Preparations for a New Adventure 

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 1991

After spending a very satisfying night with my girlfriends, especially thanks to the dutiful effort of Cratergann the best possible babysitter ever who can easily take care and entertain the kids and even withstand the sudden outburst of their Spiral Cosmo and other abilities, I wake up the next morning on the huge bed of my bedroom.

A smile forms on my face as the first thing I see is the enchanting sight of the naked bodies of my girls clinching to my body while the marks of last night's activities can still be seen.

Such sight instantly causes the awakening of my little brother which is once again ready for action despite all the fun we had yesterday.

But I choose to focus on something else and slowly get up from the bed to not disturb the girls' rest, then I move out of our bedroom and walk toward the kids' room to check on them.

Opening the door of their room, I'm greeted with the sight of Kharna, Galen, and Python sleeping in Cratergann's cockpit as it slowly leans its body back and forth to lull them to sleep.

Seeing that, I move closer checking on them, and with a content smile on my face, I use our connection to telepathically say, 'Thanks for your help, partner. How did it go?' making Cratergann reply, 'It went well... They woke up in the middle of the night because they were hungry, so I fed them with the milk you prepared beforehand, and after some time, they relieved themselves so I cleaned them and then played with them until they got tired and went to sleep again... I think they are going to wake up in a couple of hours more or less.'

I once again thank Cratergann for his help, then I move to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, and also to prepare the kids' next meal, then with the floating trays behind me, I move back to the bedroom and slowly start the ritual to wake my girls up in their favorite way as we always do every morning.

I start with Seika with a peck on her forehead as I whisper "Good morning, my love!", Saori with a chaste kiss on her lips, Eri with a hug and a kiss on top of her head, and Tio with a resounding slap on the butt that stir her awake with a sensual moan while also blowing away the remaining sleepness from the other three as Eri silently curse, "Damn, Ero-Dragon... always so loud and indecent every damn morning..."

After that, we had our breakfast, but while we were eating Saori suddenly asked, "So when are you going to leave next?" making all the girls stop eating and focus on me.

Hearing that question, I remain in silence unable to come up with a definitive answer as I don't want to leave the girls and especially the kids alone, not when they are so young.

Seika who instantly realizes the reason behind my hesitation quickly says, "Usually you would travel as soon as the cooldown period of the Unigate is over, basically on the day of your birthday, but this time you didn't do so, and the reason is clear, you don't want to leave us."

I sigh out loud and reply, "You're right... I don't want to leave you and the kids behind, but... I can't even take you with me, not only because it is dangerous, but also becua-" but Saori interrupts me, and with a smile she says, "Because I have my duty to protect the Earth, right?"

I simply nod at that, but then Saori's smile grows warmer as she says, "You know that I'll still be able to fulfill my duties even if I'm away from Earth, right? After all, that is the main reason why the Pope and the Saints exist in the first place, even if I'm not physically there, my Cosmo, which is imbued into everything in the Sanctuary, and in every Cloth donned by the Saint will continue to protect and guide them, like it has done in the void periods between one reincarnation and the other. Athena and her Saint will always protect the Earth, so Saori and her family can always take some time to visit some other universe and meet and help new people."

Following her, Tio adds, "Moreover, there is some form of danger everywhere we go, the only absolutely safe place is the husband's dimension. But more importantly, we aren't so weak that we need our husband's protection, especially since our husband has helped this one turn her Magic Power into Spiral Cosmo. If someone seeks to harm this one family then it needs to be ready to face a Dragon's Wrath."

Eri then nods and says, "That's right! And not even death will save them if they dare to harm what is mine! They will experience an eternity of suffering... I'll make sure of that!"

Then without giving me any chance to say anything, Seika asks, "So, now that we have agreed that we will come with you... What universe we are going to explore?" to which Eri happily exclaims, "Yes! This is going to be our first family outing!!"

Seeing them like that, I can't help but smile wryly and say, "Since "we" decided that you're going to come with me no matter what, then I can only tell you what our next destination is going to be."

I look at the curious expression on the girls' faces and declare, "We are going to keep the promise that I and Saori made to Poseidon a few years ago to stop the Holy War. Helping him reach a new world very compatible with his domain where he can fulfill his wish to rule over a world as its God..."

At this point, Tio comments, "This one doesn't know, this feels a little evil for my taste... We are basically offering a whole world in sacrifice..."

I nod and say, "I would have agreed with you if the God in question is pure evil and the offered world is in peace and ruled by somewhat good people... But Poseidon while very ambitious isn't an evil God, in fact, he even helped us protect the world when Hades was about to kill every living being on Earth, and the world we are sending him is ruled by an oppressive, corrupt, and degenerated organization which stops at nothing to continue to maintain their current authority and power. Slavery, mass genocide, abuse of power, war crimes, false incrimination, torture, conspiracy, hate propaganda, cover-ups, they did all that and more... Those in power are basically the highest kind of scum one can find."

At this point, Eri seems to understand where we are going next as that universe in question is pretty famous in her world and exclaims, "Don't tell me...?"

Looking at her, I smile and continue, "Indeed, the next universe that we will explore is going to be the One Piece Universe, which is also the home Universe of one of the other Champions, the Champion of Wood if I remember well, whose Concept seems to have a stiff sense of comedy. And because of his presence, I have no idea of what we could find there. What I clearly remember is that the Champion chose to be born the same year as Portgas D. Ace, someone quite important in that universe... This also means that every important event that I remember about that Universe still has to happen and that the Champions had years to screw up everything I knew about it."

At this point, I once again sigh and conclude, "For all I know, he could have become a revered hero, a feared tyrant, or even the king of the world, or he could be someone who doesn't want to lose his advantage would let the event play as they should reducing his impact on the fate of that universe to the minimum. So we are to be ready for anything."

Saori slowly nods and comments, "That's true... by the way, if we are going to take Poseidon and his men with us, that means that they are going to stay here too, right?"

I nod and reply, "Yes but not for long, and they will stay away from this place and for further security, a barrier will be put around all the important locations, so you don't have to worry about them causing any kind of damage."

After that, we talk about our plans for the day and what we have to do before going to the One Piece Universe, then we all move to the bathroom where we clean ourselves, and then we all go our separate ways to prepare for our next journey.

Saori and Seika took Kharna, Galen, Python, and Cratergann back to the Sanctuary with them, where Saori informed Saga about our family adventure and started to prepare plans for everything that could and probably will happen in our absence while Seika and Cratergann took care of the kids.

Eri and Tio remained in my Soulbound Territory where they sparred to get used to the abilities of their newly gained Spiral Cosmo, something I obviously helped them gain as it is a superior and very versatile form of any energy that can be used for casting magic spell, enhancing the body, or to produce supernatural techniques that I currently know of.

Meanwhile, I'm taking care of one of the most important necessities for our next adventure, and I'm standing in front of the Athena's Bidoof, looking at it and thinking, 'As much as I'm fond of the Athena's Bidoof and have many happy memories with this small boat as it was my first home away from home, and more important the place where I and Seika made love for the first time as horny teens, plus the place where I had my first glorious threesome with Seika and Saori. As it is, it isn't big enough for the family, nor strong enough to withstand the crazy waters and weathers of the One Piece Universe.'

I walk around the small white and blue catamaran while muttering, "Many times, I had the idea of upgrading it, first into a magic artifact with Hajime and Oscar's help, then into a technologically advanced boat using Lordgenome's knowledge... but it never happened both because I didn't want to compromise the wonderful memory I had, and also because I never had the free time to truly focus on it... But now... It is necessary..."

At this point, I start to plan all the changes the Athena's Bidoof is going to go through and how I'm going to get the best result, 'If I want to conserve the "spirit" of the Athena's Bidoof the best way is to use everything I learned to the best of my abilities, the Clothsmith arts learned by Mu, the creation of powerful artifact of the Arifureta Universe, the advanced technological knowledge of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and of course, I will have to disassemble the current ship and use its transmuted components to make the new one, this way the Old Athena's Bidoof's spirit will still live in the new one, I will reincarnate it into the perfect ship for my family, a ship worth of gaining a gender like all the great ships, like the Black Pearl, Queen Anne's Revenge, which are referred as a "she" or the Flying Dutchman that is referred as a"he."'

After a few hours, I finalize the final result in my mind with as many details as possible, 'She will be perfect, the new ship will have durability comparable to a Gold Cloth, she will have a Spiral Engine capable of using Spiral Cosmo as an energy source and this engine can also be connected to Cratergann making her capable of reaching FTL( Faster Than Light) speed using Perceptual Teleportation, and enhancing its durability to make it equal to the Crateris Cloth, and not only that but also making possible to give the control of the whole ship to Crateris if needed. She will be able to sail over water, underwater, fly in the air, and in space, she won't be big on the outside just some 50 meters long and 30 meters high, but on the inside, I will use Spatial Magic to expand the space making her big enough that can comfortably host more than 1000 people, and of course, it won't be the only magical enhancement. Her weapons will be the classic cannons to the side which will be able to shoot anything from classic low-key cannon balls to energy beams, lasers, and even spells, plus the drill generation that it will gain when assimilated by Cratergann, and many more.'

Done with the planning stage, I quickly start to gather all the materials and tools needed while muttering, "For the best result possible, this time I can't use my Spiral Cosmo to make the finished product appear out of nowhere in an instant, for common objects that is fine, but that isn't the right way for these kinds of things. To produce a perfect masterpiece I have to do everything by hand."

Then with a grin I add, "But that doesn't mean that I can't create and produce the raw ingredients needed with my godly means... After all, as long as I'm careful with the process, they will be exactly the same as any other raw material."

And so, after a few minutes, I have everything I need, my upgraded tools, that are now not only imbued with Athena's Blood but also by my own Golden Blood.

The Spiral Stardust Sand, a mutated type of the usual Stardust Sand, is a metallic sand found in places where gods lived for a lot of time absorbing their Divine Cosmo, this is the result of gathering that same type of metallic sand, and instead of making it absorb Divine Cosmo, I imbued my Spiral Cosmo and speed up the process, I used Restoration Magic to make time move faster around the sand area.

Gammanium is an alloy metal that only the Muvian, the descendant of the habitant of the Mu Continent, knew how to produce, but I'm so familiar with this material that I can easily materialize tons of it.

Orichalcum, one of the hardest metals in my home universe, which I also simply created in the needed quantities.

A Divinity Stone formed when large clumps of Mana pool together and crystallize over the span of 1,000 years, easily produced by me using a combination of Restoration Magic and Creation Magic, just like Oscar taught me.

Shtar Ore is a unique ore that gets harder as it absorbs more mana during its forging process.

Azantium, the hardest substance in the Arifureta Universe, is comparable to the Orichalcum.

And lastly woods from the Nymphs' Tree a special type of wood that since my last Blessing upgrade is now imbued with Spiral Cosmo just like the Nymphs which also made their growth faster and made their number bloom.

Of course, I asked Meliae the permission to let me fully analyze her tree so that I can reproduce it, there is no way, I'll cut down their tree to use them, that would have been way too cruel, after all, it would have been the same a cutting down their body, crippling if not even killing them, and there is no way I'll harm my cute, little, mischievous spirits of nature, who could now easily terraform a bare dead planet in a few days.

Once I'm done with that, I start to slowly, carefully, and methodically dismantle the Athena's Bidoof, as expected the hull, deck, and other joints are solid fiberglass while the deck fittings are backed by either solid fiberglass or encapsulated marine plywood for compression strength, but while they are good materials and still in good condition, everything is way to brittle and weak for my taste, especially considering what kind of weather and sea condition will await us in the One Piece Universe, but that is also expected, after all, the Athena's Bidoof is simply a lightweight boat, a catamaran made of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) with balsa cores for decks and above the waterline.

In the end, most of the materials of the Athena's Bidoof aren't fit or strong enough for the new ship, but that isn't a problem as I'll transmute everything into a stronger material and use it to make the most vital parts, the nails and other things that will hold the ship together, with the intend of keeping the previous Athena's Bidoof's spirit alive.

Done with that, I finally started the construction of the new Athena's Bidoof.

First I start by processing the materials, I start with the parts that will make up the core of the ship, and using the good old Hammer and Chisel, I start to remove unnecessary elements from the surface to be worked on before starting the carving using the Pointer and move to the Long Needle, to shape the areas that require undulating or cavity carving, during the process, I also mix the wooden part with the other materials to reinforce them and create new material which retains the living components of the wood, but also gains the added advantages from the minerals, like the incredible durability, the compatibility to my energies and more important, the ability to regenerate.

Sure using these archaic tools isn't the usual practice when it comes to ship building, but these are the only ones that can easily mold any kind of material, no matter how hard or what their propieties are, and more importantly, are perfect for imbue my Spiral Cosmo into any process of the production.

Once I'm done with preparing everything, I move to the shores of the lake I created where I prepared a berth beforehand to start assembling the ship.

I lay the keel, lay the floors in place, erect the frames also known as ribs, hang the beams from the frames, and once the skeleton is complete, I add the plating, and all the parts of the structure are rivetted together.

Then comes the hardest part, the outfitting, where I install the main machinery, together with auxiliaries, piping systems, deck gear, lifeboats, accommodation equipment, plumbing systems, and rigging on board, along with the necessary insulation and deck coverings, and let's not forget about the weapon and energy systems, fitting in the Spiral Engine, and the preparing Cratergann's connection zone nearby.

In the end, all that work took a lot of time even with the use of Telekinesis, Magic, and Matter Creation, and after a few weeks of hard work I'm finally done, I look at my masterpiece and mutter, "Maybe I got a little too excited for this project... Now, I'm not even sure if I built a sailing ship for the One Piece Universe... or a fucking warship capable of laying waste to an entire universe!"

I walk around and continue to check my new masterpiece, the new ship resembles a cross between an old-fashioned galleon and a Dai-Gun battleship, colored in the light brown that reminds me of the usual ship color, and in a light sand color.

The back of the ship is in the shape of an ornate galleon stern, and from below the stern are a pair of large boosters with two rudder-like winglets each.

A pair of wings protrude from above this, that form a booster on each side that ends with a propeller that can be used to move on water, underwater, and in the air.

In front of the stern, on the quarterdeck there is another thin wing, but vertically tall like a mast, that ends in a wingtip pod with two extensions out the side of it, resembling the shape of an owl's head, and another thin wing with this same wingtip pod also juts out of the ship's keel.

The keel also features four short fins and a bottom-mounted cannon turret on the bilge vent.

The bridge is situated on a tall structure, with fluorescent green lights shining through the windows, and atop it is a command center or "secondary bridge" featuring specialized antennae, radar, sensors, and other instruments, and at the very top is a small observation deck, the roof of the bridge is branded with a stylized Bidoof's head.

The structure and quarterdeck are lined and bristling with plenty of small guns and missile ports.

The hull is long and solid, extending far forward, and is also peppered with many panels and vents.

The main deck features two main cannon turrets, the second higher elevated than the first, and behind the second turret and built into the structure's base is another set of cannons, primarily used to intercept enemy below the ship, and of course, one can't forget about the hangar from which my Gunmen can deploy.

But right now, most of these structures are hidden behind two huge cigar-shaped bags, that can be hidden and deployed in an instant using Spiral Cosmo to take flight.

The forecastle of the ship is very sharp and noticeably protrudes from the bow, with large vents similar to that of the wing bases behind it and end with a sharp pointed tip.

Looking at the overall design from the engine room, I can't help but smile proudly while muttering as I turn on the Spiral Engine by injecting my Spiral Cosmo to check that everything works as it should, "I admit, I thought that using the design of Captain Harlock's Arcadia as basis and the technologies of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe for this was a little too much... but I have to say that the finished product is way too awesome!!"

Then sensing that everything is as it should be and feeling the power of this ship, I can't help but declare while laughing out loud, "Hahaha! You can't be called Athena's Bidoof anymore! From now on you are Athena's God Bidoof!!"

(Image Here - Athena's God Bidoof)

In response to my declaration, the Athena's God Bidoof hums with power as if showing her happiness and how much she likes her new name and body, in fact, I can now clearly sense that despite the huge changes she went through, this ship still gives the same feeling of the previous Athena's Bidoof, another proof that what I aimed to do was successful, maybe even a little too much.

Realizing that, a wry smile forms on my face as I say, "And it seems that you're sentient too now... Oh well, once again welcome to the family! I'm sure that everyone is going to love you!" then I ask "Are you ready for a new adventure just like the old times?"

Once again, Athena's God Bidoof happily hums in response to my words, even the Spiral Engine seems to run faster as if excited at the prospect of a new voyage.

After that, I turn off the Spiral Engine and say, "Okay rest for now. Our next destination will be a world that is almost entirely made of water, so we will counting on you!"

Even with the Spiral Engine turned off, Athena's God Bidoof still lets me know her feelings, but this time they are more subdued almost like she is dozing off making me realize, 'It seems that the Spiral Cosmo also powers Athena's God Bidoof's consciousness at least at this moment... probably as she will get stronger she will be able to stay "awake" even when the Spiral Engine is turned off.'

Done with my little project, I open a portal and get out of my Soulbound Territory.

Jayr POV - Earth, Sanctuary - 1991

I get out of the portal and appear in front of the Athena Colossus, and I'm soon greeted by the sight of Saori, Seika, Eri, and Tio playing on the ground with Kharna, Galen, and Python.

Soon, they notice my presence, and the girls yell, "Jayr!", followed by little Galen who yells, "Papa!" Python's happy hiss, and Kharna's merry laugh.

And with a wide smile, I rush toward them and start to shower everyone with my affection, then I joy with them and start to play with the kids, you know the usual stuff, throwing fireballs around with Kharna, and building a Lego version of the Sanctuary with Galen.

Meanwhile, Saori reports, "Poseidon contacted me, he said that he is finally ready to move, and now is waiting for us."

Hearing that I nod as Kharna transforms into a small white dragon and ignites my face with a Dragon Breath, her cute way to show affection that could easily kill someone as her breath is hot enough to melt through a Steel Cloth, luckily, she only does so with me and Tio who can easily withstand her flames.

Then while patting her head I say, "Good, I also finished upgrading our ship, and let me tell you she is perfect! We are ready for our family's first adventure together!"