The Fight for the Treasure 2

Koby POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Yo) - 20 GAP 

I can't help but stand still in both shock and disbelief as I watch the very beautiful tall woman with long wavy black hair with a huge spike iron mace in her hand, looking at her slim, well-endowed body and her enchanting dark-green eyes as she stares down at the scum who are pillaging this poor village.

At the same time, countless random thoughts buzz around my mind, 'Impossible! How did she reach the Grand Line!? She can't really be Alvida! She can't possibly look like that! She just feels somewhat similar! Is it her attitude? The hair? The scary Iron Mace? I am making a mistake, right? It is all a strange coincidence!'

At first, it seems that there is nothing that connects that woman with the Alvida that I know, Alvida is ugly and fat, and this woman is beautiful and slim, even their mannerism seems totally different, but despite the fact that she is speaking in a softer tone that the one I'm used to, it doesn't change the fact that her voice is the same as the Alvida that I know, moreover, that cowboy hat and iron mace are also Alvida's signatures.

Of course, what surprises me the most isn't her physical change that while astonishing isn't without explanation, after all, I too changed a lot from the chubby, weak, scared, boy that I was a few months ago thanks to Jayr-san training, she could have very well gone through something similar after her defeat at Jayr-san's hand.

No, what surprises me is that that Alvida is actually standing up for the people of this village, she is the one who absolutely hates risking her life against overwhelming odds and likes to steer away from trouble as much as possible, she, the one didn't bat an eye when she saw other pirates attacking the innocent, is now ordering these monsters wearing human skin to stop.

It is such a huge difference between the woman in front of me and the Alvida that I remember, that I'm starting to guess that she is just another person with a similar voice and fashion sense.

Meanwhile, the woman notices that everyone is still staring at her enchanted by her beauty, and with a smirk she spreads her arms wide open and commands with a very familiar tone, "Tell me, people! Who is the most beautiful one among these seas!" which makes all the men reply at the same time in perfect sync, ""That would of course be you!"" 

And of course, with that iconic catchphrase, I immediately realize that I wasn't making a mistake and that woman is indeed the Alvida I know, but for some reason, she now seems intent on helping these people, 'Well, it may be possible that their act enraged her too...'

At this point, the captain of these marines turned pirates, the man called LeMay snaps out of his stunned state and stares at Alvida's body with a perverted grin on his face and says, "Yo! Beautiful lady! It seems that you don't really understand the current situation! You don't have any right to order us to do anything, no matter how beautiful you are. There are more than 100 strong men here all following my orders and you are alone! You are greatly outmatched!"

His perverted grin gets even bigger as he gives his ultimatum, "It is better that you quietly surrender and I'll promise you that we will have a very good time together. But if you continue to defy us then all my men will enjoy your body one after the other, after the other, until you will forget about everything that makes you a human and the only thing left will be your desire to die. So you better give up, don't worry with time you'll learn to love me."

Alvida snorts and says, "I must disappoint you scum, but my heart and body are already taken by another man. I won't ever be able to forget him... After all, he is the first man to ever hit my beautiful body... The way he handled me... so roughly and gently at the same time..." then she smiles brightly as she concludes, "... It left me breathless~!" once again enchanting all the men present here and even the people of this village who are currently chained down forget for a moment about the current danger and are charmed by her beauty, both women and men alike.

After that, Alvida looks back at LeMay and says, "You see scum. I only love strong men, and the one who took my heart is way stronger than some leftover garbage like you, and I'm going to make him mine no matter what. But to do that, I had to change a little after all, he expressly said that he dislikes those who harm the innocent. This is why I started to travel the world searching for him while also hunting down pirates, and corrupt marines, and helping those in need... And you all now are simply going to be another pirate I'll bring down to get closer to him."

I once again stand still in shock, not believing what my ears are listening to, 'Alvida of all people fell in love with Jayr-san!? The man who hit her with such force that sent her flying beyond the horizon!? Not only that, but she is chasing after him while also doing some good to get on his good side! What is going on here!? Am I dreaming? Did I get unknowingly drugged or am under the effect of some strange Devil Fruit!?' 

While thinking that, at the same time, LeMay clicks his tongue and says, "So you chose to suffer. Very well. Men attack that woman, do not hesitate, look at how beautiful she is, we all are going to enjoy some piece of her!"

Hearing that, all the men cheer loudly and one of them takes advantage of his advantageous position in her blind spot to quickly rush forward and attack her from behind aiming at the back of her head using the butt of his rifle as a bludgeoning weapon to knock her out in a single blow without causing too much harm to her. 

It all happens so fast that, in my stunned state, I have no time to even warn her or even help, and so, I can only watch as the rifle's butt is about to impact with her head.

But my eyes open wide as all of a sudden, I watch as the rifle's butt strangely slips of course as soon as it touches Alvida, making the man lose his balance and fall on the ground.

Alvida just glances at him and calmly asks, "Ara ara, wasn't that rather dangerous? Luckily my body changed since I ate a Devil Fruit!"

After saying that, Alvida kicks the head of the pirate that ambushed her knocking him out, and continues, "The name of my Devil Fruit is Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit)! Thanks to it there is no attack that can leave a wound on my beautiful skin anymore! Unfortunately, though, the fruit did nothing to change my beauty... but my freckles did indeed disappear so in a sense there was a really slight improvement."

Alvida raises her Iron Mace and rests it on her shoulders and at the same time, she also slips off the sandals on her feet making her bare feet touch the soil as she says, "In any case, you guys did try to attack me first and did attack these people so I can now retaliate with a light heart."

Then without any hesitation, Alvida jumps forward while yelling, "Sube Sube Spur!" and once she lands on the ground she slides toward those men at high speed.

At the same time, the pirate captain and former marine, LeMay keeps his calm and commands, "Come on, men! Don't let her get close! Shoot to kill! Shoot! Shoot!!"

His men also don't hesitate and quickly follow his order, they raise their rifles and guns and start shooting the incoming Alvida some are even throwing rocks, but just like what happened a few seconds ago, all the attack slips off her smooth body once contact is made, with Alvida suffering no apparent harm at all no matter how big or heavy the incoming threat is. 

What is even more surprising is that Alvida positioned herself in such a way that all the stray bullets and rocks slid off in such a way that they ended up hitting the pirates around her while she got close to her targets and sent them flying with a single brutal swing of her massive spiked Iron Mace not caring whenever her attack killed them or not.

Under the stray friendly fire of the bullets and rock that slip off her body and Alvida's own attack the number of pirates is quickly decreasing, and seeing that she has the current situation fully under control, I decided to focus on rescuing the people that were captured by those scum, set them free and lead them away from this battlefield.

Coming to that conclusion, I stop hesitating and taking advantage of the chaos caused by Alvida, I quickly move to rescue those poor people.

I head toward the group of captives guarded by around 5 armed pirates who have their eyes fixed on the ongoing battle, and seeing that, I take advantage of their distraction to knock them out as swiftly as possible hitting the back of their neck just like Jayr-san taught me.

After that, I quickly break the ropes of a few men freeing them while whispering, "Quickly after I have freed you, lead these people away from here and find a safe place to hide. Do not worry this nightmare will end soon, we are already working on driving away these pirates from the Nanatsu Islands, and my teacher will take care of the Simon Pirates. So you all have to endure just a little bit more... Ah right! Please help each other out, so that you all can get through this."

Even if a little confused by what is happening, and more than a little scared, they all nod and slowly they start to get up and help me in freeing the other everyone, then I quickly safely lead them out of the village before returning and searching for other people that need help while still keeping an eye on the battle between Alvida and the marine turned pirates.

It seems that Alvida still has the situation under control as she continues to slide around at ever-increasing speed quickly knocking out all the pirates standing in her way with her usual ruthlessness, in fact only a few of them remain.

Seeing that while I continue to search for other people to help, I can't help but think, 'I would have never thought that one day I would be glad to have Alvida, of all the people in the world, on my side... Without her, saving these people while also dealing with the pirates would have been a lot harder.'

But soon I hear a cheerful female voice that says, "See, See! Gad was right those scummy humans did attack the village. Look at how much damage they caused!" followed by a calmer one that comments, "Indeed, but it seems that someone else is already taking care of that, what should we do now?" and another more aggressive voice yells, "Who cares! Gad just wanted to make sure that the people of this village didn't suffer too much because of our actions, that is why he sent us here while he takes care of the Treasure Guardian."

Hearing that I quickly hide behind a broken wall, and see three women armed with white spears standing on top of a nearby half-broken building as they watch Alvida slam her Iron Mace on LeMay's head making it pop like some kind of balloon and look around to see if there are other enemies still standing.

The one in the middle is a slim and wheat-colored Fish-woman with short and white hair as well as blue eyes, she wears a blue necklace, a blue tube top, a gold wristband in each hand, a long blue skirt, and a pair of sandals, there is a tattoo of her crew's Jolly Roger on her right hand and a piece of speckled and dark-orange cloth which is tied in her waist, she has her gaze fixed on Alvida as she asks, "Ne, Ne, Emeraude. What should we do with that woman over there?"

The one on the right, a slim and wheat-colored Fish-woman with long, rigid white hair as well as green eyes, wearing a green necklace, a green tube top, a gold wristband in each hand, a long green skirt, and a pair of sandals, and the same tattoo of her crew's Jolly Roger on her right hand and piece of speckled and dark-orange cloth which is tied in her waist, also looks at Alvida and replies in a calm tone, "Look Saphir, she is quite powerful and dangerous, after all, she has easily dealt with those human scum. But I think that she could be useful to our plans after all, Simon-sama did ask us to have our eyes open for people like her and to capture or mark them if capture isn't possible. So we should quickly try to capture her before she can get away. What do you think, Rubis?"

The one on the left, a slim and wheat-colored Fish-woman with short white hair as well as red eyes, wearing a red necklace, a red tube top, a gold wristband in each hand, a long red skirt, and a pair of sandals, and the same tattoo of her crew's Jolly Roger on her right hand and piece of speckled and dark-orange cloth which is tied in her waist snorts and says, "Of course, let's capture her! The sooner we take care of this human woman the sooner we can return to our Gad!"

(Image Here - Saphir, Rubis, Emeraude)

The three fish-women look at each other and silently nod, then they jump down the building, and at a very fast speed, they start to run toward Alvida.

Seeing that, I instantly realize that these fish-women are very likely members of the Simon Pirates the pirate crew of Simon "The Divine" a member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas since they clearly talked about Alvida being useful for some kind of plan, moreover, it appears that there is also another member of this island who is currently focusing on taking the treasure from the Yondo Ruins.

Realizing that I can't help but question, 'Just what is their plan? I can understand that they need the six treasures hidden on the six islands to find the true treasure, but why would they lure all these pirates here to compete with them for the same treasure they are aiming for? Do they need these pirates for something? Wait! Those women just said that Simon told them to keep their eyes open for people like Alvida... does this mean that they need women or Devil Fruit users to complete their plan? I really don't understand why... but one thing is sure... I have to stop them from capturing Alvida.'

As I reach this conclusion, I see that the three Fish-women are already standing in front of a calm Alvida, and the one dressed in blue cheerfully says, "Hello~ My name is Saphir and these are my sisters Rubis and Emeraude. We are members of the Simon Pirates known as the Précieuses~. For your own good, I invite you to surrender and peacefully come with us, this way no only we won't hurt you, but you will also be able to help us create a peaceful world where everyone can happily live together no matter their race, wealth, and power. So can you come with us, pretty please~?"

Alvida maintains her calm, her imposing figure still towering over the three smaller women, she smiles and simply replies, "Sorry, I have more important things to care about... like finding my man, making him mine, and riding him until I pass out from pleasure. I have no time to waste with the likes of you."

At this point, the Fish-woman dressed in red, Rubis, raises her spear and says, "Good enough for me! If you won't come with us with the good, we will make you come with us with the bad!" making the other two also raise their spears. 

The Fish-woman dressed in green, Emeraude, sighs and comments, "Like always, in the end, we still have to fight..." and they start to take a triangular formation with Saphis and Rubis standing in the front, and Emeraude standing behind them.

At the same time, Alvida maintains her calm and mocks them, "You ugly girls have no chance, nothing that you can do will be able to harm me, all your attacks will simply slide off me!" 

Hearing that, Rubis smirks and says, "We will see that!" then she does a powerful stab with her spear while yelling, "Rouge Foudroyant (It is French it can be translated in more or less: Red Devasting)!!"

Suddenly a spiraling red water current appears around Rubis' white spear which is then thrown as a powerful water stream that quickly hits Alvida sending her crashing against the building behind her which quickly starts to crumble.

Soon after that, Alvida jumps out of the wrecked building looking a little worse for wear as she looks at the three Fish-women and asks, "How is this possible!? Until now nothing was able to hit me!?"

Saphir runs toward the shocked Alvida and says, "Ne, ne~ The Devil Fruits are for sure very powerful, especially yours that makes you immune to most physical attacks, but they aren't invincible. All Devil Fruits Users share one glaring, well-known weakness, they are all weak to water~! Something our Fish-Man Sojutsu excels in manipulating! Bleu Redoutable (Blue Formidable)!" 

At the same time, Saphir vigorously swings her spear upwards, and once again, I notice a spiraling blue water current appear around Saphir's white spear which then shoots an uplifting stream of water that sends Alvida flying very high before she once again crashes heavily on the ground with such force that it generates a small crater on the ground and raises a huge cloud of dust that hides Alvida's figure.

At this point, the three Fish-women start to move closer to Alvida, and while walking, Rubis lowers her guard and her weapon and comments, "As expected, she is already down! These Devil Fruit Users are all the same! They always think of themselves as invincible because of their Devil Fruit's powers, and get way too overconfident and careless which makes it quite easy to take them by surprise and take advantage of their glaring weakness. Simon-sama is right, they are imperfect beings."

Just as she says that suddenly from the cloud of dust, Alvida's huge Iron Mace suddenly flies out aiming straight for Rubis who is too surprised to react in time, but Emeraude, who still didn't lower her guard, is able to and soon she steps in front of Rubis and starts to spin her white spear while yelling, "Be careful! Vert Triomphant (Green Triumphant)!!"

Instantly her spinning spear generates a powerful vortex of green water that envelopes and deflects Alvida's Iron Mace sending it flying a building next to which crumbles soon after that with a loud sound.

Quickly after that, Emeraude starts to scold Rubis, "Rubis! Be careful, do not make the same mistake as your opponent! Remember that the only reason we are able to hit her is because of our Fish-Man Sojutsu! If it wasn't for that, we would have faced the same difficulties as those 100 humans!"

Meanwhile, I notice that the other Fish-woman, notices something lying on the ground nearby and picks it up allowing me to see what it is, a fisherman's net, and not a simple one, but one of those used to capture some small-sized Sea Kings, which means that are strong enough to resist to a very large amount of force, and it is clear that the Fish-woman named Saphir also recognize it, as a huge smile forms on her face as she quickly hides the fishing net behind her back and quickly regroups with the other two.

Seeing that, I immediately realize what she plans to do with it, 'Dammit! With that type of fishing net, they could easily capture Alvida, after all, it can envelop and capture Alvida's whole body and that type of net doesn't allow enough space for Alvida to slip off! I can't stay still anymore!' (AN: I know this affirmation is debatable but since both Oda and the internet didn't give me a clear answer, I'm going to use the information available to construct a believable list of limits for the current Sube Sube no Mi. Let me list them clearly, most physical type attacks will slip off, "energy" type attacks will hit and harm her, Haki empowered attack will hit unless Alvida has a stronger Haki, like demonstrated by Smoker she can be captured if her whole body is held in such a way that it isn't able to slip off (For those who don't remember watch/read Loguetown Arc manga chapters 96-100, anime episodes 48-53), and of course there are Devil Fruits usual weakness, water and seastones, that override everything. Hope this makes it clear to everyone.)

At the same time, the cloud of dust finally clears away, and the figure of Alvida standing looking just a little worse for wear can easily be seen.

She looks very pissed off as she stares at the three Fish-women with clear killing intent in her eyes as she mutters, "You little bitches! I'll make you pay for that!" 

Then she doesn't hesitate and once again jumps forward while yelling, "Sube Sube Spur!" once she lands on the ground she starts to slide toward them in a zig-zag pattern to make it harder for them to lock on her, but the three Précieuses maintain their calm, and slowly they lead Alvida in their trap.

Once Alvida is close enough to Rubis who stands between Saphir and Emeraude, Saphir throws a part of the fishing net to Emeraude and the two quickly spread the net wide open ready to capture Alvida, who is taken by surprise by the sudden change, is unable to change direction or stop in time and stop crashes into the net that quickly closes in capturing her.

Seeing that their trap worked perfectly, the three Précieuses start to cheer, but I take advantage of this moment of distraction to make my move, I quickly grab Alvida's Iron Mace, and without any hesitation, I throw it aiming between the trapped Alvida and the Précieuses, who quickly notice the incoming Iron Mace and jump back in panic.

Once there is some distance between them, I quickly kick the ground more than 10 times in an instant to use Soru and reach Alvida's position as fast as possible, then I quickly bring out my skinning knife and use it to cut the net and free Alvida.

All this happens in a few moments, and the Précieuses are too shocked by the events that quickly follow one another, in fact, the only one who reacts to my presence is Alvida, who calmly gets up and looks at me she comments, "Ara ara... if it isn't that brat Koby. What are you doing here? Moreover, what has happened to you? If it wasn't because of those ridiculous ugly glasses, I would barely recognize you." 

I keep my eyes on the three Précieuses while replying, "A lot happened, but in a few words, after Jayr-san defeated you, he knocked out all your men, and then he allowed me to train under him so that I could fulfill my dream of becoming a Marine. Since then, I have been traveling with Jayr-san and his family while training under him. Right now, we decided to help the people of Nanatsu Islands to overcome this crisis." 

Hearing that, Alvida quickly commented with clear excitement in her tone, "Wait! You are with Jayr!? He is here!? Ara ara~ It seems that fate is truly guiding my hand! He won't be able to escape me, he will be mine! But first..." 

Then she stands right next to me and picks up her heavy, spiked Iron Mace as she continues her sentence, "...We have to kick these bitches' ass! And since you are a former member of my crew and my man's student, I'll allow you to fight by my side, show me what you learned after being trained by my man, brat!"

At the same time, I can't help but let out a mental sigh while thinking, 'Who would have thought that one day I would end up teaming up with Alvida of all people...'