Super Shenron

Jayr POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Neutral Space, Nameless Planet - Age 779

As Super Shenron continues to roar, its now fully extended body starts to glow in a golden light that completely covers its features while at the same tine discarching a massive amount of electricity-like energy all over the barrier around it body while everyone watches in wonder.

Shortly after that, the still shining Super Shenron breaks out of the barrier and shortly after, the golden light fades away and it starts flying around the Neutral Space making Goku and some other gasp in awe while Patamon comments, "Oh my, he is a quite big boy, already..."

Hearing that, I smirk and comment, "Indeed, Super Shenron is already comparable with the size of a large planet, but he is nowhere near its full size yet..." which makes a curious Bulma look at me and ask, "What do you mean with that?"

In response to her question, I simply smile and point at Super Shenron who is now flying around a nearby sun while its body briefly shines in gold light once again before it suddenly enlarges many times over, growing more and more massive with each passing moment, from the size of a large planet to that of a massive star and even larger to the point that it can easily swallow a planet the size of Jupiter without any issues and even then, it shows no signs of stopping yet.

Super Shenron continues getting bigger and bigger until it becomes larger than a galaxy and continues, as it grows even bigger before it lets out another triumphant roar.

As it grews bigger, Super Shenron casually swallowed the Cube giving us a glimpse of its internal body which seems to be filled with planets, golden scales, and stars which alternate regularly.

At this point, using my Cosmic Awareness to take a look at Super Shenron's full-size 

Super Shenron is a pure yellow color with a gold tone on its body, has bright crimson eyes, large bat wings instead of the feathery ones around the species he was designed from, coincidently has no legs, and spikes around its tail. 

It is incomprehensibly gargantuan in size, as it is many times more colossal than the multiple amounts of galaxies between Universes 6 and 7. 

This makes it without question the largest Eternal Dragon in the entire Dragon Ball franchise, as well as the biggest creature by far. 

However, as shown at the end of the Tournament of Power, Super Shenron can in fact decrease its size if he wishes to, as it appeared only slightly bigger than the arena, which means that the only reason it grew to this size this time is simply because it wanted to. 

(Image Here - Super Shenron)

Watching Super Shenron's majestic figure, even I can't help but comment impressed in my mind, 'Wow... Not even Zeed Millenniumon and Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar can grow this big! Basically the only things that can compete and win in size against Super Shenron that immediately come to my mind are a Super Tengen Toppa Gunmen and Getter Emperor...'

While I'm thinking that, Goku and the other who closed their eyes while we were about to be swallowed by Super Shenron open their eyes and gasp watching the enchanting spectacle all around us, even is some of them appears to be scared by it.

"W-What now?"


"The stars... and galaxies."

"This... This is..."

"If this is a dream, wake up already!"

At this point, Bulma asks, "This place... Where are we?" to which Piccolo guesses, "Probably, inside the body of Super Shenron." making Bulma gasp and Goku asks in classic Goku manner, "Inside the body...? Ya mean that we'll come out as poop?"

Hearing that, Chi-Chi quickly scolds her husband by yelling, "Watch your dirty words in front of children!" before Whis reassures them, "There's no need to worry. We're only going through the initial goal."

In response to Whis' words, everyone's gaze focuses on what there is ahead and notice a somewhat scary opening shaped like an open dragon maw which leads to what looks like absolute pitch-black nothingness.

The Cube quickly reaches and advances into the dragon maw and as expected we find ourselves in an space of pitch-black nothingness before a much smaller Super Shenron suddenly appears in front of us making them all gasp in wonder while Bulma asks, "Is this the true body of Super Shenron?" but Beerus quickly answers and explains, "Not its actual body, but rather, it's the core of his presence or the nucleus."

Shortly after that, Super Shenron speaks in a deep voice, "I ma eht Nogard fo Sdog. Etats ruoy hsiw dna I llahs tnarg ti. (I am the Dragon of Gods. State your wish and I shall grant it.)" which makes Vegeta comments in wonder, "The Language of the Gods." while Patamon, who absolutely doesn't let such chance pass, chuckles and says, "Ah. Ah. He said it. He said the thing!"

At the same time, Oolong simply guesses, "He's asking us about our wish." which makes Krillin roll his eyes and comment, "You don't fail to say the obvious."

Beerus calmly looks at Super Shenron with his arms crossed and says, "A wish? It has to be a good one." which makes Bulma exlaims, "What? You haven't thought about it, yet?"

Annoyed Beerus yells back, "Shut up! I'm thinking right now!" before after a few moments of silence, he makes a decision and says, "Alright! Esaelp eviver Ersevinu Xis's Htrae dna sti ytinamuh. (Please revive Universe Six's Earth and its humanity.)"

Hearing his God of Destruction's wish, Whis asks, "Are you sure about that?" to which he replies without any hesitation, "Yeah."

In response to that, Whis smiles and says, "I understand. Let's tell him that." before he repeats, "Esaelp eviver Ersevinu Xis's Htrae dna sti ytinamuh."

Super Shenron's crimson eyes glow for a brief moment before it states, "Ruoy hsiw sah neeb detnarg! (Your wish has been granted!)" 

After saying that, Super Shenron's crimson eyes focus on me and it bows his head as a sign of respect, something that only Whis and Beerus actually notice as I sense the two slightly stiffen for a moment before they mask it while Super Shenron raises its head and fades away leaving us in the pitch-black nothingness.

At the same time, through my Cosmic Awareness, I see the gargatuan Super Shenron letting out a deafning roar as its body disappears in a bight flash of light before the light fades away revealing the seven Super Dragon Balls which immediately disperse in all directions across the 6 and 7 Universe leaving us back in the emptyness of the Neutral Space making the people within the Cube wonder.

"Is it over?"

"It seems so."

"That was cool!"

Then a wary Bulma asks, "What did you wish for?" but Beerus cheekly replies, "It's a secret." which makes Goku exclaims, "That's bein' selfish. Let us know, as well."

At this point, Beerus lies, "I wished for a bed which is more comfortable than my current bed." which makes Bulma exclaim in disbelief, "Ehh?! Are you an idiot? Even I could've given you a better bed!"

Annoyed by Bulma's tone, Beerus shouts back, "Who are you calling an idiot, you idiot!? I'll destroy you for real!"

Seeing this scene, I chuckle and say, "Hehehe. Beerus lied with a straight face. He didn't wish for a more comfortable bed." which makes everyone focus on me while Bulma asks, "What? You can speak the Language of the Gods!? Then what did he wish for? Is it something bad?"

Meanwhile, Beerus starts glaring in my direction and I even sense his Godly Ki starting to fluctuate a little, but I simply smirk and say, "I'll respect Beerus' privacy and won't reveal his wish to you all. But I'll reassure you and confirm that he didn't wish for anything bad."

Hearing that, Bulma and a few other let out a sigh of relief, Beerus included but then I grin and add, "In fact, his wish can be considered a selfless and gentle one. Despite his apparence and status as God of Destruction, Beerus can be quite a soft and gentle individual. He's got quite the Tsundere vibe."

Beerus is immediately enraged as he yells, "Say what!? I don't know what is this Tsundere thing but I don't like it!! I'll destroy you!!!" before he shoots a small dark purple black ball full of energy of destruction at me.

Seeing that, I calmly manipulate my Anti-Spiral Cosmo to create a small aura of pure purple energy around my hand before I casually grab Beerus' energy ball easily and absorb it on contact before vanishing the aura giving me a sample of his Power of Destruction and Ki that I casually merge with my Anti-Spiral Cosmo and Spiral Cosmo while everyone is watching me with a stunned gaze, everyone but Goza who in the months we spent together learned quite a bit about my abilities at the least, the ones I showed him during our Champions Challenge and during our spars.

I continue to calmly smile and say, "Your threat may work on other people, but not on me. First of all, I know perfectly well that you actually didn't mean to harm me as the Energy of Destruction within that Ki Blast was too small to harm even an average Kaioshin even less someone at my level."

At this point, Goku moves between us completely ignoring what happened, and asks, "Talkin' about that! How strong are you? Are you stronger than Beerus-sama?" followed by a curious Bulma who also asks trying to change the topic and defuse the situation, "That's right! You said that you were a God, right? But what kind of God are you? Are you a God of Destruction like Beeru-sama or maybe something like a Kaioshin?" before she looks at Goza and asks, "Do you know about it, Goza-kun?"

In response to her question, Goza quickly shakes his head and says, "No, I knew he was some kind of God, but I didn't ask about it."

Indeed, even if Goza and I spent quite some time together in the Walking Dead Universe, he doesn't know too much about me and my personal life.

The reason for that is simply because he didn't ask as not only we were quite busy in helping Rick and the others, but also because Goza himself didn't care too much about such things, he mostly wanted to spar, fight, and train activities that he prefered over talking. 

In return, I also didn't ask him too much about his life and experience as I didn't want him to spoil me too much about his universe and the changes he made while living there.


Shortly after Goza answers Bulma's question, Whis also steps into the Cube and after his usual chuckle, he says, "Hohoho. I'm also quite curious about that. This is the first time in 200 million years of life that I meet someone from outside the 12 universes and a God at that!"

At this point, I calmly smile and say, "Sure, I have no problem answering those questions." before I answer their question, "Let's start with Bulma's question. I'm the God of Healing, Justice, and Dragon. As God of Healing, I can instantly notice all kinds of illnesses, wounds, and any other ailments that affect health, and of course, I know how to cure them, or if a cure doesn't exist I can create one. As God of Justice, I can instantly know if someone is wicked and precisely know how wicked they are if they are pure evil beyond redemption or simply misguided souls, and judge them as such. Lastly as God of Dragons, well, it is pretty straightforward, I have Authority over everything that is connected to Dragons."

In response to my explanation, most of the Z Fighter gasp and comment in wonder while Whis comments, "This is quite fascinating. It is very different from the Kaioshin and the God of Destruction who watch over Creation and Destruction and focus on maintaining the balance of the universe..." 

Shortly after Whis' comment, I look at Goku and say, "Now, regarding Goku-san's question about how strong I am... Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself to give you an idea of that." before I start to narrate, "I'm not much different from you all, I too was born as a mortal, in fact, I was a regular human not much different from the ones living on the Earth of this universe, to be more precise, I was actually born on a planet called Earth..."

At this point, Bulma interrupts me and asks, "Wait a moment! Are you telling us that you are also a human!? One born on a parallel version of Earth like the one present in the Universe 6?"

I nod and answer, "Yes, I was a regular human but that changed in my journey to become a God, and yes, in my universe there is also a version of Earth that you all come from, only mine is slightly different than yours. The first clear difference is that many Gods exist there with their own factions, religions, and objectives. Some watch over and protect Earth and humans, some simply treat mortals as toys to do as they please with, some others want to subjugate the Earth and become the sole worshipped rules, and a few others simply want to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible."

Hearing that, Whis can't help but exclaim, "Oh my... that seems a quite chaotic situation." which makes me smile wryly as I comment, "That's one way to describe it..."

Then I continue, "Anyway, not much different from the people of this universe, a few highly trained humans living on my version of Earth have access to a mythical form of energy called Cosmo which they can access and manipulate by awakening their 6th Sense granting them powers way beyond what is humanly possible. My grandfather was one of such people, he was in fact, one of the warriors of the Goddess Athena who fought by her side against the warriors of other evil Deities to protect Earth and the human. Such warriors don one of the 88 Cloths are mythical armors that protect their bodies and allow them to unleash all their power without fear. These warriors are called Saints, they are the strongest warriors on Earth that protected it for over millions of years."

In response to my description, Master Roshi hums and comments impressed, "Hmm, no matter what, when there is evil, good will always stand up to oppose it. Still, it is impressive that such a long lineage of just warriors exists."

After he says that, I go on, "My sisters and I all decided to follow our Grandfather's footsteps and so once we turned 5 we all left our home one after another to go through the gruesome training needed to become a Saint."

At this point, Beerus clicks his tongue and comments, "Tch, just how powerful can these Saint be? In the end, they are just mortals who rely on outside help..."

In response to his words, I smirk and explain, "Well, Saints and Cloths are mostly divided into 3 Levels. There are the Bronze Saints who are the most numerous and weakest and wear the Bronze Cloth. They are strong enough to move at supersonic speed and their power varies from being powerful enough to destroy a city to being able to wipe out an entire continent and thus the Bronze Cloth can easily endure such levels of power. For an easy-to-understand example, if any of you launches a barrage of Ki Blast at a Bronze Saint who is simply standing still, but only uses enough power to mostly destroy a mountain, it is very likely that he will walk out of that barrage completely unscratched."

Hearing that, Yamcha can't help but gulp loudly and comments, "Damn, that's some crazy level of protection..." followed by Krillin who asks, "Where can I find one?"

I simply smirk, ignore his question, and say, "The next level are the Silver Saints, they are the warriors who have completely mastered their 6th Sense and don the Silver Cloths. They are able to move at speed faster than the speed of sound and can easily destroy an entire planet if they desire, and of course, the Silver Cloths can endure such level of destruction."

At this point, Goku looks at me with gleaming eyes as he exclaims, "Woah! They seem like a crazy strong bunch! And they are only the second strongest!? Amazing! I'd like to fight them! Who are the strongest Saints!?"

Hearing that, I calmly replied in a proud tone, "The strongest Saints are the Gold Saints. There are only 12 of them, but each one of them can be considered the strongest in their own way. Each single one of the Gold Saints has at the very least awakened their 7th Sense if not mastered it. This allows them to move and attack at the speed of light and their power is such that if left uncontrolled they can easily destroy several galaxies and even the entire universe. Their Gold Cloths of course protect them against such powerful attacks too making them basically invincible against opponents unable to unleash such a level of destruction. On top of that, they can even awaken their 8th Sense which allows them to reject and fight off the rules imposed by the Gods. Despite all that power at their disposal, the Gods still stand above all common Saints."

Making all the people present gasp in shock, awe, and disbelief, the most impressed and excited are of course, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Whis, and even Beerus even if he tries to hide it under a mask of indifference.

Shortly after explaining all that, I say, "Now that I've explained the basics, I can tell you that I became a Silver Saint when I was 12, but I had already awakened my 7th Sense at that time making me mostly equal to a Gold Saint in power. Then when I turned 15, I officially became a Gold Saint and was involved in two Holy Wars which resulted in me comfronting against 4 Gods. Despite that, I survived and won through all that, killing 2 of these Gods with the help of my comrades and helping the Goddess Athena in finishing off a 3rd one. After that, I left my home universe to become even stronger and ended up becoming something more than a human breaking the limits of my mortal body and killing another evil God, this time on my own and then, while visiting another universe, I met with an accident that resulted in me awakening my 9th sense and fully ascend as a God before clashing against a being way more powerful than any Deity I had ever encountered who could unleash an attack whose power was capable of creating and destroying an infinite number of universes and even then, I was able to defeat it with the help of a fantastical group of friends."

After saying all that, I smile widely and say, "Now that I've told you all this, I can answer with confidence that I'm pretty strong, maybe among the strongest beings in all universes. The only opponents I am truly wary of are very few and rare."

In response to my declaration, Goku appeared to be very excited and immediately requested a fight, a request that I accepted but I also told him that we would do that at a later date as they had just battled against the fighters of Universe 6 and that he is in no condition to fight, especially since his body is currently in a messed up and unbalanced state because of his prolonged use of the combination of the Kaio-ken and the Super Saiyan Blue transformation.

After that, Whis again takes control of the Cube and quickly drives it back to Beerus' planet, and once there, Goku quickly starts to annoy Beerus by requesting the God of Destruction to let him fight against Monaka the supposed "strongest" opponent Beerus ever fought.

"Stop being so annoying!"

"Don't say that! Let me spar with Monaka for just a lil' bit!"

"It won't be a fair or even satisfying fight. Monaka didn't do anything during the Tournament, and you are in no condition to fight. Even that God of Healing told you so a few minutes ago. You can fight him sometime in the future."

"F-For sure!"

After that, Goku didn't insist and quietly returned to the Cube as Whis sent us back to Earth.

But on the way back, everyone starts to discuss the tournament casually proposed by Zeno.

"A martial arts tournament with every universe involved is going to be a huge event."

"Yeah! And fun, too!"

"We'll take another vacation to come see it!"

Then suddenly, Goku asks, "Hey, Jayr! Could your universe take part too? I'm pretty curious about fightin' those Saints you talked about!" 

Hearing his question, I start to think about Goku's suggestion for a few moments, 'This isn't all that bad as a proposal... I should be easily able to convince Zeno to allow the people from my universe to take part in the Tournament of Power, after all, that will surely make the show much more interesting, the only downside is that if we take part then my people would have nothing to lose as Zeno is unable to erase my universe... in fact, they don't have even that much to gain as the wish for the Super Dragon Balls can only be used to restore the erased universes and honestly speaking at my current level whatever the Super Dragon Balls can do, I can also do it, especially in an universe like the Dragon Ball Universe where I have no limit whatsoever. The only thing that they have to gain is experience in fighting against people from other universes who use unfamiliar and strange techniques and of course, bragging rights. Maybe I should add some extra prizes for the participants of the other universes... Oh well, I still have some time to carefully think about it, but I'm not against the idea, in fact, I find it quite interesting.'

Coming to that conclusion, I quickly reply, "I should be able to do something about it, but I can't guarantee that the Gold Saints will be able to take part in that tournament as they are the world's last line of defense against evil and ambitious Deities, and even against other forces."

Hearing that, Goku looks a little disappointed, at least until I add, "But that doesn't mean that you won't be able to enjoy a good fight as I know quite a few Saints that have Gold Saint level of power despite not being Gold Saint, and some are even stronger than that." which makes Goku exclaims, "Really!? Awesome!!"

At this point, Patamon exclaims, "Hey!! Don't forget about me! I also want to have fun and show off in that tournament!" which makes Vegeta snort and comment, "Like something small like that thing can actually fight..."

Before I can say anything in Patamon's defense, Goza says, "Vegeta-san, you shouldn't underestimate Patamon and let his cute appearance fool you. Patamon is a Digimon, a creature that is able to evolve and multiply his power many, many times just like our transformation. At his strongest level of evolution, he isn't any weaker than you and Father in your Super Saiyan Blue transformation, in fact, he may be even stronger." 

Hearing that, Vegeta takes a closer look at Patamon, who is now proudly puffing up his chest, and mutters, "Oh... Is that so...?" which makes Patamon smirk and say, "That's right! You better not underestimate me or you will lose very badly! After all..."

At this moment, Patamon stands on his small back feet, and understanding what he is about to do, I help him by using my Spiral Cosmo to shower his body in soft, pure golden light as he declares, "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Holy One!"

Of course, this scene earns an excited clap and cheer from Goten, Trunks, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Pan, Goku, Whis, Oolong, Yamcha, and a few others while Vegeta simply snorts and looks away annoyed.