The Fight for the Treasure 3

Wooo! Here is the 200th Chapter and more than 900.000 words written! Thank you for all the reader who continue to follow my work and support it with their stones!

Koby POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Yo) - 20 GAP 

While I keep my eyes on the three Fish-women, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude, who call themselves the Précieuses, I can't help but find the current situation incredibly unbelievable as I see in the corner of my eyes the tall, imposing, beautiful woman standing beside me as we get ready to face the enemy together, 'I would have never thought that one day, I would fight side by side with Alvida! Of all the possible people in this world, Alvida! The pirate that captured me and forced me to work for her. The pirate that made me fear for my life for many months. The pirate that I dreamed of capturing myself once I fully became a Marine many times... And now we are about to fight together against a common enemy...'

As I think that, Rubis, the slim and wheat-colored Fish-woman with short white hair and red eyes, dressed almost fully in red, stares at me with an angry and annoyed gaze and asks, "And now who the hell are you!?" followed by Emeraude, who like Rubis has a slim build and wheat-colored skin, but with rigid white hair and green eyes, and dressed almost fully in green, who says, "Do you know that defying us is equal in defying and becoming enemies with Simon-sama the member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas known as the "The Dvine"?"

Then, the last Fish-woman, Saphir, who also has a slim build, wheat-colored skin, and short white hair, but blue eyes, and is dressed almost fully in blue, also cheerfully adds, "Trust me that isn't a good idea! His epithet "The Divine" isn't for show. Simon-sama is truly a Divine Being with incredible powers! Moreover, he is doing everything to make this world a better place for everyone! We all should be by his side, not against him!" 

I shake my head, then I reply, "My name is Koby a prospective Marine with the rank of Journeyman Recruit. I don't know what you guys think about this Simon, but for sure, I know that someone as arrogant as him who thinks of himself as a Divine Being and who doesn't care about the suffering that his actions cause to other people for sure isn't as benevolent as you think. Whatever his plan is, it has to be stopped as very likely will cause even more suffering and tragedy to not only the people living on these islands but also all the other people living in this world! So as a future Marine Admiral I have to stop him."

At this point, an annoyed Alvida shouts, "Let's stop with all this useless chitchat! It's time to kick these little bitches' ass!"

Then Alvida jumps forward while yelling, "Sube Sube Spur!" and once she lands on the ground she starts to slide toward them quickly closing the distance, and without any hesitation, she swings her heavy, spiked Iron Mace at the closest enemy, Emeraude, who calmly uses her spear to block Alvida's brutal attack.

The clash between the two is so powerful that the ground beneath them starts to collapse as a small crater forms under their feet, and from that exchange, it is clear that despite the fact that Alvida slimmed down a lot, she didn't lose any of the monstrous physical power she had before, and as I also expected, these Fish-women also have a very powerful body, much more powerful than their stature and physique could imply. 

That is because Fish-men in general are naturally 10 times stronger than regular humans, making them a force to be reckoned with, especially when in water as they grow even more powerful, while other species usually grow much weaker, making them especially difficult to face in their natural habitat. 

At the same time, I quickly notice that Saphir and Rubis want to take advantage of the fact that Alvida is occupied with Emeraude to once again hit her with their techniques Bleu Redoutable (Blue Formidable) and Rouge Foudroyant (Red Devasting) as they have already taken their stances and are now gathering their powers to unleash an even more devastating attack.

Seeing that, instantly causes one of Jayr-san's lessons to surface in my mind, 'Remember Koby, in a chaotic battle it is very important to always be aware of both your surroundings and every participant's capabilities, both strengths and weakness, to the best of your abilities. A small rock lying on the ground in front of you could be the difference between life and death, it could slow you down just enough to allow your opponent to hit you, or you could kick it to knock out or distract someone who is about to harm an innocent or a clueless ally...'

At the same time, I notice some pieces of rocks right in front of me, and without any hesitation, I yell, "Alvida! Your flanks!" then I kick both rocks which fly toward her at an astonishing speed as I don't hold back anything in that kick at all.

Alvida, who also noticed what Saphir and Rubis are doing, quickly understands what I am aiming for, and as soon as the rocks touch her body, just like all the previous attacks, they slip off and their trajectory suddenly changes as they slip off in two different directions. 

The deflected rocks are now heading toward Saphir and Rubis, who are then forced to stop their attack and dodge the rocks, at the same time, Alvida kicks Emeraude away sending her crashing on the ground.

Then she quickly rushes toward Saphir while yelling, "Good job, brat!" and taking advantage of the opening created by the rocks that slid off her body, Alvida brutally swings her spiked Iron Mace forcing Saphir to awkwardly block with her spear, but the power behind Alvida's swing is so big that even with the block, the staff of Saphir's spear bends and she is sent flying, then she crashes right next to Emeraude who is holding her stomach in pain.

Meanwhile, I ran toward Rubis, who still hadn't recovered her balance from the sudden dodge, and without any hesitation, I threw a sidekick at her.

But Rubis was barely able to use her spear to block my kick, and just like what happened to Saphir, the staff of Rubis' spear also bends under the power of my kick and Rubis was also blown away and crashes in the ground right next to her sisters Saphir and Emeraude. 

Without wasting any more time, both Alvida and I start to rush toward the downed trio so that we can take advantage of their stunned state to knock them out once and for all, but just as we are halfway there, a male voice is heard as he yells, "STOP!! Yabusame (Arrow Military Shark)!!"

At the same time, I hear the sound of many objects cutting through the air at a very fast speed, quickly approaching our position, and so I instantly stop and jump back to dodge the incoming attack.

Meanwhile, Alvida, who also noticed the incoming danger, also stops, takes a step back, and raises her spiky Iron Mace to use it as a shield, wary that this attack could be just like the previous attacks of the Précieuses, meaning able actually to hit her.

That was a smart decision on her part because soon after, I saw many arrow-like water droplets piercing the ground in front of me with speed and power equal to that of bullets generating many small holes in the ground making it clear just how deadly this attack could be.

At the same time, the three Précieuses, who slowly go up, also notice the attack and recognizing the technique used and the voice of the unknown attack, they all smile brightly and yell in perfect sync, ""Gad!!!"" 

Quickly after that, that same voice is heard once more coming from the distance, this time it is full of concern as it asks, "My dearest Précieuses are you all alright? Did they hurt you?"

At the same time, both Alvida and I stop in place and warily wait for the unknown attacker to reveal himself, because it is clear that the previous attack was only a warning shot meant to stop our attack on the three Précieuses, after all, with the speed and power of those water droplets, he could have easily sniped us, be he clearly warned us of his presence with that shout before he attacked to protect his allies.

Soon I notice the huge figure of a man walking toward us from behind the Précieuses, he is a tall, muscular, teal-colored Fish-man with black hair shaped like the head of a hammer, sideburns, a pointed nose, pointed chin, thin face, thick lips, and thin eyebrows.

He wears a blue and white tank top, an orange shirt, black shorts, orange sandals, and gold piercings on his ears and nose, he is also carrying a quite unusual weapon, it is a long polearm with the head of a hammer at the end.

As soon as the three Fish-women notice his presence, they quickly rush to hug him as he comforts them, "There, there. Everything is fine. Gad the Whirling Tide is here now. No one will be able to harm you."

(Image Here - Gad the Whirling Tide)

Then the Fish-man named Gad raises his head and looks at him and says, "So you are the pirate that harmed the people of this village and my dear Précieuses... huh? You are just a kid... Hei, Emeraude, what is going on here?" and quickly the green-eyed Fish-woman whisper something to him as Gad listen and loudly comments, "Ah... I see... I see... So he isn't a pirate but was helping the people of this village... Eh!? you also found a target, huh? I understand now..."

Then his gaze moves away from me and he looks at Alvida, and instantly he opens his eyes wide, they even develop into heart-shaped eyes as he exclaims, "Ay caramba! For King Neptune's Bread and Queen Otohime's Mercy! What an astonishing hot babe!!"

After that, he once again exclaims in surprise "What!? She is the target you found!? No way! Abort the mission, abort the mission! I don't know what Simon-sama needs these Devil Fruit users for, but I remember that he said that he said something about their noble sacrifice being needed for a peaceful world or something like that! No way, I'll let a beautiful lady sacrifice herself, especially if she is the one who actually helped the people of this village! Nope! No way!!"

At this point, Rubis asks, "Then what about our mission?" which makes Gad reply with a smile, "Our main mission was only to recover the Eye of Ahalbu located in the Yondo Ruins. Something I already did, I even used the birds that Din gave us to send it back to Simon-sama! This means that our mission is already complete! We just have to report that we didn't find any Devil Fruit user among the pirates raiding this Island, which is also the truth as the beautiful lady over there isn't a pirate." 

After saying that, the huge Fish-man named Gad picks up the three Précieuses and starts to run toward the sea while yelling, "So we are going back to the Headquarters! See ya, kid!! Beautiful babe, next time we see each other I hope it will be in a lot nicer situation!! Byeee!"

Seeing that, I can't help but remain stunned for a few seconds as I was expecting some kind of difficult fight against the Précieuses and their reinforcement, so much so that I can't help but mutter, "What... What just happened?" 

At this point, Alvida steps next to me and calmly replies, "It simple, that man was simply charmed by my incredible beauty and chose to voluntary retreat..." which makes me internally complain, 'As much as I want to deny everything she just said as bullshit, everything I just saw seems to confirm what Alvida just said... There are just all kinds of people in this world...'

Suddenly, Alvida grabs me from the scuff of my shirt and says, "More importantly, kid! Is it true that my man is here on these islands? If that is so! You are going to lead me to him right at this moment!" 

Eri POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Mi) - 20 GAP 

"Achoo!" I suddenly sneeze as I'm about to reach my destination, Mi Island, the intermediate-sized island that is in the southeast position of the archipelago known as Nanatsu Island.

Different from all the other islands on this archipelago which have a tropical climate, Mi Island has an extremely cold climate, but what is strange is that just a few weeks ago, this island's climate was the same as all the other islands of this archipelago, a tropical one, but that suddenly changed after that Simon guy took that Eye of Qi-whatchamacallit from Itsu Island.

Anyway, the cold isn't the reason behind my sudden sneeze, after all, I still have on me Jayr's artifact that protects against the cold that he gifted me when we challenged the Frost Caverns of Schnee a couple of years ago, no, the reason behind my sneeze is another, "My Jayr Senses are tingling once again! Another one has appeared- Achoo! And from this strong reaction, she seems to be a quite determined one too- Achoo!! No good! The thirst is strong in this one!" 

With newfound determination, I urge my Wywern Puppet to speed up while muttering, "I have to quickly fix the situation on this island and rush back to Jayr's side! I have to be by his side to judge her... I have to make sure if she is just a whore who simply lusts after Jayr's perfect body, wishes to use his overwhelming power to her own advantage, or desires the riches and power he could grant her, in that case, I'll send my cutie Noriko after her and literally curse the shit out of her, then dispo- I mean make her go away..."

Watching the snow-covered island getting closer, I continue, "... Or judge if she is like us, someone who truly fell in love with Jayr, for one reason or another and wishes nothing more than to stand by his side for the rest of her life to accept everything about him, and more important, willing to be part of our family without selfishly desiring Jayr all for herself..."

At the same time, I smirk while thinking, 'Not like she can actually handle his constant care, even that horny Ero-Dragon with almost limitless sexual stamina ends up all messed up and exhausted after a one-on-one session with him, and is barely able to walk on her own and that even after Jayr's special aftercare... But that to the fact that her race has the bullshit ability which allows her to grow stronger each time their body is sexually pushed to the limit, that pervert Ero-Dragon is able to enjoy Jayr's care many times a day having all her hole constantly filled-' 

Suddenly I shake my head to dismiss such thought and steel my resolve, 'Better stop thinking about that, as I feel myself getting a little wet... Damn it, Eri! Focus on dealing with the problem on this island! After all, the quicker you save the people on this island, the quicker you can go back to Jayr's side and be rewarded by him for a job well done... Maybe he'll give me a deep kiss, or one of his massages that will send me to heaven, or even knock me up... no wait it is still too soon for that, Galen-chan and Kharna-chan are still too young and I also want to become a Goddess before having a child on my own, I don't know exactly why is that, but I feel that this is for the best for both me and my future child.'

At this point, I realize that my mind started to wander once more, and so, I once again strongly shake my head and focus back on the current situation, at the same time, I realize that I'm about to fly over the island, so I empty my mind and focus even more on what is happing around me. 

After a few seconds, my Puppet Wywern flies over the island, and I immediately locate the village near the shore, and see that something is happening over there, so I use the ability of the glasses gifted to me by Oscar to zoom in and check the situation.

I see a large group of people gathered in the middle of the village, mostly made up of men, women, old, and children, all of which huddled together and scared, it is clear that they are the people living in this village, standing in front of them is a smaller group of tall, muscular men all armed with what looks like shovels they all look similar to each other. 

Standing in front of this group are two men who are clearly leading this group. 

One is a slender man with a square-like face, with thin sunglasses covering his eyes, long and sharp fingernails, purple hair curled upwards in the shape of a hook, his sideburns are also hook-shaped. 

He wears a grey blazer, pants with red sides, a purple striped shirt, a golden brooch shaped like a bird wing on his chest, and a pair of earrings with pearls hanging from them.

(Image Here - Eric)

He is standing beside the other man with his arm crossed as he keeps his gaze on the scared people and says, "Niphtal, just how long do we have to wait here?"

The other one is a short man with fair skin, beady eyes, thick lips, a large chin, ears with large, round openings, and short, curly black hair that has a large, upward-pointing curl on top. 

He wears a light blue jacket with two big pockets, a blue and black big striped scarf around his neck, a gold armband, white gloves, a black belt with two purses clinging to it, a headband with microscope heads, and a microphone on it, and also wears light blue shorts, black leggings, brown shoes, and a golden monocle. 

(Image Here - Niphtal)

The man called Niphtal looks up at the slender man and replies, "Calm down, Eric, you are basically getting for standing still beside me at the moment! We just have to wait for Kau Ra Kau and Zau Ra Zau to return from their exploration, and then we will know if those people told us the truth or not... And of course, in case they lied to us, they will pay for it... I say let's start with randomly killing half of them that should be enough to force them to tell us the true location of the Mitsukado Ruins."

Hearing that, the people of this village look even more afraid as the women hold the crying children even tighter while the men try to cover for them with their bodies, at the same time, Eric smirks and comments, "As expected of the man known as "Dreaming" Niphtal, member of the Simon Pirates with a bounty of 30,000,000 Belly, you are just as ruthless as expected... Anyway are you sure that those two things can truly complete their objectives?"

(AN: A reader commented that the One Piece world's main monetary unit is called Berry instead of the Beli that I used before, so I did a quick search and noticed that both are right. Due to the fickleness of rendering katakana, different translators have romanized ベリー in many different ways which are: Beli, Berry, Beri, or Belly all of those can be considered right. But since Belly is the most direct romanization seen in the original manga and correspondingly treated as the Canonical spelling by the One Piece wiki, I chose to follow the wiki example and change it to Belly, considering it the most right, but know that if you are used to calling it in any of the 4 aftermentioned ways then you are still right it is just a matter of personal preference.)

In response, Niphtal snorts out loud and replies, "Trust me, I have built Kau Ra Kau and Zau Ra Zau myself, they are the best of the best, and I'm very confident in my creations... You can't find anything better anywhere else in this world! In fact, I trust them way more than a mercenary like you Eric the Whirlwind. I'm sure that they will return, it is only a matter of time."

Soon after that, the sound of something heavy and metallic can be heard in the distance, and an excited Niphtal exclaims, "They are here! They are here! They are here!!"

Standing on top of my flying Undead Puppet, I can easily see the two mechanical figures walking into the village carrying a big green spherical gemstone.

One is a large, yellow and blue robot with a broad chest, a flat head, one large eye, a blue square where the other should be, and large teeth, it also has a duel-sided lance and spear arm, silver shoulder joints, and a black lower half designed to resemble pants.

While the other is very similar with some minimal differences, it is a large, yellow and red robot with a broad chest, a flat head, one large eye, a red square where the other should be, and large teeth, it also has a sword and spear arm, silver shoulder joints, and a black lower half designed to resemble pants, I'm pretty sure that those two things are the Kau Ra Kau and Zau Ra Zau that Niphtal was talking about a few moments ago.

(Image Here - Kau Ra Kau & Zau Ra Zau)

Seeing the two robots arrive with the green spherical gemstone in their arms, Niphital smile grows even bigger, then he grabs the gemstone, and looking at it he exclaims, "Hehehe! They got it! This is the Eye of Chamiapac! It seems that these people gave us the right information!"

Hearing that, most of the threatened people let out a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed, but right at this moment, a cruel smirk forms on Niphtal's face as he says, "This means that these people are useless now... Kau Ra Kau, Zau Ra Zau! Kill them all!!"

With his order, both robots instantly turn around and face the people living in this village with their spear arms raised, at the same time, I realize that I can't wait any longer and that it is now the time to act, I quickly yell while infusing Spirit Magic in my voice to force everything to follow my orders copying Ehit's Divine Edict, "Order them to stop!"

As Niphtal is compelled to follow my order, I jump down my Skeletal Wyvern and use my Spiral Cosmo to cast the Spirit Magic, Spirit Fusion which allows me to connect with any of my Undead Puppets, in this particular case, Noriko so that I can borrow and use all of their innate abilities, in this case, the capacity to float and make herself intangible, as there is no way, I'll let these fool even have a chance to touch my body, the only people allowed to do so are Jayr, Saori, Seika, Ero-Dragon, Kharna-chan, and Galen-chan.

Once I'm close enough to the ground, I raise my staff, and use my Spiral Cosmo to connect with the Undead Realm hidden in my shadow, and without any hesitation, I summon more than two dozen Skeleton Warriors.

Instantly from my shadow, two dozen heavily armored skeletons all with cold blue blazing eyes emerge, they are armed with all kinds of weapons, swords, spears, hammers, axes, and flails.

These are the weakest kinds of Undead at my disposal, but that isn't a reason to underestimate them, after all, I have spent all my free time in these two years refining all my Undead Puppets making them the strongest possible.

Once they fully emerge, the captain of this squadron bows and asks, "How may we serve you, Lady of the Eternal Rest? Just give us your orders we waited too long for this moment. We can finally show our gratitude by serving and helping you to the best of our abilities."

Indeed, different from the usual Undead Puppets, these ones are fully sentient just like any other Undead in my Undead Realm, I carefully nurtured the small piece of soul that I used to create them into a fully mature soul, so now they have complete free will making them a true race of Undead that I created with their own desires and feelings no one is able to force them to do anything, but since I used my own power to nurture them and was there with them since their "birth" teaching and guiding them they consider me their Goddess who granted them the gift of a peaceful unliving without the usual anger toward life, or even hunger or thirst that their kind usually have, and so are willing to do anything to help me.