They walked in the woods until dawn, but no soul appeared to them. Not even a sound made them think they weren't alone.
At first, Vera thought it was because of Neven's presence. But it didn't make sense: they weren't looking for malicious spirits, so there was no need for them to fear him. And she hadn't felt the energy movement of a pack in a flee. Everything was calm as if they had gone home already.
«Oof,» she sighed. She was hoping to meet one of the Neuri and exchange a few words, but it seemed easier said than done. Appearing wasn't enough to attract their attention.
When the sun appeared behind the horizon, she turned her eyes to Neven and glanced at him with a disappointed expression. It wasn't his fault if they didn't find anyone, she reminded herself. But she couldn't help but wonder whether she would have been luckier if he wasn't with her.
«Let's go rest, now,» he said.
«It doesn't have to be night,» she pointed out.
«I'm tired.»