Universe of Culture?

Jayr POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Zeno's Palace - Age 779

After accepting my gift, the Grand Minister led me inside Zeno's Palace and what greeted my sight was a dark void brightened by its glowing floor with thousands of white pillars scattered around the place and after a brief walk, I reached Zeno's Living Area.

Once there, I casually greeted Zeno before I started to play some casual children's games with him, only some of those those games were in Crazy Godly Edition. 

We played games like Hide and Seek, Tag, Angel Angel Kai, I Spy Multiverse Edition, which is a simple game of I Spy but using all 12 Universes, Zeno Says, where everything that the person playing "Zeno" says happens on a random planet in the multiverse under his control, God of Destruction and Supreme Kais, where one plays the part of the Supreme Kai creating planets all over the multiverse and the other plays the God of Destruction destroying the created planets, the God of Destruction wins if he destroys all the planets created while the Supreme Kai wins if he is able to maintain balance for 150 takks which is roughly one hour, Hot Sun that is like Hot Potato but with a sun that slowly turns hotter and bigger until it becomes a black hole and at that point the loser is the one holding the black hole.

We also played more mature games like Planets Chess, which is simply a game of chess using the planets, stars, asteroids, and other celestial bodies of random universes as pieces, a weird version of Jenga where instead of moving blocks, we move stars, planets, and so on without trying to destroy the balance of a solar system, Guess Who Did What, whose name is quite self-explanatory, Connect 4 Star to make them merge and collapse into a Black Holo and so on.

Zeno did have a lot of fun playing with Patamon and I but at one point, I grew weary of making sure that Zeno didn't cause any extreme damage during the games, and so, I decided to take a big risk and pull off my ultimate move without knowing the impact that my actions may have on the Dragon Ball Universe as a whole.

With a heavy heart full of apprehension, I used my Spiral Cosmo to materialize a movie theater screen 30 meters wide, huge loudspeakers, and a digital projector plus some comfy seats.

At the same time, I pulled out two DVDs from my Soubound Territory and many huge bowls full of popcorn and fruits of the Tree of Might that I had prepared beforehand, and then, without wasting any time, I explained that I wanted to show him a little bit about the many other universes out there, I even explained that the one we were about to watch would be an alternative story of a universe I personally visited and where I fought one of my strongest opponent ever.

After telling that to Zeno, the Grand Minister, and Zeno's attendants, their reaction was quite differet, Zeno was obviosly very excited, the Grand Minister kept a calm, indifferent contenance, but his small smile and gleaming eyes quickly revealed that he was interested, while Zeno's attendats didn't react at all. 

At that point, I didn't waste any more time and played the first of the two DVDs, the legendary Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann The Movie: Childhood's End.

As expected, Zeno and the Grand Minister were greatly intrigued when the movie started and narrated the tale of the fall of the Spiral races and the rise of the Spiral King and the Beastmen is recounted, then they were amused when Simon and Kamina were introduced, followed by the appearance of the Gunmen and the introduction of Yoko.

After that, they cheerfully enjoyed the movie as the plot continued further expanding the world and introduced new character all while chuckling and laughting at the group antics while also admiring their fiercily burning fighting spirit.

But then the movie tone suddenly shifted as the odds became much bigger and a big, devastating battle took place and at that point, everyone's gaze was fixed on the screen watching the group struggle and Kamina's impactful last moment and the first Giga Drill Breaker. 

And then Kamina died making the Grand Minister comment that he truly was an admirable mortal and that it was a shame that he died while manly tears fell from Zeno's Attendants' eyes. 

At the same time, a frown formed on Zeno's face as he commented that he had the sudden urge to erase a universe or two, but restained himself as he continued to watch the movie.

At that point, we all watched in a somber mood as Simon struggled to move forward after Kamina's death, how the situation further deteriorated after he discovered Nia, Simon becomes completely unable to activate Lagann any longer and as a result, he closed himself off from the rest of the world.

This situation continues until Lordgenome's Four Generals turn the situation even grimmer as they had captured Nia and defeated everyone else, but then, Simon the only one who didn't give up rushed out to try and save Nia, and as Kamina's last words resonate in Simon, "Believe in the Simon who believes in you!" Simon's Core Drill glows and Lagann reactivates. 

At that point, everyone watches entranced as Simon exclaims about how Kamina was dead and gone but lived on as part of himself, how Simon vowed to dig toward heaven, even if it became his own grave because digging through means he's won. 

He exclaim, to the awe of Yoko, Team Dai-Gurren, the three remaining Generals, Zeno, and the others watching that he was Simon, not his Aniki, Kamina, but himself, Simon the Digger before he fully unleashed his potential and defeated all the Generals while Zeno, the Grand Minister, and even Zeno's Attendants clapped their hands enthusiastically. 

After that, the movie quickly advanced toward its end, and once the credits started to roll, an excited Zeno asked if the story had already ended which made me grin before I showed him the second DVD and replied that what we saw was only the first part, much to Zeno's joy and excitement.

Shortly after I said that I didn't waste any time and under the expectant gaze of Zeno and the others, I exchanged the DVD and immediately started to play the second movie, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights in the Sky are Stars.

The film begins with the Spiral King Lordgenome telling Simon and Nia that although they feel they are on the side of righteousness, he is the true protector of humanity something that immediately intrigues the Grand Minister. 

After that, the scene suddenly changed to show an exhausted Simon after a fierce battle with Lordgenome before it showed a series of flashbacks briefly narrating the events of the Battle for Teppelin, showing just how fierce and brutal it was, basically compressing a couple of episodes worth of content in a few minutes. 

Back to the present day, Lordgenome grabbed the seemingly unconscious Simon by the head to put him back in the dirt making a worried Nia call out to Simon, who pulled the Core Drill out of Lagann and impaled it in Lordgenome's chest.

Calling himself Simon the Digger, leader of Team Dai-Gurren, Simon said that anyone who becomes a wall to him will have a hole punched through them by his drill, and twisting the Core Drill he unleashed a torrent of Spiral Power through Lordgenome, tearing a hole through his chest. 

With his Spiral Power outstripped by someone else's, Lordgenome's dying words are a warning: when the apes pierce the heavens and reach outer space, the Moon will become Hell's messenger and destroy the world of the Spiral. 

Nia ran up to her father as he fell from the wrecked throne room and bidding farewell to her father, Nia vowed to head towards tomorrow. 

After that, time passes and a montage ensues showing that the Dekabutsu's remains have become monuments to humanity's victory, the main body becoming the Parliament Tower of the city being built there while stolen Gunmen were used to build the city.

Just like that, seven years have passed since the fall of Teppelin, and Kamina City has expanded greatly with the movie showing the peaceful life of the people of the Dai-Gurren Brigade and their advancement as they launch a Gun-rocket in space.

But that peace doesn't last long, because just as our protagonist couldn't be happier, the Anti-Spiral's face briefly appeared on the Moon, and the Gun-rocket exploded. 

Nia jolted and looked at the Moon before circuits appeared under her skin, and Simon backed away in alarm, Nia then screamed in horror at what was happening. 

At Parliament Tower, Rossiu demanded to know how the Moon probe Gunmen could have been destroyed when the screen was engulfed with a shadowy image of Nia, standing before the Moon. 

The same image appeared on every TV on Earth, even on Yoko's TV in her small teacher's home. 

Nia announced that the Anti-Spiral had determined that, by going into outer space, humanity had reached Spiral Power danger level 2, thus activating the Humanity Annihilation System.

Nia then explained to Simon that the overuse of Spiral Power would cause the death of the universe, the Spiral Nemesis before she coldly placed the blame for the Humanity Annihilation System on Simon's shoulders, if humanity had stayed underground, the system would not have been triggered. 

Despite Simon's desperate protestations, Nia explained that the Moon would crash into the Earth in three weeks and that that would be the end of it. 

At this point, while Zeno and the Grand Minister were momentarily shocked by the sudden change and revelation, they quickly regained their bearing.

Then the Grand Minister, who immediately understood what the Anti-Spiral goal was thanks to his massive experience, commented that it was likely that the Anti-Spirals were forcefully maintaining some kind of balance in their universe by destroying races that they deemed too dangerous before he chuckled and said that in the end all that destruction without creation to counterbalance it would inevitably cause the universe to be out of balance and thus causing the very destruction that they sought to prevent.

While he was saying that, the movie continued showing the Anti-Spiral attack, the battle with grave casualties, and how humanity turned against Simon as he was placed under arrest to quell the riots.

At Simon's trial, Simon was given the death sentence, to the uproar of the Team Dai-Gurren members and Zeno who at this point was very invested in the movie. 

Rossiu, the judge, explained that the populace won't be satisfied unless justice is dealt with. 

At that point, Simon wondered what Kamina would have done before he was escorted to the subterranean Lincarne Prison, where he would stay until his sentence is carried out. 

There, he is bullied by many criminals who were put away by him, and accosted by Viral for not fighting back. 

Simon explained that he simply ran into a situation where he was not needed anymore, where Rossiu could handle things.

But soon the movie showed that Rossiu's plan was to simply escape with as many people as possible while leaving behind many others, Space Dai-Gun, and Arc-Gurren.

Back at the prison, Viral and Simon notice the ongoing evacuation and that they are likely going to be left behind, but he doesn't care about it as long as humanity survives.

Suddenly, Nia appeared and after some back and forth she decided to finish Simon off, but before she could do it, a blast from a familiar rifle shatters the orb of Anti-Spiral power making Zeno call out Yoko's name in a cheerful tone. 

After Yoko's appearance, Nia teleported away, and then Yoko broke open Simon's cell, and they agreed that only Team Dai-Gurren could figure a way out of this no-win situation. 

Simon's Core Drill was then tossed back into his hand by Kittan, who is also there with the rest of Team Dai-Gurren's Gunmen pilots at the same time Gurren Lagann and the Team Dai-Gurren Gunmen were also shown behind Yoko M Tank. 

At that point, Simon offered Gurren's seat to Viral, and Boota reunited with Yoko's cleavage before the group quickly moved to reach the Arc-Gurren that was struggling against the Anti-Spiral's forces out in space. 

In the closing space between the Earth and the Moon, the Grapearl squadron was not fairing so well against the Mugann onslaught and as the Moon's rate of descent was increasing the Spiral Power on the Arc-Gurren was falling because of Kamina City's citizen's fear about the battle, overall it was a pretty tense situation. 

But just as Kyo-Mugann prepared to deal a mortal blow to Arc-Gurren, Simon's voice called for Rossiu to not give up, and a blast of Spiral Power knocked Kyo-Mugann away. 

In a burst of prodigious Spiral Power from Gurren Lagann, thousands of smaller Mugann were then destroyed while the Dai-Gurren Gunmen squad dispatched and began to destroy Mugann after Mugann. 

Thanks to that the Arc-Gurren's Spiral Power began to recover with the citizens' hope, and Leeron called for Simon to combine Gurren Lagann with Arc-Gurren.

At that point, Ku-Mugann tried to stop them by pinning Gurren Lagann with an electric cage attack, while Kyo-Mugann did the same to Arc-Gurren. 

Just as Rossiu was prepared to succumb, Simon said that they always pulled victory from the jaws of defeat, and will keep doing just that, as many times as it takes. 

Producing a Giga Drill from the waist down, Gurren Lagann bee-lines towards Arc-Gurren, dragging Kuu-Mugann along, and shortly after Gurren Lagann and Arc-Gurren combine to form Arc-Gurren Lagann while Kyo-Mugann and Ku-Mugann are blasted apart, but quickly combine as well. 

Then Arc-Gurren Lagann unleashed a punch that locked it in place, then delivered a space-time shattering Burst Spinning Punch so powerful that the final Mugann breaks open a hole in the space-time continuum.

Seeing this scene made both the Grand Minister and Zeno exclaim before the Grand Minister commented that the group of mortals had already nearly reached a level of power that was comparable to that of a God of Destruction.

The movie continued and showed the Moon turning black, the edges of its craters glowing red, then splitting into quarters, and unfolding into a goliath jet-black Gunmen, Cathedral Lazengann. 

Another fierce battle ensured and while Arc-Gurren Lagann could hold back the massive oppenent, it was weakening making the situation very tense and dire until Lordgenome Head proposed a forced entry into Cathedral Lazengann's computer core. 

Then Lordgenome Head explained that the Cathedral Lazengann would come under Simon's control if he inserted Spiral Power in a port inside Cathedral Lazengann's core. 

With an Arc-Gurren Lagann Giga Drill Break, Simon shattered most of Cathedral Lazengann's arm and flew into the core, but just inches from the core, though, he stopped dead, since Nia was hovering in his path. 

After some tense back and forth between lovers, the core was activated, and Cathedral Lazengann's sinister look dissolved away, the Moon Gunmen returned to its old orbit. 

In the Cathedral Lazengann's core, Simon faced Nia, hovering aside the Arc-Core Drill, she told him that with the Humanity Annihilation System deactivated, the Anti-Spiral themselves would come to this galaxy. 

Then Simon asked if Nia would go back to normal if the Anti-Spiral were defeated, but Nia informed him that she would be recalled to the Anti-Spiral homeworld to collate the data she'd collected on humans, the chances were infinitely close to zero. 

In response, Simon replied that if it's not exactly zero, it's the same as 100% to him making the Grand Minister genuinely praise his conviction and willpower. 

Nia returns to normal, asking if Simon would come to save her, making him ask her back who she thinks he is, hearing that, Nia smiled, just as she began to be teleported away.

After that, the movie moved on to show the Dai-Gurren brigade as they prepared for the final battle.

Transports were taking the citizens of Kamina City back to Earth from what was once Cathedral Lazengann, now known as Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, the Gunmen were upgraded in massive Space Gunmen, Rossiu and Simon had a heart-to-heart talk, and finally, the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann fired off its Dimensional Anchors into imaginary space, and pulled the real Moon out from that other world, that way, the massive Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann could leave Earth without affecting it.

After all that, Simon ordered Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann to launch, the Spiral Realm Perceptual Teleportation System activated, and Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann disappeared in a flash of green light. 

At that point, the movie moved on to show the arrival at the Anti-Spiral Universe, the deadly trap expecting the heroes, the fierce and exciting battle where Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann made its appearance, the ultra-dense space of the Galactic Spiral Abyss engulfing the group, Kittan noble sacrifice, Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann standing reborn stronger than ever as they destroy thousands of Anti-Spirals, and then Anti-Spiral terrifying appearance which made even the casual Grand Minister frow before he locked all of Team Dai-Gurren in the Extradimensional Labyrinth, where they would forever be locked in the hell of infinite possibility. 

After a look at the possible lives that Team Dai-Gurren may have lived, Simon met his version of Kamina and thanks to him and Kittan, he woke up and pulled everyone else out of the Extradimensional Labyrinth much to the shock of Anti-Spiral who stated the impossibility of sentient life escaping the Extradimensional Labyrinth. 

Simon retorted that space, time, and "multi-dimensional whatever" don't mean a thing to Team Dai-Gurren, who will do things their way and smash the Anti-Spiral's set-out path before Gurren Lagann is engulfed by Arc-Gurren Lagann, Arc-Gurren Lagann is engulfed by Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann. 

At the same time, each Team Dai-Gurren member was using a Lagann from the Galactic Spiral Abyss, and they all combined with Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann. 

At that point, from the center of the galaxy, standing atop the spiral of stars like a platform, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was born while they all yelled our iconic catchphrase while Zeno watched all this with literal stars in his eyes. 

In response to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Anti-Spiral manifested the Granzeboma to combat it on even grounds, so as to make it all the more despairing when Team Dai-Gurren loses. 

After that, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Granzeboma begin the final battle, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is soon forced to hide behind another galaxy while Anti-Spiral explains the Anti-Spiral race's history and its determination to protect the universe. 

At the same time, Zeno, the Grand Minister, and Zeno's attendants only watch the crazy battle where the fighters casually throw around and destroy galaxies with awe on their faces.

As Anti-Spiral spoke of their great determination and tremendous sacrifices to protect the universe, and asked if Team Dai-Gurren had that same determination, he kept his relentless assault on the fallen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann until it degenerated into something akin to a beast tearing the Tengen Toppa Gunmen to pieces, all the while deriding their lack of resolve and justifying its own need to terminate Team Dai-Gurren. 

Then holding Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's head in its hand, Anti-Spiral prepared to drill it to pieces, saying that Simon's spirit was broken.

However, Simon disagreed and produced a drill from Tengen Toppa Lagann's forehead, just large enough to force the Anti-Spiral's drill back.

At this point, a spinning flower transforms into a drill-tipped staff and frees Tengen Toppa Lagann revealing that Nia was now piloting the Tengen Toppa Gunmen that saved him, Tengen Toppa Solvernia. 

Shortly after, one after the other, all the members of the Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren manifested their own Tengen Toppa Gunmen pushing Granzeboma back as they once again shouted out their iconic catchphrase which made Zeno shudder in excitement

Infuriated at the Spiral race's persistence, Anti-Spiral admitted that they understand how the Earthlings could escape their Extradimensional Labyrinth, but declared this to be far from over. 

Grabbing a pair of galaxies and forcing them together, Anti-Spiral used its ultimate attack, the Infinity Big Bang Storm, an energy blast with power equal to the birth of multiple universes, a display of power that made the Grand Minister genuinely admit that the battle had reached a level of power that he never thought possible and that he wasn't sure that even he would be able to take on such attack.

Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren was in a real pinch, but Simon refused to give up.

Lordgenome emerged, forming Lazengann around himself, performing his Lazengann Overload move making Nia cry out, but he told her to spare her tears since he would gladly give his life to create a future for all Spiral life. 

With the final burst of Infinity Big Bang Storm, Lazengann undergoes quantum breakdown, and Lordgenome's last act was to convert all that energy into Spiral Power, converting it into a tremendous drill, and telling Simon to take it. 

Absorbing the energy with Tengen Toppa Lagann, Simon spread this power amongst the rest of Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, which Nia identified as her father's will. 

Simon decided that combining was what they should do next, and all of the Tengen Toppa Gunmen merged together, forming a gargantuan Kamina-like entity made of Spiral Power. 

This was... Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

The appearance of the universe-sized Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann stunned not only Anti-Spiral in the movie but also the Grand Minister and Zeno's attendants while Zeno was more excited than ever.

Meanwhile, angrier than ever, Anti-Spiral formed Super Granzeboma, saying that what Simon proposed is the path to extinction and demanding to know why Simon couldn't see the limitation of the Spiral races, as Super Granzeboma attempted to drill Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. 

But Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann produced a drill of its own in response, while Simon said that the Anti-Spiral were the limited ones as they just sit in their closed-off universe, locking away other life forms like they're some kind of king.

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann threw off its cape, and Simon used Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break making Anti-Spiral respond in kind, with the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill Break. 

The collision between the two attacks caused the Anti-Spiral universe's galaxies to collapse inwards toward the twin Giga Drills. 

At one point, the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill broke the Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill, but Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann emerged from Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with a Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break and when the Tengen Toppa Giga Drill broke, Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann emerged with a Super Galaxy Giga Drill Break when the Super Galaxy Giga Drill broke, Arc-Gurren Lagann emerged with an Arc-Giga Drill Break, when the Arc-Giga Drill broke, Gurren Lagann flew out with its Giga Drill. 

All this while, the lowering stages of Gurren Lagann have been fighting back the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill back to the Super Granzeboma, until the Granzeboma, set as Super Granzeboma's crown, was in plain view.

Defiantly, Simon cried that his drill was the drill that creates the heavens and at that, the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill finally broke, allowing Gurren Lagann to charge at Granzeboma. 

As the Gunmen take damage from tentacles fired from first the Granzeboma and then the Anti-Spiral homeworld itself, Viral, in Gurren, grabs Lagann, with Simon and Nia in it, and uses a Cannonball Attack toss Lagann toward the Anti-Spiral homeworld. 

The Anti-Spiral itself was forced to attack, its tentacles lopping off Lagann's limbs one after another, and Simon's star-shaped sunglasses shattered, at that point, Lagann itself threw its pilot from the cockpit, and Simon flew at the Anti-Spiral to deliver a punch. 

At that point, the fight between evolution and stagnation had degenerated into a fistfight while we all watched with bathed breath.

Determined, Simon forms a drill over his arm and yells that his drill was his soul, and then he and Anti-Spiral lunge at each other one more time. 

After a tense moment, it was clear that Simon had drilled through the Anti-Spiral, who asked Simon to protect the universe and in response Simon said that they obviously would, asking that the Anti-Spiral believe in humanity.

The Anti-Spiral universe collapsed, and Arc-Gurren, Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, and all the Laganns were deposited in their home dimension. 

Eventually, Rossiu contacts Simon, telling them how the freed Spiral races are contacting them one after another with messages of joy. 

Simon and Nia in the original Lagann are found by Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren in their Laganns and agree to return home.

After that, the movie quickly advanced toward its bitter-sweet ending that left Zeno and the others in tears as it showed Simon and Nia's wedding that is quickly followed by Nia dissolving and after that, Simon walking off towards the horizon and then we watched in silence the scene after the credits.

Shortly after the movie ended, I quickly narrated to Zeno and the others about my adventure in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe and how my presence changed the events we saw in the movie much to Zeno's joy. 

Then I left Zeno's Palace, but not before promising to return the next day to watch some other interesting anime and play some games.

Like that, I spent around a month watching animes and playing games with Zeno, teaching him everything he needed to know, needless to say, thanks to Patamon and my influence, Zeno ended up becoming a fellow Man of Culture, only since he is in fact the physical manifestation of the Dragon Ball Universe, it can be said that he is, in fact, a Universe of Culture.