The Other Champions 6

Lucas POV - The Big Bang Theory Universe, Everywhere - 2015

I'm currently focusing all of my attention on the "The Big Bang Theory" Universe while managing the Lucy Universe through a simple AI that works as my proxy following some pretty simple commands.

After all, the Lucy Universe went through their System Apocalypse three years ago, the people over there already adapted to the new situation and are now slowly starting to rebuild their society, and I made sure to give enough advantages to a few people capable enough to lead humanity to prosper once again and become an even stronger race thanks to the blessing that I've given them by becoming a System. 

This last one is particularly important to me, after all, they are now all bound to me, making them essentially part of me, so if they defeat or kill a Champion, it would be like I was the one that defeated and killed him, so the more powerful they become, the better is for me.

Moreover, every one of them is equal to an extra life, I essentially can't be killed as long as at least one of them lives, and I can't help but grin thinking that I have two universes worth of lives available to me, and that it will continue to grow as I conquer more and more universes.

But despite all the advantages of my current situation, I still have to be very careful, especially since I'm in a quite delicate position, while my state as a System makes me very hard to kill and also very powerful, I also have to be very careful and manage my resources well.

After all, the energy needed to warp the realities of two universes, generate monsters, and empower the people living in them, is already astonishing the number of things I have to be mindful of is almost infinite. 

In fact, at the moment, I'm using almost everything else in those universes to produce the energy needed to generate enough Mana to flood all the habitable planets, then use that Mana to create monsters, then the mana in those monsters will be absorbed by the ones who kill them to empower their beings using the Level Up mechanic and the Stats Distribution.

Right now, I'm watching a particular group of 7 friends as they relax after repelling a goblin horde, which I sent their way so that they could gain even more experience and power.

They are people I know very well, as in my previous life I enjoyed watching their TV Show very much, and have very fond memories of it.

Of course, I'm talking about the main cast of the TV Show The Big Bang Theory, who are real living people in this universe who look very similar to the actors that portrayed them. 

Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Penny Hofstadter, Sheldon Lee Cooper, Howard Joel Wolowitz, Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, Amy Farrah Fowler and Rajesh Koothrappali.

Surprisingly those 7 adapted to the sudden change exceptionally well, and are now among the strongest people in this world, especially since this group of really smart people quickly started to unveil the secrets behind the Magic System that I installed in their reality and even some of the mechanism that I'm using to improve their bodies and make them stronger as their System.

Just to pass some time, I bring up the Status Screen of one of them at the start of the System Apocalypse.

Name: Sheldon Lee Cooper

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Titles: Player, Social Outcast, Genius, Forerunner

Level: 0

HP: 100% 

MP: 0%

Strength: 5 

Agility: 5 

Vitality: 8

Intelligence: 18

Endurance: 5 

Magic: 0 

Skill: None

I made it quite simple to understand, a 10 is equal to the average of a human, its 18 in intelligence is a good representation of his IQ which is 187, and it is clear that he doesn't excel on the physical side. 

Then I bring up his current one to compare just how much he has improved in this year and a half.

Name: Sheldon Lee Cooper

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Titles: Player, Social Outcast, Genius, Forerunner, Mana-Attuned, Magician, Mage, Wizard, Hero

Level: 45

HP: 100% 

MP: 100%

Strength: 10 

Agility: 11 

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 40

Endurance: 15 

Magic: 40 

Skills: Mana Control (Rank: B), Mana Bolt (Rank: D), Mana Barrier (Rank: D), Fire Ball (Rank: C), Water Ball (Rank: E), Stone Bullet (Rank: C), Wind Blade (Rank: C), Elemental Control (Rank: A)

(AN: If it isn't clear enough, the Rank next to the skill, doesn't determine the rarity or actual power of the skill, but the level of mastery that the individual in question has of that particular skill, it is basically an F to EX grading system, F he just learned the basics, S he mastered everything, EX is something that the System Champion can't exactly evaluate as it surpasses his own comprehension. I tried to keep the Status Screen as simple as possible as it isn't very important to the story itself.)

It is clear, that he is focused on improving his Magic and Intelligence, and looking at his skills ranks, he is also currently focusing on mastering his Mana and Elemental Control.

With each level up an individual is able to gain enough Mana to improve a stat by 2 points, which is the most I'm able to do at the moment with the energy that I have available, in fact, the people in this universe are luckier than those living on the Lucy Universe, as at first I was only able to enhance their stats by one point with each Level Up, it is only when I was able to take control of this universe that I was able to produce enough energy to improve them even more.

But he still has a long way ahead, especially as I compare him with my strongest pawn who is currently hunting down other Champions under my orders in the popular One Piece Universe.

Name: Age Svedson

Race: Asgardian

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Titles: Player, [System Slave], Warrior, God of Destruction, Mass Murder, Fool, Bounty Hunter

Level: 5

HP: 100% 

MP: 100%

Strength: 500 

Agility: 400 

Vitality: 500

Intelligence: 20 (AN: Yes I know that 2 times smarter than a normal human seems exaggerated compared to his previous decision, but remember that he still did level up, so that is where the level-up point went)

Endurance: 500 

Magic: 400 

Skills: Allspeak (Rank: EX), Unarmed Combat (Rank: A), Axe Mastery (Rank: S), Archery (Rank: C), Horsemanship (Rank: A), Energy Manipulation (Rank: B), Destroyer Deity (Rank: EX), Destruction Manipulation (Rank: B), Armament Haki (Rank: F), Observation Haki (Rank: F), Conqueror Haki (Rank: F)

Looking at them side by side, it is clear just how superior an Asgardian God is to an average human, his level is way lower than Sheldon's, but Sheldon has basically no hope of defeating him at his current level, in fact, I think that it will take a long time for them to be able to reach something close to his level.

As I look at Age's stats, I can't help but grin while thinking, 'I was really, really lucky with this one... He is for sure one of the most dangerous enemies I encountered, in fact, from what I have seen his Divinity is already a direct counter to my own existence, he could literally destroy all of me using his Destruction Manipulation on a single individual taking advantage of the fact, that I'm connected to them... But fortunately, he was such a fool that he fell for the very first trick I threw at him turning him into my slave. And now all his incredible powers are mine to use as I desire! Moreover, I can easily send him to other universes to hunt down Champions in my place.' 

Then I take a moment to check on what my fool is doing and see him meeting with Crocodile with a big bring on his face and mutter, "I think it is better if I leave him in the One Piece Universe for some time, after all, it is a pretty popular universe this means that it is possible that multiple Champions may want to visit it. This way I can use the Unigate to take control of another universe, maybe one that I can fully turn into an energy farm for that I need a quite big one, or even one that is considered a Multiverse but that isn't really strong or dangerous for me... Let's see... Oh right! There is that old TV Series called Sliders!"

With a grin on my face, I can't help but comment, "That universe will be perfect it is big enough as it is, in fact, a multiverse, which means that I can use it as both a farm for energy and to increase my power. Moreover, it is almost impossible that some other Champion would go there because while it was quite popular at the time, it is now mostly forgotten."

Coming to that conclusion, I fully focus back on making my army of clueless slaves stronger while waiting for the cooldown period of the Unigate to end. 

Goza POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Earth, The Lookout - Age 776

I'm sitting crosslegged using my Ki to slightly levitate as I try to keep my mind empty, and my emotions in control while at the same time, I continue to focus on my internal energies, making them move through my body as smoothly as possible.

Like that, my Ki continues to slowly rise in power but I keep it compressed in my body so as to not affect my surroundings, after all, my Ki is so strong that I can easily make the whole Earth shake under its power and that is without me going even Super Saiyan, it is one of the perks of being a Legendary Super Saiyan even if you don't actually transform or even actually train you Ki still raises in power on its own.

Of course, there is also the downside that if you actually fight and your emotions go out of control, they can rise so much that they reach the boiling point and then start to go berserk turning you into the hulking Legendary Super Saiyan a true calamity for everything around you.

After I caused my father's death in the fight against Cell, I trained really hard to get that berserk form under control, and I was mostly successful, however, from time to time, I still slip and go berserk, especially if something enrages me too much, just like what happened almost 2 years ago during my Random Battle.

Seeing all those selfish people, their cruelty toward one other, their indifference to the suffering of other people on their own planet, their enjoyment in kicking down and abusing those that were already at their lowest point, the savageness of the Champion's army, their evil plots, everything about that made me snap and in the end, I destroyed everything, even those who where innocent, and in that universe, there isn't something as magical as the Dragon Balls that can fix everything, so those lives where lost forever, and it was all my fault.

This is why after I returned from the Random Battle, I came to the Lookout an ancient platform that is in geostationary orbit in the skies of Earth, and directly above Korin Tower, it is the home of the God of Earth from which all events occurring on the Earth can be observed, 

The current God of Earth is Dende, a good friend of me and my brother, a Namekian we saved when planet Namek was under Frieza's attack

I came here to train with Piccolo-san once again, but also to learn some magic from him, Popo-san, and Dende as it could be useful down the line, at the same time, I'm making my preparations to get in touch with someone who will be able to guide me to the next level, of course, I'm talking about Whis-san. 

After an hour or so, I sense Piccolo-san and Popo-san approaching me so I stop my meditation and open my eyes to look at the man who is a second father figure for me and my brother.

He is a very tall and muscular Namekian, a green-skinned humanoid with slug-like characteristics, he has short antennae above his brow, which are protruding and pronounced while hairless, long pointy ears, pronounced canine-teeth, and talon-like nails on their fingers. 

He also has patches with red outlines on his forearms, biceps, shoulders, abdomen, thighs, knees, and shins, and three red conjoined rings on his ankles and wrists, appearing as bands.

He wears a dark purplish-blue Gi, pointy orange shoes, and red obi, he also wears a white turban with a dark purple blue top and a white cape along with it.

(Image Here - Piccolo)

Then my gaze moves to Popo-san, a short, plump humanoid, his most distinguishing features include his markedly dark complexion, red lips, and pointy ears, he has a modest stature and appears to be a grade shorter than the average Earthling. 

Popo-san's outfit consists of a white turban adorned with an aqua-colored jewel resting on his forehead, a single gold hoop earring on each ear, a maroon-patterned, gold-trimmed sleeveless vest that exposes part of his torso, gold armbands on his upper arms, a red sash around his waist, white pants that appear in the style of harem trousers, wrapping in around his ankles, and on his feet, he wears a pair of red slippers with white soles. 

(Image Here - Popo)

He is an assistant deity who serves as the attendant to Earth's Guardian, he also tends the grounds of the Lookout but despite that and the fact, that his Power Level is only around 1030, one can't underestimate him, because he is a being born in the Other World and older than even the Earth itself, the experience he has accumulated throughout his immortal life is staggering to the very least, he is also a very competent teacher able to form a very strong foundation in both martial arts and magic in all his students.

After all, all the previous Gods of Earth were taught by him, and even Father learned from him.

Piccolo-san looks back at me with a small smile on his face and says, "Good job, Goza. Your control over your Ki and emotions has improved a lot in this past year... I think you are finally ready for the next stage of your training." followed by Popo-san who says, "And you have already mastered the basics of Magic Arts, now all you can do, is explore and study on your own."

Hearing that, I nod and say, "Thank you very much, Popo-san, Piccolo-san. Yes, it is finally time to see if I can truly bring my Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation under control..."

Piccolo smirks and says, "That's right, let's go and get Goku and Vegeta so that we can head to that desolate planet that King Kai told us about and safely test out if you can truly bring your Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation under control..." then he muttered, "Knowing those two they will be more than happy to be your sparring partner..."

After that, we set off from the Lookout and flew toward my Father's Ki signature, and on our way there, I couldn't help but think, 'If this test is successful, then I can finally move on to the next stage... I can finally start to learn the Super Saiyan 4 Transformation! Sure, I could have opted for the Super Saiyan God, but I think that the Super Saiyan 4 is more suited to me considering my Legendary Super Saiyan state which brings out nothing but pure, raw power, and nothing seems more adept at bringing that out that the primal Super Saiyan 4... Just thinking about how scary the combination of what I think is the perfect Saiyan Form, with the raw, brutal, constantly increasing power of the Legendary Super Saiyan makes me already pity my future enemies... almost...'

Of course, the premise of all that, is that I get the Legendary Super Saiyan Form under control, and after that, I also have to master my Legendary Golden Oozaru Form, something which I'm quite sure, I need Whis help for it, and that just for a very simple reason, he is the strongest being in this Universe and one of the best master possible after Master Roshi, and can probably easily contain me in case I go Berserk, moreover, it is quite easy to get on his good side since he is a foodie, in fact, I can even use the existence of worlds like Food Wars / Shokugeki no Soma and Toriko to entice him even further, hell, I could even become Beerus' best friend with those. 

Wiea POV - Ben 10 Universe, Earth, Bellwood - 2005

I'm standing right in front of the Madison Elementary School stalking my target a 10 years old boy with unkempt brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, quite skinny for his age, he is of course, Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson, the protagonist of this universe.

Even if I'm using my bread and butter Illusion Spells, Muffle and Invisible, to remain hidden, unseen, and unheard by everyone else, I can't help but feel very uncomfortable at the idea that I'm actually stalking an innocent 10 years old boy like some kind of prey. 

But I steel my resolve as this is something I have to do to ensure my survival, as my last experience in the Random Battle taught me that I'm in no way ready to face what is waiting for me in the Omniverse, and so I decided to grab one of the most powerful objects that I remember to improve my chances, and luckily it seems that no one thought about it yet as I was the first one to visit this universe.

As I watch the protagonist of this, Ben Tennyson, as he sits impatiently in school on the last day before summer break, I think back to everything I've gone through in this life until now.

My new life started as I wished, I was finally born in the body I always wished for as a proud member of the Spiritblood Clan, as for why I wanted to be born as a Reachmen, also known as the Reachfolk or Witchmen of High Rock, is quite simple, it is because of their strong affinity with magic and the knowledge of advanced hedge-magic, something that is quite difficult to learn from other sources, at least if you aren't ready to make a deal with one of the Daedric Princes, or as we call it Old Gods, which as the game Elder Scrolls taught me, most of the times it doesn't end well.

Sure life there wasn't exactly pleasant and comfortable, but it also wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, first of all, we Reachmen aren't as illiterate as we make the rest of Tamriel believe, in fact, we are taught early to read and write but also told to never show such capabilities unless absolutely necessary as it is better for the other races to keep underestimating us. 

They also forbid us to write anything related to our culture, knowledge, legacies, or magic, if something must be narrated, it must be narrated orally.

The reason for that is quite fascinating and scary at the same time, the main reason for that is that the Reachmen believe that different from the other Daedric Prince or Old Gods, Hermaeus Mora, isn't a God native of our world Nirn, but the avatar of an alien Deity that in his thirst for knowledge and in hope of extending his influence and enter the various world took the form of Hermaeus Mora, and since then it is patientilly waiting to gain enough knowledge of everything on Nirn so that it can finally subjugate it, and since they believe that Hermaeus Mora is capable of learning everything that has, is and will be ever been written, they firmly continue to stictily tramandate all kinds of knowledges only orally. 

What scares me the most, is that I can find some truth in that belief, especially since I know of the existence of Yog-Sothoth whose description, mannerisms, and habits seem quite similar to Hermaeus Mora.

Anyway, while life wasn't easy, it wasn't that bad, while the rest of Tamriel consider the Reachmen as savage barbarians, growing with them made me feel that they were many times better than many "civilized" people of my previous life.

The Reachfolk value hard work and struggle, they hold people who regularly work with their hands or perform manual labor in high regard, and respect them more outwardly than some other cultures do.

They understand that hardship is inevitable, but instead of bemoaning their sorrows, they embrace the pain as wisdom, they do not condone stealing, killing, or even abusing from other Reachmen, and acts are very rare occurrences unless the clans are feuding and when they happen are harshly punished

The Reachfolk deal in bargains, respect strength, and skill, and believe in rewarding favors, offering favor for a favor is considered one of the more common ways of how business works in the Reach and is one of the old and respected customs.

I spent most of my youth training hard and learning everything I could while preparing for the Vateshran Rites, a rite of passage that all Reachfolk perform to ascend to adulthood which separates the weak from the strong.

The Vateshran's Rites are held in the Vateshran Hollows and require participants to traverse through three wings of the arena, defeating enemies associated with different Daedric Princes: Hircine, Mehrunes Dagon, and Molag Bal. 

After completing all three wings, participants must then face the final challenge in the Champion's Circle in order to earn the prestigious title of Spiritblood Champion and the Vateshran song that lasts for eternity.

The trial itself was very hellish, but I was able to complete it and be recognized as an adult, and thanks to that, I was able to finally explore the rest of Tamriel to improve even more and prepare for the inevitable battle with the other Champions.

I thought that I was ready for it, but when the Random Battle actually started, I found that I was a lot weaker than I thought, not only was I unable to find my opponent, but I even struggled against the wildlife of the planet I found myself in, which is why I'm now aiming to gain the most powerful cheat item that I remember of, the Omnitrix.

While I thought about my life, I continued to carefully follow the young main character of this universe, Ben through his last day school day before the summer vacation.

I watch as he pranks his teacher and struggles to "play hero" and stand up against bullies Cash and J.T. for picking on a kid, landing himself and the kid hung up on a tree by their underwear. 

I continue to follow when Max Tennyson picks Ben up in his RV, the "Rust Bucket", to start their highly-anticipated summer road trip and see Ben's excitement drops as soon as he spots his cousin, Gwen Tennyson and see the two as they bicker. 

We all soon arrive at their first destination: a campsite, where Ben and Gwen learn that Max plans to take them on a flavor adventure that includes eating everything from mealworms to sheep's tongues and the two quickly agree to avoid their grandpa's cooking at all costs. 

Finally, to get away from Gwen, Ben goes for a walk alone in the woods and stops to watch a shooting star. 

The "star" then twists its trajectory and aims right for Ben, who barely manages to escape it crashing, this is the opportunity I was waiting for, so without any hesitation, I put Ben to sleep with a Sleep Spell.

Then I move to inspect the crater, jump into it, and come face-to-face with the pod which it opens by itself, revealing a glowing-green device that looks almost like a watch, the Omnitrix. 

I slowly reach for it, and the watch suddenly leaps up and latches itself to my wrist, seeing that, a smile forms on my face, of course at the moment, the Omnitrix isn't powerful enough to guarantee my survival, but I have already prepared my own cheat for that.

So without any hesitation, I bring out my most prized possession from my Soulbound Territory, it is an ornate and detailed key, it is the Skeleton Key, a Daedric artifact of the Daedric Prince Nocturnal.

This key has a quite bullshit power, its function is for "unlocking", it can basically unlock all kinds of things, including portals, seals, hidden potential, and other unknown possibilities, and of course, I'm going to use it to fully unlock the Omnitrix and gain the Master Control.

I won't hesitate any more and touch the Omnitrix with the Skeleton Key, and just like expected it works perfectly as it briefly flashes, then I quickly say, "Before I leave this universe, it is better to fix the situation I have caused by taking Ben's place..." then I use the Voice Control and command, "Omnitrix, please activate the Celestialsapien Species codename Alien X."