Homelander's Birthday Special

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

The time for Homelander's Birthday Special has finally come, and I once more go over the key points in my speech to make sure that everything is delivered as clearly as possible.

Then I check the arrangements I made in the living room so that I can broadcast my speech from here, well, they are quite simple, I just created a professional camera that stands in front of the couch to stream my speech all over the world, in fact, I didn't even hide the rest of the room so that those that are familiar with it can easily recognize it as Stormfront's former apartment.

After that, I turn on the laptop and click on the Crateris Icon, starting up the basic AI programmed by Crateris, Crathy, and soon on the screen appear the words, "How can I help you?"

Seeing that, I nod and command, "Start taking control of all the means of communication all over the globe, but for now, leave things as they are. I'll give you a clue when it is time for my broadcast." and on the screen, the words, "Proceeding..."

At the same time, countless command windows open and close constantly on the screen as Crathy uses all the processing power of this laptop I created with my Spiral Cosmo using the schematic that Lordgenome gave me, making me grin while thinking, 'Despite its generic and portable appearance, this laptop is in fact, a Quantum Supercomputer powered by my Spiral Cosmo, and while it needs enough energy to blow up a planet to function, its processing power is unparalleled.'

While thinking that, I notice that Crathy doesn't open any new command windows anymore, meaning that it has already gained control of every media in the world, so I add, "Another thing when I start my speech bring up on the screen the evidence connected to the linked keywords I'll say on the screen like for example "Flight 37". Is everything clear?" once again, on the screen appears the words, "It'll be done."

Seeing that, I thank Crathy for his work, sit on the couch, and then turn on the TV on the VBS channel, and wait for the special to start waiting for the right moment to make my move.

Soon on the screen, I see a Latino young man in his 20s, around 1,80 meters tall, with short black hair and eyes wearing a white and red suit standing in the middle of the stage with bright golden lights shining on him, he is Anne's childhood friend and ex-boyfriend, Alexandro Ramon aka Supersonic, another Supe who genuinely desire to help others despite the fact that he had some drug addiction issue in the past, but he got over it.

(Image Here - Supersonic)

Soon the music starts and he starts to dance while singing an upbeat song with some of the most atrocious lyrics I have ever heard on par with the soul-crushing torture that was Justin Bieber, "♪Baby, baby, baby. Got your license to drive. You got your license. Got your license to drive me. Oh, yeah, crazy.♪"

And something that I didn't think was possible, they get even worse as the song continues, "♪Yeah, yeah. Come over here, baby. Let's go. Got your hands spread wide. At ten and two. Ten and two. I'm gonna take you to driving school. I'm hugging those curves. Got your hands on my wheel. When you grab that stick. Grab that stick. Gonna make your tires squeal. Dangerous curves, she's my sweet 16. Make my engine purr, you're my teenage queen, oh.♪"

So much that I mutter in wonder, "Whoever creep wrote those lines should stay a thousand meters from any schools... maybe even shot on sight..."

Meanwhile, the song goes on, "♪Baby, baby, baby, got your license to drive. Got your license to drive me crazy. Come on, pretty baby, make me feel so alive. Feel so alive. Got your license to drive. Got your license to drive. Now that you're 16. Me crazy. Yeah, baby. Yeah, yeah. I've got you. Got those tight jeans on. You're on a mission. The seat goes back, put my key in your ignition. Slip on over to the passenger side. Now, baby, baby, got to show me your ride. Dangerous curves, she's my sweet 16. Make my engine purr, you're my teenage queen, oh.♪"

At this point, unable to endure any longer I yell out, "Crathy find the creep that wrote this fucking song and see if there is anything incriminating on his phone, computer, e-mail, everything! If he is clean make sure that he goes to therapy, if he isn't contact the authorities as soon as possible!"

Meanwhile, Supersonic continues to sing, and now I notice how uncomfortable he is singing this song, "♪Baby, baby, baby, got your license to drive. You've got your license. Got your license to drive me crazy. Come on, pretty baby, make me feel so alive. Got your license to drive. Got your license to drive. Show me your license and drive me crazy. Baby, baby, baby, got your license to drive. Oh, finally. Got your license to drive me crazy. Come on, pretty baby, make me feel so alive. Got your license to drive. Got your license to drive. Now that you're 16. Me crazy."

At this moment, I'm truly considering whenever I should cut off my sense of hearing but soon, Supersonic sings the final verses and they don't get any better, "♪Your road's getting wetter. You're so fine. When you're cruising in your Jetta. Cruising in your Jetta for me. Cruise in your Jetta for me, baby, baby, baby. Got your license to drive. Oh, finally. Got your license to drive me crazy. Come on, pretty baby, make me feel so alive. Got your license to drive. License to drive. Now that you're 16. Me crazy."

Supersonic ends the dance by raising his right fist into the air, and while the crowd is cheering and applauding, I can't help but comment, "This song should be considered a crime against humanity! Why the hell are they cheering!?"

Meanwhile, on the stage, I see another familiar face coming up taking Supersonic's place, he is an African-American Supe, 1,84 meters tall, with short black hair and dark brown eyes, and a light goatee beard, he is wearing multicolored blue, yellow, green, and red suit that seems to represent the African Flag and seems quite proud of it as he walks toward the microphone, he is Reginald Franklin, better known as The A-Train, the Supe who killed Hughie's first girlfriend and the knock-off version of the Flash.

(Image Here - A-Train)

A-Train twirls in front of the microphone to show everyone the new colors of his suit as he laughs and says, "Ha, ha, ha. Yeah. Yeah!"

Then as the audience continues to clap their hands, he urges them to continue, "Yeah, all right. Let's hear it for Supersonic, everybody. A very possible future member of the Seven."

After that, he introduces the next ones who will come up on the stage, "All right, so now, I would like to bring out our cocaptains. So let's give it up for Starlight and the man of the hour himself, Homelander!"

At the same time, on the multiple stage displays behind him appear the image of Homelander's bust and a starlit sky in the background.

Then from behind one of the stage displays, Anne and Homelander come out, both waving at the audience with some bright fake smile on their faces.

After that, A-Train moves closer to Homelander and shakes his hand whispering something that the audience can't clearly hear, of course, I don't have that problem, and hear A-Train simply say, "Happy birthday, Homelander."

To which Homelander replies with, "Hey, thank you." but then he adds in a lower tone as he chuckles, "Yeah. I can see your girdle, you disgusting fat fսck. Get off the fսcking stage." making me let out a sigh and comment, "Hah, how charming..." then I say, "Crathy make sure to connect also to those stage displays and others like them all over the world... After all, I want to reach as many people as possible."

I then look at the laptop screen and see the words, "Already done." seeing that, I smile and say, "Thanks."

Then I focus back on the TV and see that Anne starts her introduction, "Wow, I'm so honored to be with you guys tonight to celebrate my dear friend... and mentor Homelander. I'm here to do more than wish you a happy birthday, though. I'm thrilled to be announcing a project that is near and dear to my heart. The Starlight House is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to helping homeless and at-risk youth."

But right at that moment, someone from the audience yells out, "Hey, Homelander! Your Nazi died!" stunning everyone in the audience, and soon the security takes him away, while a strange silence falls into the theater.

I look at Homelander as he tries to keep that fake smile on his face, and at the same time, Anne stammers, "Homelander... He's just, he's a human. He's just like the rest of us. And we all make mistakes, right? But we all deserve second chances. In that spirit, Homelander has agreed to donate $10 million..."

At this point, Homelander laughs softly then his face hardens as he looks down.

At the same time, I realize, 'Wow, I still didn't do anything and he is already about to snap? Talk about luck!'

Meanwhile, Anne continues, "... to the Starlight House, which is, I mean..." but soon he smiles and says "No." Anne continues to try to defuse the situation and says, "Give... Come on. Give it up."

But again Homelander says, "No." Anne tries again as she claps her hands to encourage the audience to do the same, "Give it up for this guy."

Homelander can't stand it anymore and louder than before he says, "No. No. No!" making all the applause stop.

Then he moves in front of the microphone and says, "Starlight lied to you just now. She did. I don't make mistakes. I'm not "just like the rest of you." I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better. I am better. I'm not some weak-kneed fսcking crybaby that goes around fucking apologizing all the time. And why the fսck would you want me to be?"

Seeing him like that, I mutter in wonder, "What the flip? Why is he making things easier for me!?"

At the same time, I hear a female voice in the control room shout, "Go to fսcking commercial, Roger. Go to fսcking commercial."

But soon after that Homelander yells while pointing at the man, "Don't you dare stop rolling, Roger!"

At this point, I smirk and pull out the Chinese Novel protagonist in me and mutter, "Fear not a god-like enemy, but a pig-like comrade." then I command, "Get ready, Crathy. We are about to start."

Meanwhile, Homelander continues with his speech, "All my life, people have tried to control me. My whole life. Rich people, powerful people have tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient like I'm a fucking puppet. You know what? It worked. Because I allowed it to work. And guess what? If they can control me, then you can bet your ass they can control you. They already do. You just don't realize it. I'm done. I am done apologizing. I am done being persecuted for my strength. You people should be thanking Christ that I am who and what I am because you need me. You need me to save you. You do. I am the only one who possibly can. You're not the real heroes. I'm the real hero. I'm the real hero."

At this point, a wide smile forms on my face as I think about what I am about to do, then I mute the TV, take a deep breath, and command, "Crathy, it's showtime!"

Homelander POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

As everyone stood in silence staring at me, I never felt so free, I finally let out everything I held in my chest, that oppressive feeling that I carried throughout this whole year was finally gone, I have never felt better in my life.

But right at this moment, I hear a youthful voice that says, "Wow, if he is the real hero, then this world is truly fucked."

As soon as I hear this voice, I notice that everyone is now looking behind me, and turning around, I see that the multiple stage displays are now showing the image of a young man with messy dark blue hair and bright green eyes calmly sitting on a couch in a somewhat familiar room with a small smile on his face.

Then the young man says, "Well, excuse my rudeness and foul language but I couldn't stand the bullshit that came out of that man-child's mouth any longer, especially when the "real hero" has a list of his victims, both directly and indirectly, that is way longer than the list of people he truly saved."

Hearing that, I immediately feel the flames of anger lit up once again while thinking, 'How does this brat dare to call me man-child and say that in front of everyone!? I will find him and rip him apart one limb at a time!'

At the same time, I hear Ashley in the control room as she yells in panic, "Why the fuck this is also appearing on my phone! What the fuck is going on!? Cut the fucking broadcast, Roger!" but Roger replies, "I can't! I lost control of everything! It doesn't even respond to the commands!"

Meanwhile, the young man says, "But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this personable dramatis persona..." as he slightly bows his head.

Then he stands up with flair yelling, "Presto!" and says with expressive body language, "Presented, a humble practiced performer, cast by proxy as both predator and prey by the permutations of Fate. This pretense, no mere posture of pride, is a persistence of the populi vox, now passed, perished. However, this plucky presentation of a by-gone problem stands primed, and has pledged to penalize these perfidious and poisonous pests protecting perversion and promising the powerfully primitive and prodigious prohibition of purpose."

Then a big glowing golden "P" appears behind him as he spreads his arms wide and declares, "The only pronouncement is punishment; a payback, held as a pact, not profitless, for the price and probity of such shall one day protect the perspicacious and the pure."

He then giggles almost unable to maintain the serious facade and says, "Positively, this potpourri of pleonasm pivots most periphrastic, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Pucci, Jayr Pucii."

And this young man ends this ridiculous introduction with a bow, making me question his sanity.

After that, he raises his head and with a smile, he says, "I apologize for the quite dramatic introduction, but I wanted to pull off something like this for quite a while. Anyway, for those who didn't quite understand yet, my name is Jayr Pucci, and at the moment I took control of all the media to make so that my message will be able to reach everyone in the world so that the truth won't be hidden under a heaps of lies anymore."

The young man who introduced himself as Jayr Pucci once again sits on the couch and says, "Now you should be asking, "Why should we trust the words of an unknown handsome young man?" Well, you will believe me as I will also show you proof of everything I'm going to tell you, as how I got those is also quite simple if you think about it. If I can easily control every media, phone, computer, and such in the world, why can't I hack into the most secure networks and take everything I need?"

At this point, I glance at Stan and see something, I never expected to see, his worried face, then I look back as this Jayr smiles knowingly almost as if he is looking straight at me, and says, "First of all, let's start with everyone's favorite "real hero", Homelander, real name John Gillman, for now, I won't go into the details of his birth, but damn, since young this one killed a hell lot of people, but I'll only tell you about his most recent and evil actions."

As he says this, I hear that stupid cunt Ashley panic, even more, yelling at everyone to take back control or shut down everything, but no matter what they try, it is useless, so I take the matter into my hands and use my Heat Vision to destroy the stage displays, but soon I realize that my red heat energy beam is stopped by some kind of glowing barrier and no matter of much I try, I'm unable to cut through it.

Soon after I hear his voice in my head as he says, [It's useless John, even if you were able to destroy those stage displays, you wouldn't be able to stop this as, as I have said before, it is shown on every TV, compared, or phone screen, on every channel, and on every streaming site, you can't stop it, so just enjoy the show.]

Hearing that, I unconsciously stop my Heat Vision as I have a sinking feeling of what is about to happen.

At the same time, he says, "Now, I'm sure that everyone remembers the tragic incident of a couple of years ago where a transoceanic flight was highjacked mid-flight and the people aboard were being held as hostages by terrorists but then something went wrong and the plane fell and 123 hijackers, crew and passengers, lost their lives right? Indeed, I'm talking about the infamous Flight 37 and the thing that went wrong that some people tried to hide so desperately was that Homelander was the cause behind that tragic incident."

As he says that, the dreaded video appears on the screen beside him showing me and Meave on that damned plane, from the start to the end, how we easily dealt with the terrorist, but there are also other scenes from other points of view that show how I killed the last terrorist while also damaging the control panel, how after that we tried to escape, how Meave pleas to me to take at least a couple of children, but I reply that those damn kids will rat us out so I gave her an ultimatum, either flee with me or die with them.

And as Queen Maeve reluctantly decides to leave the kids on the plane to die and flee with me, the scene of me threatening the scared passengers is shown, before I take Meave away and they fall to their death.

After that fucking video, the damned kid on the screen shakes his head and comments, "I'm sure everyone remembers how it ended, Homelander after that gave a quite passionate speech as he told the news that the plane had already fallen when they arrived and they didn't make it in time, because they wasted time trying to get the necessary authorization from the authorities. He then promised that if the government allowed superheroes to join the military, such incidents would never happen again. Quite the hero isn't it? Not only did he basically cause the whole mess that ended with the death of 123 people, but he even took advantage of that to further his own selfish cause."

Before I could say anything, he continues, "And that isn't even the worst of what this "hero" is capable of to fulfill his own selfish desires... Another thing he had his hands in that affected quite a lot of lives is the very creation of what is nowadays known as Supe Terrorist..."

And just like before, another video appears beside him, this one seems from a surveillance camera, showing me talking with Madelyn Stillwell.

I can clearly hear my voice as the me on the video says, "Madelyn. Did it ever occur to you that... a Supe Terrorist showing up exactly when we needed him to was... a pretty fucking incredible coincidence? It's almost like... someone planned it."

I look at the me in the video smiling proudly as I sat, "Mm-hmm. Me. Me. I made him." making Madelyn question me, "What do you mean you "made him"?"

And the me in the video starts to explain with a smile on his face as he walks around her, "Well, I borrowed some Compound V, had A-Train run it all over the globe, and I supercharged some jihadis. Heh. Uh, not to oversimplify it. I mean, it-it was actually very difficult and very messy, using adult subjects. There's a good reason that Vought doesn't do it. But... well, enough survived to call the operation a huge success. Huge. And now... we have villains all over the globe... that only we can fight. In sequel after sequel... after sequel."

At this point, the video stops, and that damned Jayr comments, "Woah! I have heard before of heroes creating their own nemesis... but this takes the cake! It almost makes one ask who is the real Supe Terrorist here, isn't it?"

I can't stand his complacent smirk anymore, so I start to study his surroundings to find where exactly he is so that I can rip off his face, 'He should be nearby or at least in some place I'm familiar with because I'm sure that I have seen those walls, that marble floor, and the view that can be seen from the window behind him somewhere... But why can't I remember where!?'

I also use my super hearing to try to pick up his voice, but I hear it from everywhere as every damn television, computer, smartphone and even radio around a thousand miles from here are fucking broadcasting this shit, moreover, I can clearly hear many outrages and curses aimed at me.

Hearing all their hate directed at me, makes me darkly realize, 'Very well, if you all won't love and admire me... Then I'll make you all learn to fear and worship me! I'll take off my fucking gloves and destroy everything, make all you pigs stand at your rightful place! On your knees licking the ground I'll step on, worshipping me as the god I am! But before that! I have to make that fucking kid that started it all suffer and beg for mercy as I'll rip him apart one small piece at a time, just enough to keep him alive so that he can watch as I kill and defile everyone he cares for!'.

While I was thinking that, he says, "Well, I have talked enough about this piece of shit that you call a hero, if you want a complete list of his crimes and of those Supes like him, you just have to visit the site I created whose address you will find in your e-mails, its name is trueevil.fandom.com the sender is JayrPucci@vought_admin.com."

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

I feel the outrage of all the people across the world as they watch my speech, I'm truly glad to sense that most of the people supporting Homelander are now already denouncing him, only a small part of them, the true diehard fanboy, are still believing that this is only a plot against their "hero", fully believing in the fact that Homelander with his "enormous power" will once again come up at the top and bring justice to the evil me, but luckily those are only a small minority.

While sensing the overall situation of the globe, I continue to smile in front of the camera while thinking, 'For now, everything is going according to the plan. I was able to expose Homelander, I have slightly manipulated his mind to make him forget about Stromfront's apartment for just long enough so that I can finish this. Moreover, remembering what Meave told me about him, I also directed all his hate on me so that he'd search for me before he unleashes his fury on the other people. Now it's time to attack the Vought International as a whole.'

Thinking that, I proceed to the next part of my speech, "Now, Homelader may be an evil, manipulative, mass murderer, rapist douchebag... But he did say something true in his previous enraged speech. He talked about rich people who controlled him and who are controlling and manipulating you all too. The clear target of those accusations is, of course, Vought International. A very corrupt conglomerate who pulled off a hell lot of nasty, bone-chilling actions throughout the years."