Darkness (2)

Neven crossed wagon number eleven before realising he had lost them. There was no way they could disappear like that, and he was late by a fraction of a second.

Could Vera run faster than him? No, there was no way two people could be as fast as not to see them anymore. He would have at least gotten a glimpse.

At that point, he had to return back. He checked every inch in the space in between wagon ten and eleven before moving back to where the chance to find them was higher: between wagon nine and ten.

He pressed the button to open the doors and stepped in, silently. The doors were too noisy to hide his presence, unfortunately. If they were there, they knew of him.

He eyed the door of the toilet, locked from within.

His blood boiled, but he had to stay calm and find his wife the first thing. He pressed the button to open the door to wagon nine but didn't step out. He waited for it to be close, patient like a predator.