The Accusation

That night, Jody couldn't sleep. She went back and forth multiple times in her room. She checks the window to see whether Zev has come, but his car remains gone. Jody rubbed her hand and occasionally bit her nails. She was sitting on the bed inside her room and staring at the digital clock on the wall. It was large and gleamed in the dark, allowing her to see that Zev had not returned after midnight. She had a guilty conscience and was concerned about Zev. Even though they are continually arguing, there is no ignoring the fact that he always saves her.

When the door to the other room closed, Jody awoke. She sat up in her bed and looked at the digital clock. Jody woke up at 2:30 in the morning. She had been asleep for the last hour. Almost as quickly, she got to her feet and exited the room. It took her a few attempts to get Zev to open the door, but eventually, he did, and just as he was ready to leave, the door opened. But seeing him surprised her. Instead of looking at Zev's face, it drew her eyes to his abs when he opened the door. It seemed he had just gotten out of the shower since he wasn't wearing a shirt and was covering his lower half with a towel.

Zev was staring at her when he knew Jody was looking at his body rather than his face. He grinned and grabbed one of Jody's hands, placing it on his abs, catching the lady entirely off guard.

Zev said, "Isn't it better to hold it rather than stare at it?"

Jody wrenches her hand free from Zev's hold with all her might. He let go of her hand.

"You are rude," said Jody.

"OK, I'm the rude one. What exactly do you need?"

"I would like to ask if you're OK, but I think you're fine." Jody turned her back on the man, but he grabbed her by the wrist. She looked at him.

"What does that mean?" Zev asked. "Do you think I'm going to get hurt or die?"

"What are you saying?" Jody asked with a frown. After hearing what Zev had to say, she found herself in a state of bewilderment. Is there a problem with what she said?

"Don't deny it. I already know your plan. Don't bother trying to fool me."

"Plan? What plan are you talking about?"

"You want to get your hands on dad's wealth, so you give him to an outsider weredragon..."


"And me? Do you think that maybe I'm going to die, too? You dared to believe that you could steal dad's wealth."

"Be careful of what you say and what you accuse me of." Jody felt the anguish at the very center of her being. She couldn't understand that Zev looked at her that way—a gold digger.

"So you want me to have proof, so I'm not simply uttering accusations? Yes, that is what you want."

"Stop," Jody said, frustrated.

"Why are you stopping me?" Zev asked. "Tell me, did you offer yourself to my father so that he may trust you how he does?"

"No, of course not. I'm still a virgin," she said, annoyed.

After hearing what Jody had to say, Zev became silent. "I am not like other women, and I am not like the woman you believe I am," she said. "Stop making false accusations against me because you cannot bend anymore. You are so annoying, steaming my mind and boiling my blood."

Jody yanked herself free from Zev's grip and quickly dashed back to her room. Zev remained still, his gaze fixed on the doorway and his hand clenched.


"Why do your eyes look so swollen, Jody? Did you cry all night?"

Everyone was eating breakfast in the garden that morning. Jody glanced at Zev, but Zev didn't care about her. Zev keeps eating as if she doesn't exist. She got angry with the man again. Jody didn't fall asleep because of what happened to her and Zev.

"Ah, I simply didn't sleep, uncle," Jody said. She didn't have any appetite. Jody drinks milk and eats nothing.

"I'm sorry, and I know it frightened you last night because you saw Gustav in his form..." said Glendir.

"It's all right, uncle. I also have to get used to them," said Jody.

"Is there anything you need to get done today?" Glendir asked her.

"Uncle, I will see a friend. He wants to show me Rivendell," said Jody. Because she was worried that Zev might have negative opinions of her once again if she stayed at home, she decided against doing so. Jody had no clue where they thought came from that she was a gold digger, but everything worked out well the previous night, and the concept even helped her out.

"Friend? Could you tell me who your friend is?" Glendir asked.

"Yes, uncle, I danced with him last night," said Jody.

"Is he dating you now?" Glendir asked.

"No, uncle. He's not courting, either. He's just a friend of mine." said Jody.

"Then it's good," said Glendir.

"Why, dad? You don't want another man to love your adopted daughter?" Zev suddenly asked.

"No, it's not like that. I'd rather you and Jody be together," said Glendir.

Both of them almost suffocated at what they were drinking. Jody and Zev coughed in unison in shock at what they had just heard.

"Uncle!" "Pa!"

Glendir laughed at how the two reacted. "Your joke is not good, dad," Zev said seriously.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, but I can't believe what you're saying. It could never happen." Jody said.

Jody looked at Liza. "Uncle, they seem to leave. I'll go ahead as well."

"What? Won't your friend come get you here?" asked Glendir.

"Dad, no one at school knows we live with your adopted child. Just leave her alone. She knows what she's doing." Zev said.

Glendir said, "Then be careful. Don't stay out late."

"I understand, uncle. I'll call you later." Before she ran away, Jody kissed the older man on the cheek.

They left both Glendir and Zev in the garden so that they may finish their meal. Zev took a quick look at his dad.

"Are you serious about what you said earlier, or are you just joking?"

Glendir gave Zev a quick look. "I'm not joking, son."

"Dad, this is a serious question."

"Does my answer to your question sound like a joke?"

It was clear to Zev that his father's face was grave as he glanced at him. He just shook his head and said no more.