Permission to exploit him (1)

After talking about bad things like heroes killing dragons, Neven felt uneasy. He accompanied Vera back to the hotel, but an alarm continued ringing in his mind.

The fact that his energy had activated some seal meant he was partially responsible for the mishap. He still wasn't clear about that evil and good dragon talk. How could a dragon be evil, though? He wasn't very good himself, he knew it. But turning completely evil with that kind of power... Why? For what purpose?

He would rather stay neutral and care not for the rest of the world.

«Tell me more about this sign,» he said, at some point. «What's happening?»

That was the most bugging part of the story: that man holding her hand and one-sidedly deciding she had to be his. That wish, he could understand.

Since he received no answer, he turned to Vera. She was typing on her phone, forcing her eyes to read some texts, too focused to even hear him. He had to wait to have his curiosity settled.