A Doomed Future

Trunks POV - Dragon Ball Universe(01), Earth, West City - Age 796

I run, I continue running through the streets of this devastated and crumbling city while making sure to keep my Ki hidden so that He doesn't find me, at the same time, I make sure to keep looking at my surroundings and at the sky to not only search for possible places to hide in case it is needed but also to look out for any sign of that monster.

Suddenly, I take notice of a glowing light that is quickly moving around in the sky, and without any hesitation, I immediately hide behind a nearby rumble while ensuring that my Ki is basically undetectable and keep staring at the sky waiting and hoping for Him to fly away without noticing me while thinking, 'Even if He still isn't able to sense Ki, I still have to be very careful. I still remember the stories that Goza-san told me about his adventures as a Galatic Patrolman. He told me that he learned to never underestimate an opponent who can't sense Ki because once someone reaches a certain level of power learning such a skill becomes quite easy, especially when these opponents have a sudden need for such a skill. He told me of opponents who were able to pick up Ki Sense in the middle of a frenetic battle. This means that it is only a matter of time before a monster as powerful as Him also learns to sense Ki.' 

While thinking that, I look at His figure which is mostly hidden by the thick, dark clouds up in the sky as it zooms around the area, before stopping at a random point in the distance and launching a barrage of Ki Blasts causing further destruction all over the area in the hope of flushing me or some other members of the resistance out.

Luckily, I'm located just outside the abandoned area He had attacked, so I wasn't forced to leave my hidden spot running into the risk of being spotted.

Shortly after launching that barrage of Ki Blasts, He doesn't waste any time checking if his attack had any result and casually starts to fly away.

Seeing that, I wait for a few moments before I walk out of my hiding spot, take a brief look at the burning ruins of the city, and then start to run once again toward my destination.

After some time, I finally reach my destination, the building Mom is using as a hiding spot and temporary laboratory, I stop in front of the door for a few seconds to catch my breath, after all constantly running around all over the city without using Ki and with the fear of being discovered thus ruining the last chance we have to fix everything can be quite tiring. 

I also couldn't ignore the constant worry and fear of arriving here only to find everything destroyed and Mom dead, luckily everything was fine which made me let out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I can't help but think, 'I can't believe that a year has already passed since I saw Mom for the last time. Shortly after He arrived and this disaster started, Mom immediately went into hiding to work on a way to find help once it became clear that no one could stop Him...'

Done with catching my breath, I don't wait anymore and rush into the building, then, after running through a few corridors and stairs, I reach Mom's Lab, and seeing the figure of her back, I call her out, "Mom!"

Mom turns around and looks at me for a second before a smile forms on her face as she calls out, "Trunks!"

At this moment, I take a close look at her to make sure that she is alright, but while looking at her face, I can't help but think once again, 'No matter how many times I see it, I still find it surprising that despite being in her sixties, Mom has retained much of her youthful appearance, looking basically the same as her younger counterpart. The only real difference is that she has long hair, which she styles in a ponytail, and that the way she dresses is more conservative. Sometimes, I wonder if she used the Dragon Balls to wish for eternal youth or if her genes are just that good. I mean when Grandma was around her age she also didn't look a day older than 30...'

Mom currently is wearing a white lab coat that she fully unbuttons, a short-sleeved undershirt of pink color, with the collar being white, a pair of gray-blue jeans, with light blue folded sleeves at the edge, and black shoes with white soles.

(Image Here - Future Bulma)

(AN: I don't know if it is just me, but for some reason, I find Future Bulma much hotter than Present Bulma, maybe the reason is the longer hair and kinder attitude, or maybe her MILF aura just feels stronger...)

After ensuring that Mom is fine, I start to walk up to her while she says, "I'm glad you're safe. You look well."

Hearing that, I smile and reply, "Yes. You haven't changed, Mom." before I notice the glass tank almost halfway full of a glowing blue liquid.

At the same time, Mom says, "This is for a one-way trip." which makes me exclaim in worry, "Only this much... After a period of one year?" 

In response, Mom kindly tries to reassure me, "Don't make that face. We'll somehow manage with one trip."

I turn to look back at her as I try to express my fears, "But... If I go with just one-way worth of fuel..." but Mom interrupts me and states in a confident tone, "I'm sure there's a way to come back. I'm betting on it."

Hearing that, I smile feeling a little more confident before I request, "You were working in here this entire time, right? Please, rest for a while."

But Mom frows before she says, "Working is good for me. I'll finish in some time."

At the same time, she taps a few keys on the machine that was producing the fuel for the Time Machine causing it to release, and carefully seals the glass tank before she turns off the machine and adds, "We need to hurry and take this to Capsule Corporation."

Hearing that, I do not hesitate to say and repeat, "I will go. Please, rest here for a while, Mom." before I ask worried knowing how she is, "Did you get any sleep, at all?" but Mom simply smiles and says, "I'm coming with you as well. Just in case, if that guy attacks you and you're alone..."

Then she picks up the glass tank and continues, "This tank might get destroyed and our 1 year of hard work will go to waste."

Hearing that, I can't help but nod and say, "I understand." which makes Mom smile slightly before her expression turns serious, and says, "Also, Trunks... In order to make this energy, many lives were lost. Never forget that. You must accomplish our goal, even if it means throwing everything else away. You're everyone's hope, after all!" to which I can only reply with a nod and by saying a simple, "Yes."

Then Mom says, "Come on, let's go. Mai is waiting." before she turns the cap of the tank containing the fuel which activates the shielding technology that Mom installed in the tank that covers the glass with a hard, black material that is strong enough to easily withstand a regular explosion.

After that, we don't waste any more time and quickly leave behind Mom's Temporary Lab heading toward the rendezvous point where Mai is waiting for us. 

But as we are heading there, we hear the explosion in the distance making Mom lightly comment, "Oh my... He really is relentless, but I still don't understand why He doesn't simply destroy Earth instead of hunting down every single living being like that, he is more than capable of doing that." 


In response, I smile wryly and reply in a dry and resigned tone, "Maybe this is all some kind of sadistic game for Him. He is simply having some fun bringing as much pain to us all." but then Mom says in a confident tone, "Don't worry Trunks. We will find a way to stop Him and save our world." 

Son Goza POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Universe 7, West Area - Age 779

I'm calmly sitting on the seat of my personal Space Ship which is quickly flying toward my destination, Planet Ndundero, at the same time, I'm relaxing and letting my mind wander.

After the Random Battle, which unfortunately ended with my loss, I spent some more time with my former opponent and now new friend Jayr in the Walking Dead Universe helping and protecting those unfortunate people and knowing Jayr better as a person and that lasted until Jayr created a cure for the Virus that caused everything after he did that, we left.

Talking about my loss in the Random Battle, I have to say that I was quite disappointed by it at first, not that my opponent pulled some cheap shot or cheated as he defeated me in a pretty straightforward way, but the loss of my Blessing and thus my Soulbound Territory with all its content was a pretty heavy blow.

Luckily, Jayr gave me everything back and created a Spatial Bag with enough space inside to contain a universe to bring them around to make up for the loss of the Soulbound Territory, the only thing he kept was the Seed of the Tree of Might that he planted in his own Soulbound Territory.

Not that I mind too much about it, after all, I kinda forgot about it shortly after I took it from Turles as I didn't find the right planet to plant it, and at the time, didn't think about planting it in my own Soulbound Territory as I only thought of it as a storage space and at most an emergency escape tool or refuge, quite the mistake, especially after I have seen what Jayr did to his own Soulbound Territory.

He turned it into some kind of paradise where not only did he grow everything he may need, but also where he protected and nurtured powerful entities who were ready to fight for him in case he needed it, which made me realize that the bigger and more prosperous his Soulbound Territory became, the more powerful and dangerous Jayr becomes.

Anyway, after returning from the Walking Dead Universe, I watched the Tournament of Destroyers with Jayr and his Digimon Partner Patamon enjoying the showy battles between Universe 7 and Universe 6 which obviously ended up with Universe 7 Victory.

After that, we all returned back to Earth and spent a few days relaxing before taking part in the Victory Celebration Party organizated by Bulma-san and then I had to spar with Father to show him the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.

I have to admit that it felt amazing showing off the result of my training to Father, but after that, he and Vegeta-san almost constantly nagged me to spar with them, so, to avoid that, I decided to return to work as Galatic Patrolman, after all, they still pay me and I have been missing from work for some time, luckily being one of the best and strongest Galatic Patrolmen has its perks and on top of that, Cell also took my place while I was away so it didn't cause too much problem. 

Now, the reason why I'm heading toward Planet Ndundero is that the Macareni Gang once again escaped from the Galactic Prison, and we have received confidential information that the Macareni Gang is heading there to steal and trade valuable and very dangerous mineral named Para which is fundamental for the creation of planet-destroying weapons.

Obviously, the trade of such mineral is very, very restricted, to the point that if some planet is found guilty of trading Para without authorization, the Galatic Patrol is allowed to use extreme force against the planet in question, which means that a Galatic Patrolman is even allowed to use the Extinction Bomb in retaliation if he or she deems it necessary.

After thinking about that, I focus back on the moment and take a look at the universe map to confirm my current position and the current distance between my destination, Planet Ndundero, and me, before I let my mind wander once more, but this time, thinking about what is going to happen in our immediate future, 'At any point now, the "Future" Trunks Saga is going to happen, which means that we are going to face an immortal Zamasu and a very powerful Goku Black...'

Thinking about that, I can't help but let out a sigh before I mutter, "In the end, I decided to let the events of the "Future" Trunks Saga unfold as they should by not making any move against Zamasu for the very simple reason that Father, Vegeta and the others need this battle to push themselves even more. After all, the stronger everyone is, the better is for everyone in the universe." 

Shortly after saying that, I also considered another small issue that made me come up with that conclusion, "On top of that, there is also the small issue of Zamasu owning the Time Ring... I never fully understood how all this confusing time-traveling thing truly worked with Future Trunks and all the other timelines, but I'm pretty sure reading somewhere in my past life that the Time Ring gave Zamasu some kind of protection that made it impossible to kill the "Future" Zamasu who owns the ring by killing the past one making Zamasu and Goku Black some kind of inevitable problem."

While saying that, I also think about another factor that makes me more than willing to let Father and the others face Zamasu and Goku Black, 'There is also the issue that I can't win the Tournament of Power on my own, even more so because my version of the Tournament of Power is going to be completely unpredictable now thanks to Jayr's presence and his friendship with Zeno. I mean, the guy randomly went to spend time with the absolute being in my universe and turned him into a fan of Anime, Manga, Movies, and Games! If a normal Zeno can already be quite unpredictable, a "Cultured" Zeno is nothing short of frightening... At least, thanks to Jayr's Seed of Culture, I don't have to worry about my universe suddenly getting erased...' 

At this point, I focus on the windshield of my Space Ship admiring the enchanting sight of the fast-moving celestial bodies, and comment, "At least, even if Zamasu and Goku Black are an inevitable issue, they shouldn't be too much of a problem to deal with. Using Legendary Super Full Power Saiyan 4 is should be able to easily overwhelm Goku Black in his Super Saiyan Rosè form. Meanwhile, I can deal with Immortal Zamasu using the Evil Containment Wave. I fully learned the technique from Master Roshi years ago and prepared dozens of containers so the mess that happened in the anime wouldn't happen. On top of that, even in the case that everything goes wrong for one reason or another and Infinite Zamasu still happens, I can always use the card Get Out Of Jail Free named Jayr and ask him to deal with Zamasu. After all, the level of power of that guy is truly unfathomable... I still clearly remember that crazy transformation and that single, crazy punch that ripped apart a whole universe reinforced by the Concepts themselves..."

Trunks POV - Dragon Ball Universe(01), Earth, West City - Age 796

I'm quickly running while carrying Mom on my back as we continue to run across the city undetected while He still rampages around the world.

I finally reach my destination and carefully put down Mom before I start to quickly catch my breath while she asks in a worried tone, "Trunks, are you okay?"

Taking a deep breath, filling my lungs with as much air as possible, I calm my wildly beating heart and reply, "Yes, Mom. Don't worry, it is just that moving around so frenetically while keeping my Ki to undetectable levels is quite straining... But this is nothing, I've been through worse. Let's move."

After saying that, I lead Mom into the building that is the rendezvous point with Mai and soon, we stop in front of a door, then, I use the agreed signal, I knock two times, wait a few seconds, and knock another two times waiting for a response, but I hear no movement and starts to grow very worried, but then I hear a familiar voice that calls out, "Trunks?"

My head snaps in the direction of the voice and seeing the woman's figure I respond with clear relief in my voice, "Mai."

Mai is a beautiful young-looking and tall woman with fair skin, she has big black eyes and long black hair with bangs. 

She wears a long, blue jacket along with yellow pants, black boots, and a green hat. 

(Image Here - Future Mai)

She is the leader of the Resistance against Him and one of my closest friends, and hopefully even something more after all this is over.

Mai smiles back and says, "Welcome back." before we look each other in the eyes and simply fall into a peaceful silence that gets immediately broken by Mom who says, "While it is nice that you two are showing affection for each other so openly, this isn't the time yet to make me a Grandma. I'd like to become one in a time of peace." which makes Mai exclaim in shock and embarrassment, "Bulma-san!"

At this point, I feel myself blushing and notice that the same is happening to Mai, but then she lets out a cough and tries to change the subject by saying, "I'm glad to see that you're safe, Bulma-san. I was very worried when I heard all those explosions."

In response, Mom smiles gently and says, "I'm glad that you are safe too, Mai. Trunks and I were very lucky as shortly after we left my temporary lab, He started attacking the area which ended up with the explosion of my lab."

Mom taps the tank in her and with a smile she says, "But that isn't all that important as we have everything we need now."

At this point, I look at the tank of fuel for the Time Machine and comment, "Mom risked her life to extract this energy. With this, we can go... To the past!"

After saying that, we enter the abandoned apartment we used as refuge these few days, sit on the couch, and then, Mom and I start to drink some water.

Shortly after that, Mai puts away her rifle and asks, "Do you want to rest for a while?" but I shake my head, smile, and say, "I'm okay." followed by Mom who adds, "Me too. I didn't do much as Trunks carried me all the way here."

Hearing that, Mai picks up her duffle bag, opens it, and grabs something from it while saying, "Hey, I found something good." before she gives me a can of canned meat and comments, "Isn't that awesome? It's not dog food." 

I open the can and at the same time, the stray black cat that kept us company these few days makes his appearance and walks up to us before he cutely calls out, "Miaoo~" something that brings a smile to my face.

Mai calmly picks up the small cat and says, "Don't worry. There's some for you, too." before she offers me a fork and says, "You should eat."

I look at Mom to sign her to take it, but she simply pulls out a capsule, clicks the top, and casually tosses it nearby, and as soon as it lands on the floor it explodes with the usual cloud of smoke that quickly fades away revealing a huge refrigerator.

After that, Mom gets up and walks up to the refrigerator, opens it, and pulls out all kinds of food much to our shock before she turns around, notices our expression, and says, "Come on, guys. My best friend was a Saiyan glutton, my husband was a Saiyan glutton, and my own child is a Half-Saiyan glutton. I had to deal with Saiyan-like appetite since I was a teenage girl... I've learned to stock on food whenever possible."

Shortly after Mom says that we all quickly help her prepare, and then we all take a moment to eat, rest, and recover our strength.

After the meal, I carefully grab the tank of fuel, and a curious Mai asks, "So, how much can we travel with this?" which makes me reply in a somber tone, "One way."

Hearing that, Mai exclaims and asks, "One-way!? Aren't we coming back!?" to which I reply, "Right now, it's important for us to survive. Also, Mom said that there must be a way for us to come back." which makes Mai ask, "How?"

At this point, both Mai and I look at Mom who smiles and says, "It's pretty simple. When we return to the past, I will work together with my past self to create more fuel for the Time Machine, and even if something were to happen to me on our way back, I leave my notebook with all the knowledge needed to do so in the Time Machine. I fully trust that my past self will be able to understand what needs to be done."

Hearing that we nod, but I feel a gut-wrenching pain thinking about the possibility of Mom dying and despite that, she is already fully prepared for such an eventuality.

Then Main says, "So all we need to do is head to West City, 17 years back." which makes me say, "Yeah." before I stand up and look outside the window and while everything I experienced back then comes to my mind, I comment, "The world I went to, a long time ago. That's where my friends are!"

After saying that, we quickly cleaned up everything and gathered our things before we left the building and made our way to Capsule Corporation, wary about our surroundings. 

I suddenly stop when we are very close to Capsule Corporation, and look up at the sky searching for any sign of danger while also using my Ki Sense to search for His Ki, and at the same time, I hear the wary voice of Mai as she asks, "Can you sense Black's Ki?" to which I reply, "No... Let's go."

With my signal, we all rush toward the Capsule Corporation's building but as soon as we reach one of the entrances, I stop as I suddenly sense His Ki quickly approaching our location.

Shuddering a little, I look up at the sky and see a vortex forming, and without wasting any time, I yell, "Go ahead of me! I'll buy some time!" before I draw my sword.

Then the vortex starts to descend toward the ground and within I immediately notice His figure, thus without wasting any time, I start to rush toward him ready for the battle.

The shadowy figure within the vortex points his finger in my direction and fires a Ki Blast which I dodge with a jump while preparing to swing my sword.

With a roar, I concentrate my Ki on the blade before I swing my sword to launch a crescent-shaped beam at my opponent, but he dodges and while flying still within the clouds hiding His figure, he launches a volley of Ki Blasts which I quickly deflect by quickly swinging my sword but even so, those Ki Blast explode just a few meters away from me blocking my sigh with their blazing fire.

Immediately after, I notice His shadow right behind those flames and see that He is about to attack me with a Ki-Charged punch.

I hastily raise my sword to use as a defense, but on impact, the Ki on his fist explodes with such force that blows my sword out of my hand and sends me crashing onto the ground while raising a thick cloud of smoke that continues to cover His figure as he slowly flies back increasing the distance between us. 

At this point, I hear Mai's voice calling my name in worry and see her as she runs toward me making me exclaim, "Stay back! You're supposed to leave!" but she quickly shouts back, "What are you saying!? I'll be the decoy! The one who needs to survive, is you!"

After saying that, she doesn't hesitate and rushes toward him armed only with her rifle shooting a couple of times, but he easily dodges before he casually counterattacks with a Ki Blast which explodes with such force that Mai is sent flying and crashing against a nearby building before she falls and crashes on the ground unmoving.