Fall From Grace

??? POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

The first thing that catches my attention is his confident voice as he says, "Now, Homelader may be an evil, manipulative, mass murderer, rapist douchebag... But he did say something true in his previous enraged speech. He talked about rich people who controlled him and who are controlling and manipulating you all too. The clear target of those accusations is, of course, Vought International. A very corrupt conglomerate who pulled off a hell lot of nasty, bone-chilling actions throughout the years."

I can't help but look almost entranced at the image of the handsome young man sitting on the couch with a calm smile on his face that can be seen on all the displays and TV screens in the middle of the street.

He looks around my age, with naturally messy dark blue hair which almost reminds me of a Saiyan, lively green eyes, and even if he wears a simple white t-shirt and some jeans, these clothes still aren't able to hide his Greek god-like body hidden underneath them, moreover, he emits a certain imposing presence that makes it impossible for anyone to ignore him and what he is saying.

With all these hints plus his peculiar appearance which is quite rare in this world, it is clear who he is, so I mutter out loud, "Jayr Pucci... he is the other Champion... my opponent in this Random Battle."

At the same time, I analyze all the pieces of information that he unconsciously gave away throughout his whole speech, 'First of all, his hair color appears to be a natural one, I don't know if he changed his appearance with some technique or superpower, but at the very least it isn't dyed. This means that he is, more probably, from some anime or novel world, and while I don't remember well all the other Champions' choices, I can at least be sure that he isn't the Champion that chose Dragon Ball because I remember that he chose to be Goku's son and his family characteristics are pretty clear like all Saiyans, black spiky hair and black eyes.'

Reaching this point, I continue my analysis, "I can already eliminate the Champion from Bleach, but he could be the Champion from Naturo under Transformation or DxD, I remember that there were a few other Anime Universes too, ah right, the Man of Culture he chose Saint Seiya, I don't remember what that anime is about, but I now it was a quite old one and the hair style could match, I clearly remember that old anime that my aunt liked, Sailor Moon, also had a few unusual hair colors and the period should be more or less the same...'

After making a quick list of the possible origin of this Champion, I start to analyze his behavior and the actions he has taken so far focusing more on the abilities he has shown, 'He is very confident, almost borderline arrogant, and clearly he has no fear of Homelander's retaliation, implying that he is sure that he can deal with him, something that I'm currently not so sure I can also do, as I can't use my magic and physically I'm weaker than him, plus I can't fly. Maybe it has something do to with that strange energy he released when he drew that "P" behind himself during his introductory speech, that wasn't CG but pure energy manipulation. And let's not forget about how he was able to gain control of all the media, which indicates that he is either very tech-savvy or has overwhelmingly advanced technology.'

Then I try to analyze his character, 'Anyway, he seems to be a nice enough guy and one that can't stand in front of injustices, after all, he is exposing all of Homelander and the other supes' dirty deeds, and also seems intent on bringing down the Vought, even if doing so could make him a target for another Champion that could aim at his lif...'

But as I think that, I also realize another thing, 'Wait! Could he be doing all this to quickly force the other Champion out? Knowingly painting a big target on himself so that instead of going around searching for his opponent, he makes his opponent come to him either to assassinate him, surrender, or challenge him... But that's way too reckless!! How could he play with his life like that!? Unless... unless he is very confident that no matter what happens he can come out on top, especially if one tries to assassinate him or comes to surrender. And in the case of a challenge, that is something that both parties have to agree so it is theoretically impossible to have an overwhelming advantage unless one is tricked into agreeing to do a challenge where the opponent has a sure way to win which means that even if he is in good faith and doesn't want to kill his opponent if he feels that the challenge isn't fair enough he could very well force his opponent to surrender or deal with him in a definitive way. How tricky...'

Realizing all that, even if a lot of it is pure speculation, I can't help to admit that the other Champion, Jayr Pucci, made a very good play, especially if he has an overwhelming power like those of the Saiyan or Superman.

Meanwhile, the Champion Jayr continues his speech, "Let's start with the least evil of this conglomerate actions, the fact, that Vought International in all these years has always staged some of the most iconic moments of your favorite heroes making them appear more competent and greater than life itself so that they could sell you more merchandise, bloody hell, most of the times, the Supes do not even truly try to stop crimes, they only walk around the cities to make their presences felt, and if they do act, in some way they end up messing everything up."

At the same time, as Jayr is telling this, various photos, videos, and images of Vought International's internal documents briefly appear one after the other to further prove that everything he is saying is the truth, some are pretty gruesome like a Supe pushing away someone about to be run over by a car, only they used too much force for the push making that unfortunate person crash against a wall breaking his neck and killing him on the spot.

After that, he adds, "And talking about messing up, did you know that the Vought has always covered up under the rug all the misdeeds of their Supes? Collateral damages to people or properties, sexual assaults, drug abuses, misuses of their powers that cause severe bodily damage or even death of civilians, brutality on the criminals that can even be considered war crimes, straight up murder just because they could get away for it, and the list goes on, and on, and on!"

At this point, Jayr seems truly pissed, and with more vigor in his voice he says, "All of this was covered by the Vought International with methods that would make the various criminal organization around the world blush in shame, paying up hush money, bribing, threatening, making the witness disappear, cleaning up the crime scene, straight up assassination, name a method, the Vought International did it, and most of them were done the Vought Special Services (VSS), a secret division of Vought International that specializes in cleaning up the messes left behind by Supes. Once again for all the info and proof of their activities visit the site."

After that, Jayr lets out a sigh and says, "And all that isn't even the worse of what the Vought did all these years. Inhuman experimentation on orphan children and newborns, blackmail and assassination of political enemies, minor exploitation, slavery, genocide, terrorism, there isn't a crime that the Vought didn't dare to commit to further attain their objectives, they are a truly diabolical conglomerate."

Then he exposes that Soldier Boy was never a war hero and that in fact, he never fought on a battlefield, and that he was as much of an ass as Homelander, he even was the one behind a certain incident known as the Kent State massacre which seems to shock the people around me even more, some even start to fall on their knees and cry as they watch the bloody old video of this knock-off Captain America that looks like Dean Winchester from the Supernatural series as he literally rips apart the young protester and even nearby children with a wicked smile on his face, an event akin to the Kent State Shooting of the 1970 of my previous life.

After that, Jayr also talks about how Homelander was created in a laboratory and that the genetic material used was that of Soldier Boy and nazi Stormfront who was also his fucking girlfriend for a time, how soon after he was born the Vought that now deemed Soldier Boy unnecessary, choose to deal with him and sold him to the Russian.

Jayr dropped one bomb after the other going into detail to expose every criminal activity the Vought International did try to cover pulling out one proof after the other, so much that it could easily be incriminated for crimes against humanity.

After all that, Jayr says, "I'm sure that some of you still won't believe what I'm telling you, saying things like, "If the Vought is so ruthless and powerful, how could they allow the foundation of the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs (FBSA)? That's the government agency that was opened by the White House to monitor, police, arrest and convict any members of the superhuman community accused of illegal activities that they may have committed, run by former congresswoman Victoria Neuman." To that I would reply with, it is very simple, they allowed the creation of such an agency simply because it is under their control."

A mocking smile forms on his face as he explains his accusations, "You see, the former congresswoman Victoria Neuman's true identity is that of Nadia Neuman a Supe orphan that was sent to the Red River Institute because she lost control of her powers and killed her parents and also many adoptive families until she was eventually unofficially adopted by Stan Edgar, the Vought International CEO, who gave her a new identity and erased all evidence regarding her victims, but that isn't the only thing, she is also the one responsible for the attack at the congressional hearing."

As he explains this, more photo and video comes up as evidence showing her various victims, and her younger self together with Stan Edgar, there is also the intercepted conversation between her and Edgar as she asks his help to clean up one of her messes.

After that, he spreads his arms and asks, "So let me ask you how could the daughter truly harm her father's company, the father that watched over and protected her since she was young?"

Then Jayr stands up and says, "Anyway, I spoke long enough already. I'm sure that you all have a lot to digest. I just ask you to truly look at the site I made and look with your own eyes all the shit, evil, and suffering that the Vought brought all these years, and punish them for it. Because in total, the number of the Vought's victims is way greater than those of the Holocaust."

Jayr then turns around and with his back facing the window he says, "Now, if you are interested, I'll show you the epic fight between, the handsome me, and Homelander." then he adds like some kind of fucked up commercial, "This fight between the dashing young man that exposed the ugly truth and the nazi, American fake hero whose favorite song is Sweet Home Alabama is presented to you by Crateris TV, the only channel in the world that will always tell you the truth!"

Looking at the screen, I notice that the figure of a flying Homelander can be seen outside of the window, with his eyes shining red like some kind of demonic entity clearly ready to hit him with his Heat Vision.

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

I look at Homelander flying outside the window ready to shoot a Heat Vision Beam at me with a calm smile on my face as I think, 'That went very well, I was able to deliver everything clearly, and was even able to further enrage Homelander, making him focus on me even more... I have to say, I never liked playing the tank in games, but it seems I have some talent in pulling in some aggro because as soon as I removed the memory block that prevented him from recognizing this place, Homelander ignored everyone that was throwing insults at him and rushed here like a possessed demon.'

While thinking that, a vicious smile forms on Homelander's face as he releases his Heat Energy Beam from his eyes clearly aiming at cutting off my right leg.

I watch the Heat Energy Beam make a hole in the glass and move on toward its target me without pause, at the same time, a smirk forms on my face as I watch the Heat Energy Beam "slowly" approach my leg, then I lightly coat my right leg in my Spiral Cosmo and with a simple kick, I reflect the Heat Energy Beam back at Homelander, completely breaking the window's glass, surprising him who has on the time to shout, "What the...!" before it hits him in the nuts, sending him crashing against the skyscraper on the other side as he lets out a grunt of pain.

With an amused grin, I mutter out loud for the audience all around the world following this fight, "Oww! I got it with his own beam in the nuts! I hope that hurts as much as it looks... after all, as a rapist, he lost the right to use it a long time ago."

Then I use my telekinesis to pick up the camera so that everyone, especially his diehard fans, can see how pathetic their hero truly is, and calmly fly out of the apartment to chase after him.

But as I'm halfway there, Homelander slowly flies out of the skyscraper, a lot calmer and apparently unharmed as there is only a small scorched patch on his suit in the crotch area, and once he is close enough he comments, "I'm surprised, you aren't only an annoying kid but a Supe a too?" then he evilly smirks and asks, "But are you strong enough?"

After saying that, Homelander rushes forward to me with a high-speed Superman punch, but he is way too slow for me, so I calmly float to the side dodging his punch, once he flew past me, I extend my left arm and grab his cape, stopping him and say out loud, "You know, you should fire who designed your suit..."

Then I start to slowly fly toward the ground, and by slowly I mean at merely supersonic speed while saying, "Because a cape truly isn't practical, it is more a liability than anything, and quoting a very wise woman..."

At this point, I slam Homelander into the ground headfirst while yelling, "No capes!!" generating a strong shockwave while forming a sizeable crater in the concrete.

I look at the damage I caused, the broken shop windows and the flipped cars all caused by the previous shockwave, and think with a frown on my face, 'Okay, as my control over my strength didn't slip, this can only mean that my Earth, Tortus, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's Earth are somewhat stronger and more resilient compared to this one, I used enough strength to only generate a small crater and raise some dust, but I almost caused a small earthquake, it seems that I have to be more careful from now on as some Universes are clearly weaker than others and so can withstand way less damage. Luckily I teleported everyone nearby out of harm's way beforehand as soon as Homelander showed himself.'

Then I calmly walk toward the still downed Homelander and say, "To reply to your question, I'm not a Supe. There is no way I'll inject that thing into my body. All you see is the result of years of deadly training, magic-infused deadly meat, and even more deadly training."

As I slowly get closer, Homelander gets up and yells, "Don't mess with me!" then he dashes toward me and starts to attack with a rush of wide amateurish punches something that I easily dodge by swaying and ducking my upper body with a speed equal to that of a normal human athlete.

At the same time, as I continue to dodge his attacks, I look away from him and stare at the camera, and with a calm smile I start a commentary on the ongoing fight, "As everyone in the audience can see, the former hero now unmasked Supe Terrorist Mastermind Homelander has some really shitty combat skills, sure he is trained and has the basic down, however due to his superior strength always giving him the advantage, he never actually needed it and therefore has never improved them. Consequently, he can be overpowered by the weaker foes, like me at the moment, as I'm only using a level of speed equal to that of a normal human athlete but despite that, he isn't able to even graze me."

As I dodge another wide left hook I use my telekinesis to move the camera away as an enraged Homelander tried to blast it with his Heat Energy Beam, at the same time, I realize that I missed this feeling for quite a long time, 'It was quite some time since I last used some good old martial arts to kick some douchebag's ass, lately it was only through sparring, while the serious battles moved around some universe ending energy blasts... Let's break him the good old Pankration's way!'

With a smirk, I once again look at the floating camera and say, "Now, I'm going to teach all you kids how to deal with a more physically powerful and much dumber bully when he assaults you."

I continue to easily dodge his attack while I take a few steps back making Homelander chase after me as he yells, "Shut up you fucking bitch!"

At the same time, I start to explain, "Remember, the most important thing is timing, it has to be perfect, normally you don't need to be stronger or faster to subdue your opponent..."

While, I'm explaining that, I once more dodge Homelander's right straight punch but this time, I take a diagonal step forward as I lean my body to the side getting closer to him, then I grab his wrist, and lightly kick his pivot leg and with the hand holding his wrist I take control of his center of gravity and with a small pull I use the force Homelander used for this attack to slam him into the ground while I calmly continue my explanation, "... Because you can use his own power against him to thrown him into the ground."

Then I take a step back from the downed Homelander and I comment, "I can honestly tell you that the amount of power that I used to throw the mighty Supe Terrorist Homelander into the ground is equal to that of an untrained skinny teen. What you just saw was pure technique, something that anyone can train."

Homelander easily gets up from the ground and yells enraged, "Stop messing around!!" and shoots another Heat Energy Beam from his eyes, which I dodge with a simple side step as I conclude, "Of course, such techniques are great if you are against a normal or slightly stronger humans as they still can get hurt or be stunned by being slammed into the ground. Unfortunately against someone as durable as a Supe, these techniques are only good to briefly stun them and buy some time to get away or wait for help."

Right after that, I run toward him and once he is in my range, I hit him with a light left jab right on the right eye with just enough power to punch through a concrete wall, making him groan in pain and retaliate with a wild right hook which I easily deflect and taking advantage of the opening, I knee him in the stomach with even more power than before, making Homelander kneel over with his hands over his abdomen as he continues to curse at me.

I take a few steps back and look once again into the camera and comment, "As you can see, even a "superior" Supe like the Supe Terrorist Homelander can still be harmed like everyone else if one hits hard enough and in the right places..."

Huffing, Homelander stands up and yells with his eyes shining red like some kind of demonic being, "Shut up you fucking cunt! You don't know anything!! Those pathetic inferior lifeform won't even dare to step out of their fucking homes if I'm gone! They need me! They need to love me! They need to worship ME!! I'm the one they call when they need help! I'm the one they point their finger at if something doesn't go their way! No matter what you say, in the end, those insignificant sheep will only believe what I'm going to tell them to believe! If I tell them to jump down a building and meet their death that's what they are gonna do, just like that pathetic suicide girl this morning! I'm their one and only god!!"

Looking at the deranged Homelander as he flies toward me with a hysteric expression, I start to wonder, 'Did I perhaps break him? Well, probably my actions were only the last straw that broke the camel's back! After all, he did take quite a few blows in these couple of days...'

Meanwhile, Homelander is about to hit me with another flying Superman punch, but this time, I simply stop it with the palm of my hand, even so, the impact of Homelander's attack is so strong that it generates a shockwave that shatters all the windows of the building behind me.

I look at Homelander's shocked face and a slight smile forms on my face, then I grab his fist and throw a powerful kick at the still-in-mid-air Homelander, this time, I use 1/4 of my full power and on impact, a deafening sound is heard as a titanic shockwave akin one generated by a nuclear explosion is produced that shatters all the glasses in an 11 kilometers radius and sends the nearby cars flying, of course, the nearby buildings are still fine because I protected them with my Spiral Cosmo just like the nearby camera, but I let the glass and cars be destroyed just for the audience watching this.

Meanwhile, Homelander, who was on the receiving end, throws up a mouthful of blood as his body takes a "^" shape while still being held by me, then he shows the white of his eyes, crashes on the ground and passes out while frothing blood from his mouth.

Seeing that, I mutter, "Oh! I used too much power and ruptured his stomach..." then I quickly heal him, then I look at the camera and say while pointing at the downed Homelander, "Here is it guys. That was what your hero truly thought of you. And this is his end for being a piece of shit."

After that, I stop the broadcast and inject into the knocked-out Homelander's body a dose of Anti-V, turning him back into a normal powerless human.

Then I teleport here, Butcher and the Boys who were waiting at their headquarters, the first one to speak is the one who I instantly recognize as M.M. who says in wonder, "He did it... He really fucking did it!"

At the same time, Frenchie exclaims, "C'est fantastique!" while an ecstatic Hughie adds, "With all that, this time the Vought is done for real, there is no way they can recover from this!"

The only one not cheering is Butcher who is staring at the figure of Homelander lying on the ground as if he wants to eat him alive, and with his gaze still locked on him, he asks, "Did you already give it to him?"

Seeing that, I stand in front of him putting my hand on his chest to stop him from moving and forcing him to look at me, I say, "Yes, I already gave him a dose of the Anti-V. Right now he is a normal if not slightly healthier human. But before you can release your anger on him, I want to ask you. Do you really want to simply kill him, knowing that it will give his soul a chance to be reborn somewhere else and be happy, or do you want to make him suffer for a very long time?"

Hearing my question, a malignant grin form on Butcher's face as he answers, "Isn't the answer fucking obvious!?"