Victory Celebration Party

Whis POV - Universe 7, Beerus' Planet - Age 779

A few days passed since the exciting tournament between the God of Destructions assigned to me and my elder sister Vados, the brothers Beerus-sama and Champa-sama, which ended with the victory of Beerus-sama and the surprising appearance of Zeno-sama and that of the mysterious but unquestionably powerful foreign deity Jayr-sama from a universe outside the known 12, which makes me also realize that the reason why I couldn't find Goza-kun anywhere despite searching the whole Universe 7 and its connected dimensions was also because he too left the 12 known universes through some mysterious means.

After winning the tournament, Beerus-sama kindly used the Super Dragon Balls to wish for the restoration of Universe 6's Earth and its humanity.

Sure, he said that he did so only to make Champa-sama do him a favor, but I've known Beerus-sama for more than millions of years and know perfectly well that no matter how much they argue and fight, he and Champa-sama actually care a lot for one other.

While I'm reminiscing that, I'm also using my staff to have a conversation with that interesting and energetic mortal from planet Earth, Bulma-san, as she is inviting us to something called a victory celebration party. 

In response to her invite, I can't help but ask curious, "A victory celebration!?" to which she adds, "I worked hard for it, so, don't miss it!"

Hearing that, I guess excited at the prospect of the idea, "That means, there will be a lot of delicious food! Sounds nice!"

At the same time, hearing the words "delicious food" makes Beerus-sama immediately arrive next to me as he grabs the staff and yells, "Of course, we won't miss it!"

In response, Bulma-san calmly reminds us, "Then, come here tomorrow at noon. Also... Even if Monaka didn't need to act or play any role in our victory he was still part of the team, so be sure to invite him as well! Well then, see you tomorrow."

Hearing that, I feel very amused but mask it and mimic my God of Destruction's thoughtful expression as we look at each other in the eyes and hum with him before he starts to walk away toward the window showing the enchanting view of the waters full of marine life living in the lake that can be admired in this underwater room of Beerus-sama's palace while muttering in a grave tone, "If Son Goku meets Monaka... He'll be persistent about fighting him."

I calmly look at my assigned God of Destruction's back and with a teasing smile and tone, I suggest, "Why don't you just confess that Monaka-san is very weak?" but Beerus-sama immediately rejects my suggestion by saying, "I can't! Because it will lower Goku and Vegeta's motivation."

Shortly after saying that excuse, Beerus-sama turns his head to look at me and adds, "And also because, I am a God. If a God is caught lying, his authority gets affected."

Hearing his explanation, I can barely hold myself back from deadpanning before I simply reply in a monotone manner, "I see." before Beerus-sama reveals his true concern and thoughts, "Also, Zeno-sama might think bad of me for lying." 

At this point, I look a Beerus-sama who is clearly afraid of Zeno-sama erasing him, and asks for confirmation, "Ultimately, you're doing it for your own sake?"

In response, Beerus-sama glares back at me and asks, "You got a problem with that?" to which I simply shake my head and say, "No."

Then Beerus-sama completely turns his body to face me and quickly returns to the main topic of this discussion, "Anyways! Monaka could not come with us because he was busy with work. Right?"

Even if amused by his behavior, I still calmly agree with him, "Yes, yes. That's certainly it." before I hide my smirk and try to reassure him, "Anyway, I don't think you have to be so worried about that. Goza-kun is now back and he still hasn't revealed his new transformation to anyone yet. If we mention something about it, I'm pretty sure that Goku-san would be more than happy to spar with his son to test it and experience it in person. On top of that, there is also that mysterious God, Jayr-sama with his cute companion, Patamon. They also may take Goku's focus away from Monaka-san."

Hearing that, Beerus-sama sighs and admits, "Indeed. I almost forgot about them. I have to say that I'm also a bit excited about his presence. He surely already looks powerful enough, but while his claims of having killed many Gods while mortal can be believed as, while rare, it is something quite possible. His claim of defeating a being superior to even Zeno-sama is outlandish, to say the least." 

In response to Beerus-sama's words, I turn serious and say, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. I talked about him with Father and he confirmed to me that within the 12 universes, Zeno-sama is an absolute being. But he also told me that there is much more than beyond the 12 universes out there a whole Omniverse full of infinite universes with their own rules and specifications some with beings that are even beyond our own comprehension and that our 12 Universes are only an infinitesimally small part of it."

At this point, Beerus-sama can't help but react in shock to my revelation, "What!? An Omniverse!? This is...! Is this truly possible!?" 

I nod in silence before I say, "Jayr-sama's presence is already proof of that. On top of that, the Dragon of Gods' reaction to his presence is already very telling of his power by itself as not even Zeno-sama could make the Dragon of Gods bow, in fact, not even its creator, Zalama-sama, could. Sure the Dragon of Gods did respect his creator, but he would never bow to him as it is simply an aspect of his power. But it did bow in front of Jayr-sama... It admitted its inferiority and thus that of its creator... Jayr-sama's title as God of Dragons may be much more than just an empty title."

Jayr POV - Universe 7, Earth, West City - Age 779

After we returned to Earth, the first thing I did was to heal everyone who took part in the Tournament of Destroyers, especially Goku's messed up body.

Because of his reckless usage of the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, he had already started to show signs of Delayed Onset Ki Disorder caused by the unaccustomed and strenuous activity while using Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. 

This rare condition is the result of using one's Ki in a reckless or excessive manner and usually presents its symptoms a few days after said usage. 

As a result, the patient's Ki is greatly affected and only a fraction of the patient's Ki is able to be used.

It is also unclear how long it takes for it to heal as it changes from case to case, but the disorder will eventually cease in time, it should be noted that if someone continued to use his ki in a reckless way, he would not be able to become stronger. 

In Goku's case, he was suffering from this disorder due to his usage of the X10 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken in the Tournament of Destroyers and once he learned about the fact that this disorder could prevent him from growing stronger he immediately became worried and much more attentive to my instructions. 

Especially when I proved the truth behind my words by making Goku go through a few simple tests he immediately realized that because of this disorder, he already started to have trouble controlling his Ki, and it even started to slightly affect Goku's flying in a barely noticeable manner.

Since so little time passed since the Tournament of Destroyers, all these signs and symptoms were very mild and very difficult to spot if one didn't know what to search for, but once one took notice of them, they were difficult to ignore.

Anyway, healing Goku wasn't all that easy as I couldn't simply use Restoration Magic to turn back the time of his body as that would also negate all the gains he made during the Tournament of Destroyers, so I used a more hands-on method and made use of acupoints to manipulate his Ki forcing it into a relaxed state before is synchronized it back with Goku's body.

After taking care of Goku, I also made sure to fix Vegeta's latent issue with his arm, because as iconic as his wounded pose with him holding his left arm is, from a healer's point of view, I can't let such a chronic injury pass by without doing anything about it.

Even more so when that chronic injury seemed to keep reappearing no matter what method was used to deal with it.

I mean, the Prince of Saiyan had gone through countless treatments since he was little, he was healed by the very advanced Healing Pods used by the Frieza's Force, which can bring someone out from the brink of death without any issues, by Dende's magical powers who can heal just about anything, by the Senzu Beans who are true panacea in regards to physical wounds, and he was even completely healed and revived by the Dragon Balls a couple of times, but no matter what, that chronic injury to his left arm keep making its presence known.

Because of that, I was pretty sure that the injury could not be merely on a muscular, bone, or cellular level and after a quick check, I also confirmed that Vegeta wasn't cursed or even worse had his Soul Body damaged which could have made it so that the physical body would reflect the state of the soul body. 

In the end, I realized that the issue was much simpler, Vegeta's injury was actually psychologically kept alive, basically, the brain actually prevented the body from fully healing itself, and in case the body was in a healthy state, the brain made sure to recreate the injury in some other more sneaky and unconscious ways, like putting more pressure on the interested zone or ignoring warning signal of the body during movements and strenuous activities, and considering that Vegeta's usual brutal training, the conditions for such injury to reform are much more easily archivable. 

That way even when the tessutes are restored, they are restored in an incorrect way leaving the person either feeling pain from old injuries or leaving him exposed to recreate the same injury over and over due to unresolved trauma.

These psychologically kept alive injuries happen when trauma is generated along with the injury in the form of fear, shame, and other very strong emotions, and every Dragon Ball fan knows what kind of person is Vegeta, especially if Saiyan Pride is involved, so it is very logical to conclude that Vegeta's chronic injury is the result of his wounded pride not allowing his injury to recover.

(AN: As unrealistic as it sounds, such injuries psychologically kept alive actually exist and they fall under the Psychological Trauma category and are called psychological injury. From what I read while researching for this chapter they can be quite nasty to deal with especially if deeply rooted. In Vegeta's case, he has been dealing with this problem for at the very least 17 years, since his first defeat at the hands of Goku.) 

Once I realized what was Vegeta's issue, dealing with it was quite easy. 

Of course, I did not make him go through therapy even if maybe he may need quite a bit of it, but knowing Vegeta he would simply blast his therapist into pieces at the first minute of therapy session so that wasn't an option.

What I did was much more direct, I simply sent my Spiral Cosmo into his brain and "operated" on it to make the brain forget about the trauma before I simply healed his arm and other hidden injuries for one, hopefully, last time.

After taking care of their wounds and other issues, everyone went their separate way as they returned to their own homes. 

Everyone but Patamon and I since we were the only ones who didn't have a place to stay yet, but before I could simply use a Capsule House in a random empty place, Goza invited us to use the guest room of the house he uses when he isn't roaming the galaxy working as Galactic Patrolman or training.

When we saw Goza's house, Patamon and I almost shed a manly tear for one simple reason, his house couldn't be in a more iconic place as it is located at the foot of a forest near Mount Paozu.

But more importantly near his house, which is a simple but cozy dome-like house usually seen in this universe, there is something that can almost be considered a sacred ground for any Dragon Ball fan, the place where everything started, Grandpa Gohan's House.

The house is a small building with few amenities, furniture, and a well nearby, and despite its age, it is very well maintained as Goza and his family cleans it from time to time. 

We spent a few days simply enjoying the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of Mount Paozu until one day, Bulma contacted us and invited us to take part in the victory celebration party, and so, we didn't waste any time and headed toward Bulma's home.

At our arrival there are already quite a few people present at the party who are enjoying themselves, in fact, almost everyone is already here, only Goku, Whis, Beerus, and Monaka are missing, so we quickly land and greet them.

At the same time, I hear Chi-Chi's voice as she complains, "Gohan said that he won't arrive until later in the evening. That will affect our odds in the Bingo game, if there's one." before Bulma walks up to her and asks, "Chi-Chi-san, is Son-kun here yet?"

With her arms still crossed, Chi-Chi replies in a slightly exasperated tone, "He went out to the field and hasn't returned since. But, he should be here any minute now."

Hearing that, Bulma scratches her head and asks, "I see. So, I wonder if we should start?" but Vegeta quickly says, "Wait for Beerus to arrive."

Bulma looks at her husband and tilts her head in confusion, "Vegeta?" before Vegeta explains, "Don't you remember what happened at your birthday party? I would like to avoid pissing him off in any way possible."

This is quickly followed by Tien Shihan who agrees and says, "Sorry but, I'd like to avoid another one of his rampages." before Krillin adds, "As long as someone else doesn't hog all the food, it'll be fine, I guess."

At this point, Bulma reassures them, "Rest easy. I prepared a lot of food, so it's not possible to hog all of it." before she turns her head and looks at Majin Buu who is already merrily eating.

Suddenly a delivery truck arrives from the sky, with Jaco who stands up and happily exclaims, "The most popular sweets in the universe are here, it seem!" before he explains, "I got this arranged for the party."

But then everyone is surprised when the delivery man walks out and it is revealed to be Monaka who calmly removes his cap, bows his head, and says, "The goods you ordered are here for delivery."

Bulma can't help but exclaim, "Aren't you Monaka?!" to which he replies with a mild, "Yes. H-Hello." before Bulma walks up to him and asks, "Why are you doing the delivery?"

In response, Monaka seems a little embarrassed as he replies, "I work as a delivery man for the universe shipping firm." which is a shock to everyone who doesn't know the truth and makes them exclaim.


"You're kidding!?"

"You're super strong and have a proper job as well!! How impressive! That's the reflection of a true man!"

Hearing that, Goza can't help but groan, "Come on, Mom..." before he mutters, "She talks like nobody else in our circle of friends has a proper job. In fact, among us, the only ones who don't do any work at all are Vegeta-san and Majin Buu. Krillin-san is a policeman, Gohan is a scholar and researcher, Father a farmer, Yamcha is a baseball athlete, Cell and I are Galatic Patrolmen like Jaco, Piccolo-san, and Nappa-san help out as babysitters, Tien Shinhan-san is a Martial Arts Master, while Master Roshi is way over the age of retirement..."

Sometime later, while Monaka takes out the sweets from the truck, Mr. Satan introduces himself to him, "Hey, you~ Hey, hey, hey! Thank you for this. Isn't that you, Kinako-san?" but Monaka calmly corrects him, "It's Monaka."

Mr. Satan quickly apologizes, "I'm truly sorry." before he changes the topic and asks not giving him any time to reply, "Did you think about the offer I made to you? To advertise your strength to the Universe, I actually prepared something for you!" 

Immediately after saying that he calls out, "Hey! Get a move on!" before one of his students wearing a life-sized Monaka costume walks up to them and Mr. Satan asks, "What do you think? It's cool, right?"

Suddenly Mr. Satan's student takes off the head of the costume revealing that it is the woman with orange hair named Miss Pliza under it, meanwhile, Mr. Satan asks, "Hey! Why did you take it off?!" before she complains, "Mr. Satan, it's hot in there and I'm at my limit. I can't do this any longer." 

At this point, Bulma walks up to them while saying, "You can save this stuff for later. Monaka is probably bothered by all this." before she invites Monaka, "Come, have fun at the victory celebration party." but Monaka is clearly confused as he repeats, "Victory celebration party?" which makes Bulma exclaim, "Eh? You're saying that you didn't know about it?"

Meanwhile, I notice that Trunks and Goten are fidgeting over the snacks and that Goten inadvertently pushes Trunks into Monaka, who is sent flying and crashing into a table. 

While Trunks apologizes to Monaka, Monaka starts crying, and everyone is surprised by that.

"Isn't he the strongest in the universe?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hey Piccolo, do you think Monaka is actually weak?"

"W-Well... Who knows?"


Suddenly, Vegeta notices that Beerus and Whis are about to arrive and comments, "It seems like they've arrived."

Shortly after he says that, a pillar of multicolored light lands on the ground, and when the light fades away it reveals the figures of the Angel Attendant Whis who smiles gently and greets, "Nice to see you again, everyone." followed by the God of Destruction Beerus who adds, "Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies and gentlemen." 

Beerus and Whis then are surprised to see Monaka there as their eyes open wide and exclaim.


"Why!? Why are you here!?" 

Immediately after that, Bulma quickly confronts Beerus, "Hey, Beerus-sama. Why didn't you invite Monaka? Didn't I tell you to invite him?"

In response, Beerus starts to scratch the top of his head with his finger and mutters in a hesitant tone, "Well... About that..." before Bulma leans closer and says, "Hey~ Could it be that Monaka is actually very weak?" which starlets Beerus who lets out a low scream, "Ehhh!!"

At this point, Vegeta rushes up to his wife, grabs her arm, and shouts, "Stop it, Bulma!" but it is way too late as the damage is already done.

"So, it's just as I thought."


"It was obvious... Monaka fainted at least 7 times during the tournaments. It's a miracle that no one else noticed."

At the same time, Whis casually comments, "Beerus-sama... It looks like the cat is out of the bag." which makes Beerus admit in a defeated tone, "Seems like it." 

Whis then takes a quick look at his surroundings and noticing Goku's absence, he says, "But... It looks like Goku-san isn't around yet." followed by Beerus who comments, "If Goku finds out, things will get a bit troublesome."

Then Beerus leans forward and orders in a threatening manner, "Alright, listen up everyone! Keep this a secret from that guy, at all costs."

Immediately after that, Goku suddenly appears behind him after using Instant Transmission before he casually greets, "Heya, Beerus-sama."

This startles the God of Destruction who lets out a yell and shouts, "HAAA! That surprised me! Don't just appear out of nowhere!"

Goku immediately sees Monaka, and without wasting any time rushes up to him while shouting, "Monaka! Ya ended up coming?" before he grabs his arm, pulls him up from the ground, and requests, "Spar with me right now-"

But before he can continue, his wife Chi-Chi interrupts and berates him, "Goku-sa! Why are you dressed in those dirty clothes!? Isn't that improper? Go home and change your clothes!" which makes Goku relent and say, "I get it." 

Then Goku faces Monaka and says, "Wait for me here." before he flies away to change his clothes.

Shortly after Goku flew away to change, Chi-Chi looked back at Beerus and calmly stated, "This will buy us some time. Now, quickly tell us what we should tell Goku-sa."

Seeing that, Beerus happily exclaims and praises her, "All right. We were saved, thanks to the good wife." which makes Chi-Chi shy as he replies, "No, I didn't do much." 

Beerus is then confronted by Bulma who asks, "Are Gods supposed to go around lying?" upsetting Beerus who exclaims, "What!?" but Vegeta quickly moves to hold her back before he says and explains, "I told you to stop it, Bulma. Beerus-sama lied about Monaka's strength for the sake of Earth. By setting Monaka as a goal, Kakarot and I were able to devote ourselves to our training. Thanks to that, we were able to beat Universe 6." which makes Beerus proudly declare, "That's right!"

At the same time, I step forward and say, "I don't know too much about the Gods of this Universe, but I can honestly tell you that if you ignore a few very special cases, no Deity is bound to tell the truth. In fact, they are prone to lying as much as mortals are. On top of that, in my home universe exists a category of gods named Trickster Gods, they can be a truly nasty bunch as no one is ever able to fully trust a single word they say not even Deities who can distinguish truths from lies as they are perfectly able to lie with a straight face by telling only the truth. So, one should never expect that everything that a deity says is the truth."

Hearing that, the reaction of everyone present was quite varied, some simply accepted what I said, others appeared a little dejected, and others agreed with my words from the bottom of their hearts.

At this point, Whis let out a fake cough before he brought back the discussion to the main topic, "Everyone, please listen... Once Goku-san finds out that Monaka-san is not strong, he will not skip his training, but, his motivation will surely go down. It's important to make sure that Goku-san gets stronger. God of Destruction of other universes is very violent. If you lose in the upcoming martial arts tournament... who knows what might happen to Earth."

Hearing Whis say that, I let out a loud snort catching everyone's attention before I smirk and say, "Hmpf. I beg to disagree. I don't know where the idea that Goku's motivation to become stronger would get affected if he finds out that Monaka is actually weak comes from. I mean even if Monaka was actually the strongest being in Universe 7 it wouldn't mean much. After all, there are quite a few being much more powerful than Goku and Vegeta living in the other universes. Some of them are so powerful that even the God of Destruction of those universes can't defeat them in a fight."

In response to my words, everyone exclaims in shock but the loudest of them all is without any doubt, Goku who returned a few seconds after Whis finished speaking and obviously heard everything I just said, and as soon as every one notices Goku's presence, they all yell in perfect sync, "GOKU!!!"