To The One Piece Universe 

Jayr POV - Earth, Greece, Cape Sounion - 1991

It is finally the day we agreed with Poseidon, the day we will leave this universe and visit a new one, but different from all the other times, this time the universe in question will be the home universe of another Champion, as the 18 years protection period is finally over, and now all the Champions can invade the home universes of the other Champions, a sign that the Battle Across the Omniverse entered its most chaotic phase.

Right now, I'm waiting in front of Poseidon's Temple in Cape Sounion for Poseidon and his Marinas to come so that I pull them into my Soulbound Territory and activate the Unigate so that we can finally move to the One Piece Universe, while thinking, 'A couple of days ago, Saori fully unsealed Poseidon's soul from Athena's Urn, and she told me that he will come using his true body. Now, I'm truly curious to see how he different he is from Julian.'

But I don't have to wait for long as a huge Divine Cosmo makes its presence known, and following right behind this one, there are also many other weaker Cosmos all of varying strength their number is around 500 and they all come from the interior of the Poseidon's Temple, moreover, among them, I also sense a few familiar ones that I have met before.

Feeling that, I don't hesitate any longer and walk inside, and I'm greeted by the sight of a mature man who looks similar to Julian Solo, only he is older, and his hair is of a darker color that reminds me almost the color of the ocean, but more important, is his stature and physique, while Julian Solo is simply a kind, rich, young man with a normal slim athletic body, the man in front of me is clearly a warrior, his body is clearly made for battle and conquest, and from his Cosmo, it is clear that he is Poseidon, more important that is the true body of Poseidon, one that can withstand the full might of his Divine Cosmo.

(Image Here - Poseidon True Body)

Right behind him, I notice the 5 Marina Generals standing together with 2 empty Scales, and among them, I notice the presence of a pair that should have been dead, but it is clear that Poseidon used his Divine Authority to resurrect them.

Sea Horse Baian is a young man with blue-green eyes and a peach complexion, with light brown, long, tousled hair, reaching past his shoulders, wearing what is clearly the Scale of the Seahorse, an armor with many features of the Hippocampus, such as the fins on the arms, legs, and the entire top and back of the helmet like headpiece and like all the Scales, the armor cover most of his body.

Scylla Io is a young man, with fine, elegant features that can be categorized as handsome, he has tousled pink hair, which appears to be short in front but shows shoulder-length hair behind his back, and his eyes are an orange tone that creates a play of reddish tones with his pink hair and the gold-orange of his Scale, about his Scale is asymmetrical and difficult to describe, the parts representing the animals give it a different style from the others, I'm only able to recognize a few like the bat wings on his back, the bear on his legs, and the wolf on his headpiece.

The resurrected Chrysaor Krishna, a young man appears in front of me, he has a dark brown complexion, with long white hair styled in a kind of crest with a semi-shaved head, and with blue eyes, a special feature is that he has no eyebrows.

He is wearing the Chrysaor Scale, an armor with a simple and effective design, it covers most of his body and it represents the mythical son of Poseidon.

And like Krishna, the also resurrected Lymnades Caça, a short man, his figure is hunched, with gray skin and yellowish eyes, and long red claw-like nails, his Scale is in the shape of a salamander, with many sharp features from the headpiece, a helm that covers most of his head leaving only the face open, to the shoulder pieces, two rounds shoulder pads with a sharp plates, to the arm pieces with two other sets of sharp plates above and below the elbow, to the leg pieces with the same plates on the thigh and calf.

And last but not least, there is Siren Sorrento, a young man with a soft and delicate appearance, lilac hair, and large pink eyes, wearing the Siren Scale, one of the most beautiful Scales of the Marina Generals, covering him from head to toe without leaving any free space, the armor has a pair of bird wings at the back and two small wings also protrude from his helmet

Meanwhile, the empty Scales are the obvious Sea Dragon one, as Kanon is back to his official role as Athena's Gemini Gold Saint, and the Kraken Scale as the former Kraken Elizabeth chose to relinquish her Scale and Title, and is now living together with my friend Isaak, Camus' disciple, who fought Poseidon together with me a few years ago.

Then right behind him, there are some new faces I have never seen before, they are all also wearing their Scales, but those are different from the golden one of the Generals, making me realize that they are the lower-ranked Marinas, the Captain Marina, and the Soldier Marina, I'm able to clearly recognize them not only by the power of their Cosmo but also because among the Soldier Marinas I recognize a familiar face.

A young woman with a well-endowed body, long, blonde backcombed with cerulean-colored eyes, she is my friend Juan's former crush, Mermaid Thetis.

Then right behind those people, there are the most numerous ones, the Rankless Marinas, the grunts basically.

While I check that, I continue to walk toward Poseidon and once close enough, I greet him, "Good morning, Poseidon, it seems that everyone is here. Are you ready to go?"

Poseidon calmly nods and replies, "Yes, I've been waiting for this kind of occasion for quite a long time now..."

Hearing that, I smile back and opening a portal that leads to my Soulbound Territory, I say, "Well, walk inside, on the other side you'll find my personal dimension, and from there, I'll activate the gate that will open the path to a new universe." then I look at the Marinas and warn them, "Be of your best behavior, if you don't I'll erase you out of the existence in such a way that Poseidon won't be able to bring you back, and trust me your God won't be able to stop me... Especially you, Lymnades Caça."

While staying that, I let out my Spiral Cosmo and put pressure on them while at the same time, I also make them feel my Divinity making them realize the truth behind my words, especially since among all the people behind Poseidon he is the only one with a light purple leaning more on the violet soul indicating that he is slightly on the evil side of the specter but still want and tries to be a good person that helps people.

Seeing that Lymnades Caça is about to shit himself and the state of the lower-ranked Marinas, I'm sure that the message was clear enough, so I stop.

At the same time, Poseidon chuckles and comments, "Hehe. To think that the brat that barely opposed me a few years ago with the help of his friends would gain so much power and strength to only ascend to Godhood and become a God himself, but even to surpass me and many other Gods accomplishing something that we all tried to do but all failed. Become a force equal to my brother Zeus... it truly seems that the Omniverse is full of opportunities for those that can grab them. That year I truly made the right decision."

I look at Poseidon and say, "That's right, and I'm fine to share them with my friends and family, and now you can be considered my uncle-in-law. Just do not start another godly purge as soon as you can when we reach that new universe, while it is true that in that world there are some truly corrupted mortals that must be purged, in that place there are also many good people that don't deserve such fate, so instead of being lazy and drowning everything forcing me to act and stop you, why don't you use a more surgical approach and use your Marinas to simply remove the unsightly ones... You can even pull in the natives, who trust me, are dying to do the exact same thing."

Suddenly, an amused Poseidon starts to laugh out loud as he says, "Pohahaha! Come on! The last one was because I was still half-asleep and my consciousness got mixed up with that Julian kid, and after that, I didn't stop because I was angry at being woken up before my time! Do you know what a pain in the ass is it to create everything again after you wipe out everything? And let's not talk about the other pantheons that will also get angry for what happened to their believers and join forces against the offender to seal him or even destroy his body and soul, just like what happened to Shiva. It just isn't worth it!"

After that, he starts to explain, "That's why throughout the ages we just keep them localized on a small part of the world if we feel the need to or must send a message, you know the usual natural calamities here and there. Even the biblical Genesis Flood, which "wiped out all life on Earth" was simply located around the area that is now known as Turkey and some nearby regions. The Gods that truly want to kill and destroy everything are truly few, and for those usually Athena and her Saints take care of them before they can accomplish their objective. Most of us just want to take charge and rule over, for various reasons, like greed, pride, ambitions, spite, pity, desire to help, and so on."

Hearing that, I feel better, but also I can't help but think, 'That's is fine, and has some logic too. But what the hell is going on with the way he laughs? Hell, we aren't even there yet and he is already under that universe rule where all the important and powerful characters have a very distinctive and weird laugh? And should I come up with one too?'

While thinking that, I also invite everyone inside my Soulbound Territory, making all of them exclaim in surprise as they feel the peaceful and natural energy that fills everything, even Poseidon is surprised as he exclaims, "You keep surprising me. This a good Divine Real- No, wait! This is... this is a budding seed of creation!! This is the beginning of your own world and universe totally under your rule and control!!! You are on the path of a Creation God."

Poseidon looks totally shocked by this, while I look at him with clear confusion written all over my face, but it seems that Poseidon is too stunned to explain what he means by that, while I decide to just memorize that information for now and forget about it, after all, if it was important Saori would have told me about it herself.

After that small episode, Poseidon's Marina starts to relax, some play some card games, some train, and some listen to music played by Sorrento, meanwhile, Poseidon himself walks with me toward the Unigate, and after a few seconds, we arrive at our destination and see, Saori with little Galen in her arms, Eri, Tio with little Kharna in her arms, and Seika with Python laying on her shoulders.

But there is also another woman there, Nikita who as soon as she notices our presence, turns around and says, "You're finally here! Come on, let's hurry, the One Piece Universe was one the places Zandeer and I wanted to visit the most after the random battle, so we could probably find him there."

Following her, everyone else notices our presence and greets us, meanwhile, Poseidon is once more impressed by the Unigate.

I walk toward the dial and say, "Don't worry, Nikita. Even if we can't find Zandeer this time, we will still be able to leave behind a message for him where you can explain to him the situation."

After saying that, I put my hand on the dial, and soon the usual robotic voice comes out from the dial as it says "PlEAsE InpUt yOUr chOsEn UnIvErsE And dEsIrEd tImE".

With a grin on my face I say, "Let's do this!", and quickly digit my chosen universe, but before I could input the chosen time, the Unigate Dial's robotic voice says, "ChOsEn UnIvErsE... One Piece Universe... WaRninG, WarNiNg, wARnIng. ThE ChoSen UNivErse is A Champion Home Universe. Are YOu sUre Of Your ChoseN UniVERSE?"

Soon, I reply to the prompted question with a "Yes." but the Unigate once more seeks confirmation, "ARE you Really SURE?" making me once more confirm my choice.

Then the Unigate declares, "PLeAse ConFirM tHat You ArE 18+ tHe LegaL OmnIverSal AgE fOr aN HoMe UnIveRse InvaSion." making me instinctively exclaim out loud, "What the F-fudge? Why does this seems like on those warning prompt for those adult only site that everyone in the world ignores?" changing my words as I realize that my children are also present at the moment, and I don't want that my few months old and really smart Galen start to curse like me, at the least not yet.

I once again confirm and this time, the Unigate continues with its usual pattern, "ComFirmaTiOn RecIeveD. ChOsEn UnIvErsE... One Piece Universe. TImE... Year 20 of the Great Age of Pirates (GAP). StAnd stIll plEAsE..."

At the same time, the stone ring starts to turn and locks seven different glyphs on seven different V-like points of the circular stone gate, and as soon as the 7th glyph is locked, in the middle of the gate, a burst of unstable energy emanates from an activating Unigate in the shape of a vortex and soon after that, the water-like portal is opened.

At the end of the process, the Unigate's robotic voice says "ThE gAtE Is OpEn... HAvE A sAfE jOUrnEy..."

I turn around and look at my family, plus Poseidon, and all of them intrigued and impressed by what the Unigate is capable of, the only one who is still calm is obviously Nikita, who as a former Champion is quite used to this sight.

Then with a bright smile on my face, I ask, "Well? Are you guys ready for a new adventure?"

Everyone nods at my question, and Galen even replies with an excited, "Yes!" then I start to briefly explain to them, "It is very simple and safe, we just have to walk through that water-like substance and we will instantly find ourselves on a totally new universe. It is perfectly safe, but if you are nervous or too excited you can also just jump through it."

Then Nikita adds, "But be careful, from my experience, the exit point is apparently very random... sometimes close by to what I like to call focal points of those universes, a place where very important events related to the history or fate of that universe happened, happens, or will happen. Other times, it is simply a very random place, but it is always a place where no one can see you appear out of nowhere, simply because it is devoid of all kinds of life, or very hidden, or even simply not traversed at the moment."

After the briefing, we all calmly walked through the water-like portal at the same time, finally starting our family adventure.

Jayr POV - One Piece Universe, Blue Star, ??? - 20 GAP

On the other side of the Unigate, I'm instantly greeted by the relaxing sound of small waves crashing against the sandy shores of a beach, the light salty breeze caressing my body, and the scorching heat coming from the sun high in the sky, and right in front of me, I see an endless expanse of crystal clear water, the likes I have only seen in the best tourist spot of my world, and in the Arifureta Universe where there isn't any kind of pollution, but even those fall short compared to the spectacle in front of me, as these waters feel even more "alive" and pure.

At the same time, I hear the girl beside me exclaim in wonder and awe as they drink in the sight of the beautiful spectacle in front of us, and even Poseidon looks very moved as I feel him starting to connect to this world's sea and comments, "This... This feeling... This purity... I have almost forgotten how much I missed all this beauty... And my domain never felt more powerful and alive, I feel getting stronger from just standing here, and I have not even started truly connecting with it..."

Soon after that, as I confirm that we are on a small uninhabited island, with just a small simple grove that is only inhabited by insects, I open a new portal to my Soulbound Territory and soon Poseidon's Marinas start to walk out one after the other and they too start to bathe in the beautiful sight all around us.

While everyone else is still focused on that, I try to understand our current position while remembering what I know about this unnamed world, 'Okay from this light breeze it is clear that at the very least we aren't in the Calm Belt... that is one down. Now we have to see if we are in the Grand Line or one of the four Seas. Luckily there is a very quick and easy way to check that.'

While thinking that, I raise my hand and quickly bring out a simple compass, and see that the compass needle is firmly pointing in only one direction instead of spinning like crazy or any other slow or sudden change, this is a clear sign that currently we are in an uninhabited island laying somewhere in one of the four Seas.

Once I confirm that, I look at all the people present here, who in the meantime already snapped out of their reverie state, and after clapping my hands to grab their attention, I start to explain, "Well, now that everyone is here, I will tell you everything that you need to know about this world which some call Blue Star, for the very simple reason that this world is around 75% dominated by water and is at least 3 times the size of our Earth."

(AN: While the One Piece's world doesn't have an official name yet, it is canon that the moon's ancient inhabitant called the planet Blue Star, so in this fic, I'll simply use that name because is way better than continuing to write One Piece's world/planet, even if it slightly reminds me of some CN novel I have read.)

After that brief introduction, I explain the geography of this world, "Dominating this world's surface is the Blue Sea, a body of saltwater broadly divided into quadrants: the East Blue, the West Blue, the North Blue, and the South Blue, which among them there is our current location, I just don't know yet which one. These divisions are formed by two natural barriers that bisect the world at roughly perpendicular angles: The Grand Line, a relatively narrow strip of ocean infamous for its unnatural, rapidly-shifting climates and monstrous wildlife, as well as being enclosed by the completely wind- and current-free Calm Belt regions. And the Red Line, a huge and mostly barren landmass that functions as the world's only true continent."

Seeing that everyone is listening with rapt attention, Poseidon included, I continue, "All parts of the Blue Sea, Grand Line, and Calm Belts included, contain numerous islands supporting many different degrees of life. Travel between these islands is relatively simple in the four Blues, but significantly more complex in the Grand Line, where, in addition to the aforementioned hazards, many islands produce unique magnetic fields that render the magnets of ordinary compasses useless, necessitating a special type of compass called "Log Pose" compasses. And these are the most important things to remember regarding the geography of this world."

At this point, I stop to let them digest everything I just said and ask, "Are there any questions?" but no one asks anything, so I just continue, "Moving on from the geography, I will now tell you about the society in general. Well, the first thing you have to know is that there are many different races, the plain and common Humans that aren't so common as some of them can reach a height of over 3 meters and even more, then there are the Giants that as the name implies are very, very tall, the Fish-men and the Merflok that as you can imagine can easily live underwater, the Mink tribes which are basically humanoid with furry mammalian features, and that is just to name a few of them. Also, the language spoken is mostly one all around the world, that is a mix between Japanese and English."

After that, I start to give a brief introduction about the major powers of this world, "Now, in this world, there are many factions but the most important is the World Government, which is affiliated with roughly 170 countries from around the world. Member countries retain autonomy and run their own internal affairs, though the World Government does sometimes intervene, but cooperate with the World Government for international relations. Their political ideals are unknown and everything they do is considered to be right. The World Government maintains an international order that claims to benefit all, making the world safe for the sake of everyone. Using the Marines, they pursue criminals endangering the lives of those who are innocent, protecting the people of each country in the world. The World Government, as the largest political power, holds full rights to halt or encourage any political action without question or opposition. However, the reality is that unknown to most citizens and many world leaders, the World Government's actions and policies tend to be secretly based on corruption or questionable motives."

Reaching this point Poseidon scoffs and mutters annoyed, "Ha... mortals as usual..."

Meanwhile, I continue, "They hide the truth or ignore the rights of the people, with many individuals using "justice" to further their own aims. Individuals who are deemed enemies of the World Government are viciously hunted down and dealt with, and all those who walk along the same path as they are doomed to share the World Government's wrath. The World Government's power to release information on anyone as they please can often lead to the truth being suppressed, altered, or ignored completely. Any countries attempting to protect or harbor criminals are at risk from the World Government, and some have been known to be destroyed completely. For the most part, the important role they have in maintaining world stability far outweighs the corruption they often display."

The explanation continues as I tell them about how despite the institution of slavery being abolished publicly, the World Government still allows such practice in the underworld, mainly due to the Celestial Dragons' exceptional privileges, and that in fact, government agents themselves would buy slaves to be trained into soldiers or agents, in order to bolster the ranks of the Marines and Cipher Pols.

And like that, I continue to give them a "brief" overview of all the major players of this world, talking about the Four Emperors, the Marines, the Revolutionary Army, and Seven Warlords of the Sea, whose name seems to irk and offend the Marines a lot, and so on, overall the whole lesson took more or less an hour, and that with me skimping on many details.

Then I move on to the juicy part, "At last let me talk about the things that interest you the most, what to expect if you are forced to fight the native of this world. Well, overall, all the living beings of this world are physically a lot stronger and more resilient than a normal human in our world, and even the limits that their bodies can reach are much higher. In other words without the help of your Scales and Cosmo if you fight against someone of equal fighting skill, the expected result is your loss 100% of the time, because of your inferior physique, you simply can't keep up with them. The reason for that is very simple, what they eat is a lot more nutritious than what is available in our world, as this planet has some pretty extreme climates, and animals adapting to those give some pretty extreme nutrition once hunted down and eaten, do that for countless generations and the result are people capable of reaching monstous level of power with their bare bodies."