An esteemed guest (3)

Vera knew something was going to happen. Since the moment Neven had become nervous, she had realised that she might have been ready for most outcomes and challenges, but Neven's mother was ready for more tricks.

The guest she had announced must have been part of it.

«Oh, she's here,» Klara said when the doorbell rang. She left them in the living room to sip their tea in front of Styepan. He had relaxed when his wife had mentioned the guest, which meant Vera could start worrying. It wasn't even Ogi because they had no reason of sending him away and then calling him back.

«I'll be okay,» Neven murmured when she turned to him. «Eventually.»

He was in a dark mood, darkest than she's ever seen him. It wasn't heartening her that much. Who could make him feel so bad? Should she have felt jealous?

Regarding her question, the answer walked into the living room with a striking yes.