"We'll be going," Liza said to Jody. "Enjoy."

Jody nodded, and their car left. Jody did a quick about-face and looked across at Brian, who had been looking at her. She dressed in a way she wasn't used to in the city.

"So, where will we go for our first walk?" Jody asked him.

Brian smiled at her. "I know you're sick of this place. Do you want to stroll in the woods with me?"

"Would you take me on a tour of the forest?" Jody asked.

"Yeah," Brian said. "Do you know where I went for the first time when I moved here?"

They began their trek into the forest by strolling. Many people were walking around in that area. The Rivendell Town Park is home to a winding route that visitors of all ages are welcome to step down while taking in the picturesque vistas of the town. People walking with them kept staring at them as if they were celebrities.

It surprised Jody when she looked up and saw the birds soaring freely over the trees. The cold air touches her skin. Her short hair, which sometimes covers her face, gets blown around by the wind. She had to glance up since Brian was taller.

Even though they had been walking for quite some time, they had quite a few conversations while they were walking, which she found to be quite enjoyable. She didn't notice it, and she didn't even feel tired. They made it to the large river, where cottages were available to anyone who wanted to camp or rest for a while. Jody suddenly remembered the first time she went there when she was swept away by the water. She even looked at the house where she slept. Because of that memory, Jody's chest hurt all of a sudden.

"Are you in tears?" He asked her.

"No, something has just come inside my eyes," Jody said.

While this was happening, Zev's crew wandered all over the area on the opposite side of the river. His friends saw Jody and a man with her on the bridge. Zev just glanced at the two men and asked them to leave again.

"Oh, Zev, is her boyfriend with her?" As they walked away from the river, Kross asked Zev.

"I can't say for sure, but I highly doubt it," Zev said.

"It's fine," Kross said.

"Are you interested in her?" Zev asked.

"I have a crush on her," said Kross.

"I'll also have a crush on her," Loel said.

"Zev, don't you see how attractive your adoptive sister was?" Jack asked.

Zev chose not to respond and instead just turned his back on them. They went past the area where they had slain the two weredragons who had assaulted his father the previous night, but the bodies of the beasts were no longer there. They found footprints and ash at the tree where someone tied the two strangers.

"Did you speak with the outsider last night?" Jack asked. "How did he get through our tight security?"

"He didn't speak, dude," said Drake.

"Why? Are they protecting those who send them?" Kross asked.

"No, Kross, cut out their tongues," said Zev.

"What? What?" Jack asked.

"They cut it even before they got to Rivendell," said Loel.

"That's ..." Kross said. "Barbaric."

"They are going after Uncle," said Drake.

"How could they determine that Uncle had been at the party and was now on his way home?" Kross asked.

"There's a mole inside Rivendell. He knows every move, and dad does, so it's simple for him to corner," said Zev.

"Who's the mole?" Jack asked.

Zev did not speak. After taking Jody to the mansion, he noticed the whole place was quiet. When he got to the woods, Drake and Loel, along with the rest of Glendir's pack, were watching two weredragons tied to the trunk of a gigantic tree. They found out they didn't have tongues when they forced their mouths open.


Brian and Jody are walking through the woods. They left the other people they were walking within the park. Jody learned Brian lived in the city as well, and the two of them had a conversation about many topics that Jody could connect to Brian. Since she moved to Rivendell, she's felt like she doesn't belong there. He had no city-related conversation partners.

"So, what brought you here?" Jody asked. "This is not a good place for party people like you."

Brian chuckled. "Partygoer?"

"Yeah, you said you were always in Makati and BGC," Jody said.

"When there is a reason to celebrate, only then do I go with my friends," said Brian. "So, to answer your question. I learned Rivendell is an amazing town."

"Really? Is it because of nature?"

"Yes, kind of," Brian said. "I've heard that humans aren't the only ones that call this place home; there are other mystical creatures."

For a moment, Jody was speechless. Brian was aware of weredragons; in fact, he started a talk about them with their instructor when they were in swimming class.

"Are you familiar with them, or have you just come upon one of them?" Brian said.

He thought about how the weredragon had attacked him last night and how Zev had saved his life. Brian would have known the answer to his question if Jody had stopped it. Jody looked over at Brian.

"Why?" Jody asked.

Brian looked back. "I believe we are leaving the park. We ought to go back."

Jody, too, turned around. She took notice of the fact that they had already traveled quite a distance from the park. When Jody saw an unusual plant out in the distance, Brian abruptly reversed his direction of travel and started walking back.

"Wait, Brian," Jody said as she walked toward that plant. She quickly grabbed a piece, put it in his pocket, and went over to Brian.

As they made their way back, Brian did little more than glance at the plant she was carrying in her pocket and chuckle slightly.

"Why did you pick that plant? It doesn't look good, and it doesn't smell. There are also no flowers. What have you seen in there that you chose to pick it up?"

"Ah, because it has a good texture and looks suitable for a bookmark."

"Do you like to read for real?" Brian can still vividly recall the first time he spoke to Jody while they were both at the library. Brian added, "I have many books at home; if you're interested, I can lend you some."

When Jody giggled, Brian switched his attention to her. "What? Hey, why are you laughing?"

"You don't look like a book reader."

"Oh?" Brian said. "You also don't seem like you like to read a book."

Jody laughed.  "Looks are deceiving…."

"You're prejudging me.." Brian said. "I can do a lot."

"Fine, you said, eh?" Jody said. "I'm hungry."

"Alright, I can recommend a nice Rivendell eatery," Brian said.

"Okay. Just make sure it's exceptional."

"Of course."

Brian and Jody left the woods quickly. After finding that his favorite restaurant had closed, Brian purchased two giant burgers to sell in Town Park, not to disgrace Jody. Jody and Brian were sitting on a rock. Even before he ate, Brian gave him a soft drink.

"Hmmm, delicious," Jody commented on the burger after she had taken a bite off of it and given it a taste. Because it was twice as big as her hand, she had to eat slowly to avoid spilling the filling all over the place.

"As I told you..." Brian then took a bite of the burger.

"I don't understand why you're so nice to me. Admit it, do you have a hidden agenda?" Jody asked.

Jody's question amused Brian. "Perhaps, but I'm still not sure," Brian laughed.

"Seriously. Why did you befriend me? Everyone isn't comfortable approaching me. Even the IT Girls just used me to get closer to Zev and the rest of the team." said Jody.

"Everyone is too embarrassed to approach you because they are ashamed of you. I'm the only one with the guts to come up to you," said Brian. "Besides having a stunning appearance, you have a peaceful demeanor. To them, you present an extremely intimidating appearance."

"Am I?" Jody asked this in shock.

"Yes, for them. To me? You are a typical city girl who somehow ended up in a remote place. I know how hard it is for you to adapt. That's why I chose to hang out with you."


Brian and Jody turned their heads and saw Zev and the others carrying fishing gear and coolers. The group went up to them and talked to them. Zev didn't stop. He just went up the stairs without stopping.

"Hey, Kross, what's up?" Jody asked.

"You remember, I fluttered," said Kross.

Jody laughed. "What's in there?"

"Oh, we caught fish," Jack said as he showed Jody and Brian the fish in the cooler.

"Wow!" said Jody.

"Oh, it would taste amazing on the grill," Brian said.

"You're right, dude," Loel said. "Wait, it's getting dark. Why aren't you at home yet? Come along with us if you'd like."

"I'll just send her home," Brian said.

Jody said, "Ah, Brian, I'll go with them."

"Huh?" Brian got up and turned to look at Jody. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. Take care on your way home. Let's meet at school tomorrow." Then Jody went to Drake.

Jody looked at Brian and gave him a wave before she finally left. Brian watched her go as she walked away. Zev sat in his car's trunk and watched his friends stroll up the road from the river. Jody was one of them.