The Fear

Jody promptly searched for Zev and approached him in the parking lot. She yelled at him, but he couldn't hear her because of the loud noise from the party's sound system. Zev was about to open the car door when someone grabbed his shoulder. And since his defensive responses were automatic, he nearly hurt Jody. Fortunately, she learned something from what he taught about blocking assaults.

"What do you want?" Zev asked, irritated.

"They were ambushed, according to a text message that Liza sent me," Jody said.

Zeva was shocked and said, "What?" as he dashed inside the vehicle. Jody turned and went into the passenger seat. Even though she hadn't yet closed the door, the car moved, and she almost fell over.

In the meantime, Brian saw Zev's car going too fast. He had been looking for Jody for a while, so he left the area where the party was.

"Where does the princess go?" Brian continued to glance around.

During the trip, Jody attempted to contact Liza many times, but she didn't pick up.

It's your fault." Zev blames her. "If you don't bring my dad to the plaza, this won't happen."

Emy did not speak. Even though Glendir wanted to leave with her, it was her fault since she had allowed him. Jody didn't talk anymore. She didn't want to argue with Zev any longer.

"If anything happens to my dad, I'll make your life miserable." Zev was serious.

Jody suddenly felt scared. She could tell that Zev was furious and knew it was because of her. After a few moments, they saw Glendir's car. Zev immediately stopped the car and ran down to get close to his father's location. Jody's body tightened as she noticed something enormous. Her body and heart trembled as her pulse sped up. Her body couldn't hide how terrified she was.

"Gustav, where are Drake and Loel?" Zev asked.

"They weave the weredragon into the woods," Liza answered Zev's question.

Zev peered at his dad inside the car. "Dad, are you okay?"

"Of course. Do you think I won't be able to fight those because I'm old?" Glendir asked. "Hold on, where's Jody?"

Zev glanced at his car. "She's in my car." Zev looked at Liza. "Go to your friend and take her home with you. I will go after that stupid weredragon with my friends."

Liza followed Zev's order immediately, but she wasn't ready for Jody to get out of the car and run into the woods.

"Jody!" Liza called.

Zev and Gustav turned around and looked the other way. "She's a complete idiot." Zev groaned.

Zev walked up to Liza right away. "Go with them. I'll take care of her."

Liza quickly went back to her car and went inside. Gustav became himself again. Glendir's car promptly drove away, so Zev ran into the woods to catch up with Jody.

Jody ran. When she heard a strange noise, she stopped running. Her eyes became mischievous. She looked all over. At that time, Jody listened to a lot of strange sounds. After taking two steps, she heard something in the distance. Soon, she could listen to heavy feet coming her way.

When Jody saw a weredragon standing nearby and looking at her, she stopped. Jody backed away. She was afraid but needed to save herself, so when she saw the lumber, she slowly picked it up without taking her eyes off the weredragon. Jody didn't think it would suddenly jump closer to her, but it did and then took off. She was shocked when she saw the weredragon. She turned her head away when someone took her hand. Zev was standing nearby, pushing the weredragon, causing it to fly away. She didn't think Zev was strong enough to move that big weredragon's body very far. Based on how heavy it was, Zev must have hit hard. Zev quickly dragged her into the woods, where they heard loud footsteps coming after them. That night, the sky was clear, which was good. After some time had passed, Zev eventually halted and dragged Jody toward him until he was behind her so that he could embrace her. One of his hands covered her mouth as they hid behind a big rock.

Zev could feel Jody's body trembling and hear her deep breaths. Because their bodies were so close together, he couldn't settle down. It looked like chili was all over him.

Jody stopped breathing when she stood on the rock where they were hiding the gigantic creature. She grabbed his hand, which covered her mouth. Her tears also fell. Later, they heard another noise approaching them, but the weredragon chasing them hurried away. Zev quickly came out from hiding, but Jody was still there. Zev approached a weredragon.

"Are you all right?"

Zev nodded. The weredragon turned around and waved at Jody, but she kept looking at it. The weredragon ran away quickly. Zev glanced across at Jody.

"I'll take you home before I come back here," Zev said, and then he got up and went.

Zev didn't even help or wait for her to stand up, so Jody did it herself. He just left her, not caring about her at all. Jody was running hard to catch up with Zev. She was going to hold on to him, but he decided not to. Jody made the piece of wood she was holding into a cane to help her walk better. After a few minutes, they reached the highway, where Zev parked his car. Glendir's car was no longer there. Jody sat on the other side, and Zev jumped into the driver's seat. As soon as Jody closed the door, the car drove away.

"What's that? Are you terrified of weredragon?" Zev asked.

"Yes.  I'm frightened."  Jody muttered.

"You'll always see them here, so you might as well get used to it."

Jody did not speak. Zev glanced at Jody before turning back to the road. He breathed deeply.

"Open that drawer," said Zev.

When Jody opened the dashboard cabinet, her hand was shaking. When Zev saw Jody's hand, it was still shaking.

"Take the knife that is on the inside," said Zev.

Jody took it. She looked at that dagger. It has a unique sheath, and the handle is also different.

"It's yours now," said Zev. Jody turned to Zev. "That knife is one of a kind. You can kill the weredragon with that dagger if you hit it on their weak points."

Jody remembered what Zev had said to her. "Now you understand my meaning because you must learn to protect yourself." Jody didn't answer. "You carry that with you all the time. That's a way to protect yourself from weredragons who want to hurt you."

"I don't know why they want to hurt me. Why do those beasts hurt people and kill people?" Jody abruptly asked

"That is how they are. Some try to protect themselves, while others, especially first shifters who can't control their bodies, hurt them by accident. And the one that kills your parent, though. He is the worst kind of weredragon."

When they got to the mansion, Jody stopped talking and gripped the dagger tightly. Zev's car pulled up in front of their front door.

"Take a rest and sleep," said Zev.

Even though she was hesitant, she followed Zev's command. Jody exited the car, closed the door, and turned around when Liza opened the front door. The car Zev was in left quickly.