Darkness (1)

Joe moved the cloth away from Vera's nose too soon, for she was still awake. However, her limbs were numb and her muscles wouldn't move.

Her eyes were open, but she couldn't see well. Fog covered everything a few steps from her, and she could see the shapes in the darkness dance and snicker at her, ready to attack. Dark spirits were like that: they would take any weakness as the chance to feast over a poor soul.

She swallowed, collecting her thoughts. The train was moving slowly, which meant Joe could jump off and disappear. The police must have gotten onboard already, so they should move the train faster soon.

Which wasn't ideal because how could she stop Joe from throwing her out, in that state? She would likely die from the fall.

She didn't want to die. She had to go home!

However, she couldn't move as she wanted. It took her great concentration to lift her arm and touch Joe's.