Jayr POV - Universe 7, Earth, West City - Age 779
After Goza informed me of the arrival of Future Trunks and, surprisingly, Future Bulma, a clear sign of the start of what is known as the "Future" Trunks Saga of the anime Dragon Ball Super, I left Zeno playing Mario Kart with Patamon and the Grand Minister and immediately teleported back on Earth.
Of course, the fact that Patamon was constantilly trolling me with Blue Shells when I was first, that Zeno seemed to be able to only pick Bananas and leave them anywhere on the track with such precision that they always end up in my trajectory, and that Zeno seemed to master the game to such a high degree that at this point he seems to be almost unbeatable making me realize that his title isn't King of All but King of all Games.
As soon as I arrive, I see Goku and Future Trunks fly up in the air a few meters away from each other and hear Goku asks, "Trunks, let's spar for a bit. I wanna see where I stand compared to that guy called Black." which makes Future Trunks agree, "I understand."
At the same time, I casually greet everyone, "Hello there. I see that something interesting is going on here. Is that guy standing in front of Goku the alternative future version of Vegeta's son, Trunks?"
Goza and the others casually greet me back while Whis replies, "Hello, Jayr-sama. You are, indeed, right. He is Vegeta's son from the future." Before he asks, "It doesn't seem like you are that much surprised by this. Is time travel something common where you are from?"
In response, I simply smirk and explain, "After exploring the Omniverse for some time, you start to get used to the most unusual sights. And trust me when I tell you this: Time Travel is indeed something very common. A son from the future warning you of some imminent danger is something that I find very tame and simple in the grand scheme of things."
While saying that, I can't help but smile wryly and think, 'Talking about confusing Time Travel stories, there are indeed quite a few that give me a headache only thinking about it. Like Steins Gate, which you need to play the game a few times to fully understand, or even worse, that TV series Dark. That story is confusing as fuck to the point that even after watching a few times I'm still unsure about some details, I mean at one point the main character Mother is also his Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother, while his Father is also his Great-Great-Grandson and Friend, his son is also his Great-Great-Grandfather... Damn, now that I think about it there was almost more incest in that TV series that in the whole Tangaryen Dynasty of the Game of Thrones Universe.'
I'm snapped out from my thoughts by Goku's voice as he says, "Ready when you are," which is quickly followed by Future Trunks transforming into Super Saiyan 2 with a roar.
The Super Saiyan 2 form is not that much different from the usual Super Saiyan form, at least from a visual point of view.
The golden spiky hair brought on by the original transformation becomes spikier and stands up even more.
The increased energy radiation causes the aura to take on a jagged, fierce, flame-like appearance rather than smooth or flowing, and because the energy output and radiation are higher than that of a Super Saiyan, the aura pulses at a higher frequency.
Muscle mass is barely increased, but energy output is multiplied by more than the regular Super Saiyan transformation, such that greater amounts of the Saiyan's increased energy reserves can be used at once for much more powerful energy attacks without the onset of exhaustion later.
Even speed is increased proportionally, unlike the Super Saiyan Third Grade state, which causes the muscle mass to swell to the point of impeding the user.
Another notable feature of the form is the electrical discharge aura, where many electrical sparks constantly surround the body, especially when charging up.
Seeing that, Goku chuckles and comments, "Hehehe. Super Saiyan 2 right off the bat? Then, I will, too..." before he also transforms into Super Saiyan 2.
Their powerful energy causes shockwaves around the surrounding areas, including a huge wind that flusters the humans in West City.
Seeing that, I don't waste any time to use Spatial Magic to create a spherical barrier around them to completely isolate them from the area so that they can go all-out without causing any damage to anything.
Shortly after that, I hear Goku say, "Alright, bring it on," followed by Future Trunks, who shouts, "Yes!"
At the same time, Trunks cheers on his future self by yelling, "Go for it, Future Me!" while Vegeta simply smirks proudly.
Soon, Future Trunks attacks Goku with a rush of punches, which Goku simply blocks using his arms while making Trunks exclaim, "Wow! Goku-san is getting pushed back!"
Goku then grabs both of Future Trunks' fists before he snorts and comments, "Heh... You're pretty good!" However, Future Trunks replies, "No... This power doesn't work against that guy. He constantly powered up while fighting me!"
Hearing that, Goku chuckles and says, "Hehe... Then... I will do that, too!" before his Ki explodes with tremendous force, and he starts to transform into a Super Saiyan 3, much to the shock of Future Trunks.
The Super Saiyan 3 transformation causes some stark changes in physical appearance.
The trademark characteristic of the transformation is the user's hair, the rigid hair of the Super Saiyan 2 state becomes flowing and smooth again and grows down to or sometimes passes the user's waist.
The hair color of Super Saiyan 3 is still golden blonde but takes on a darker and more yellow shade of gold compared to the previous Super Saiyan forms, which had a paler shade of gold when not surrounded by an aura.
The eyebrows vanish completely, making the forehead and eye ridges appear larger and revealing a more prominent brow ridge.
The irises remain greenish/teal, but the pupils become visible and are colored a darker shade of green.
There is also a small increase in muscle mass from Super Saiyan 2 that is evident, and muscle tone is sharply defined.
Energy radiation is so great that the aura pulses at an extremely high frequency, almost to the point where it seems static, and the sound of the aura is also pitched even higher than that of Super Saiyan 2.
The electrical discharge, like in the Super Saiyan 2 form, is again constant and reaches further outward from the body than before.
Another notable change is that the user seems to "glow" while in this state, more so than before, where the skin and clothes color were lightened, but not as much as the color change of this form.
Shortly after completing his transformation, Goku looks at Future Trunks with a confident smirk on his face and asks, "What do you think about Super Saiyan 3?"
In response, Future Trunks gapes in awe and stutters, "I-It's amazing. You went beyond the Super Saiyan which surpassed the regular Super Saiyan. As expected from Goku-san. In that case, I will use my max power!" which makes Goku smile and respond in a confident tone, "Yeah... Come at me with your full power."
At this point, Future Trunks grabs his sword, and with a roar, he attacks Goku with it, making their clash unleash enough force that makes my Spatial Barrier shake, but it's nowhere near enough to break through it.
At the same time, Beerus, who is calmly enjoying the show while lazily lying on a deckchair with a fish suasage in his hands, snorts and comments, "Heh... That brat is pretty good." followed by, Whis who is also lying on a deckchair next to his God of Destruction with the same snack in his hands and says, "But still, he could not win against that Black guy."
While they are casually chatting about that, Future Trunks is shocked to see Goku block his sword with his fingers, despite him using his full power.
Goku then pushes Future Trunks back, and taking advantage of the opening, he chases after Future Trunks and knocks him down to the ground with a single punch, forcing him to turn back to his base form as he crashes on the ground, defeating him.
Seeing that, I calmly lift the Spatial Barrier while at the same time, Goku turns back to his base form and lands right in front of the small crater formed by Future Trunks' body before he asks in a worried tone, "Are you okay, Trunks?"
Future Trunks lets out a small grunt before he sits up and simply replies, "Yes."
At this point, Goku grabs Future Trunks' hand and helps him up as he comments, "You're good, Trunks. It's amazing that you got this far all by yourself."
Hearing that, Future Trunks looks at the ground and responds in a somber tone, "Thank you, but..." before he can continue, Goku, who already knows what Future Trunks wants to say, interrups him and says, "Black is much more powerful that this, huh?"
Future Trunks looks up, focusing on Goku before he says, "Just as strong... No, maybe even stronger." which makes Goku, who barely hides his excitement, ask, "Eh!? Is he really that strong!?" before he laughs and lightly comments, "Hahaha! Well, this Black guy must be incredibly strong!"
Surprised by Goku's attitude, Future Trunks can't help but stutter, "G-Goku-san...?" while Vegeta simply leans back against one of the columns of the gazebo and snorts.
Shortly after that, Krillin and Piccolo arrive and greet Future Trunks as they land on the ground, "It's been a while, Trunks." which makes Future Trunks smile and greet them back, "Piccolo-san, Krillin-san!"
Krillin smiles back and asks, "Heya... Have you been well?" followed by Piccolo, who cuts to the chase to the most pressing concern and asks, "Trunks, did something happen in the future?"
Hearing his question, Future Trunks' mood quickly becomes sadder as he admits, "Yes. Actually..."
Suddenly a thunderstorm appears that is quickly followed by the opening of a portal that looks almost like the sky is split into two by an empty void before a massive lightning-like blinding white beam comes out from the portal and lands on the ground and from within that lightning-like beam, the familiar shadowy figure of a man starts to form.
At the same time, I hear Goza groan and comment, "Urg... That figure... as expected, my presence did change some things once again..."
Soon the lightning-like beam starts to fade away, revealing what looks like a darker copy of Goza wearing a black Gi, but I also immediately notice the absence of the Saiyan Tail which makes me wonder if the one that is standing in front of us is actually a darker copy of Gohan instead, but since I don't want to spoil the surprise, I refrain from using my Spiral Cosmo to discern Black's true nature and simply enjoy the show.
As the lightning-like beam fades away, Black calmly mutters, "What is this place?" while a shocked Future Trunks exclaims, "Black!?"
Hearing his voice makes Black focus on him and wonder out loud, "Trunks, in a place like this?" before he focuses on Goza, smirks and asks, "So, you're Son Goza?"
In response to his question, Goza steps forward and asks back, "And you're Black?"
Shortly after that, the portal behind Black starts to shrink, becoming a simple black sphere, and at the same time, the sky turns normal, becoming clear once more.
Meanwhile, Black ignores Goza's question and turns his head to look at the portal behind him before he smirks, looks at the ring around his finger, the Time Ring, and realizes, "I see... It was time travel."
Confused by Black's sudden appearance, Krillin, who still hasn't learned about the situation happening in Future Trunks' timeline, asks, "Who is that guy?" followed by Piccolo, who exclaims, "Goza!? No... maybe Gohan...?"
At the same time, the always composed Whis takes notice of a particular detail and, without any hesitation, informs his God of Destruction, "Beerus-sama, please take a look at his right hand."
Hearing that, Beerus casually hums and focuses on Black's right hand before his expression turns serious as he recognizes the Time Ring on his finger and mutters, "That's..." which makes Whis confirm with a simple, "Yeah."
As Black notices Vegeta's and Beerus' presence, Whis continues to comment in a light tone, "It seems like something strange is going on." which makes Beerus wonder out loud, "Just who is that guy?"
At the same time, an enraged Future Trunks demands, "Bastard! How did you come here!?" which makes Black smirk and reply, "Apparently, I came through the same path in space-time that you went through. Perhaps you called me here... to die by my hands?"
Hearing Black's taunt, Future Trunks can't stop himself from shouting, "What!?" while also move to attack him, but before he can make a move, Vegeta stops him him by yelling, "Stop it. You can't win against him right now." which makes Future Trunks simply mutters a dejected, "Father."
At the same time, Goku immediately flies up to confront Black with a grin on his face while saying, "Hehe... Early bird gets the worm," clearly excited by the idea of fighting him.
Once Goku arrives in front of Black, the two stare at each other for a few moments before Goku comments, "You do look just like my eldest sons!"
In response, Black smiles evilly and greets him, "Nice to meet you, Son Goku."
Shortly after that, Goku calmly looks at Black and says, "I don't know what sorta person you are, but... I heard that you're strong. So, take me on," before he takes his usual fighting stance.
Hearing that, Black smirks and says, "It's an honor. I also wanted to fight you in this body." which makes a clueless Goku ask, "Huh? What does that mean?" but Black ignores his question and states, "There's no need for you to understand that."
Shortly after saying that, Black doesn't waste any more time and immediately charges a massive amount of Ki in his left hand before firing a Ki Blast at Goku, who blocks it with his arms crossed, but he is still blasted to a deserted rocky area in the distance.
Black then immediately chases after Goku while Piccolo turns toward us and asks, "What's up with that guy?" which makes Nappa comment, "That guy is an enemy from the Future... An evil version of Gohan or Goza, maybe a third evil sibling. I don't know for sure. What I do know is that in some way, this situation is going to become worse because of Vegeta."
Hearing that, Vegeta snaps, "Damn it, Nappa! One of these days, you are going to lose a limb because of me! What do you think!?"
Then Piccolo, along with Future Trunks, Vegeta, Nappa, Goza, Cell, and Krillin, all fly away to watch the fight while Beerus, who is still comfortably lying on the deckchair, says, "Son Goku versus that Black guy, huh? This is rather interesting."
Meanwhile, a curious Whis looks at me and asks, "What do you think, Jayr-sama?" which makes me smirk and comment, "One hypothesis is that someone hijacked Gohan's or Goza's body for their own use... maybe they used the Super Dragon Balls for that, after all, other Eternal Dragons do not have enough power to snatch their bodies against their will. Another one could be that someone used their genetic materials to create some kind of evil clone of them. It isn't like this is the first time that something like this happened. I mean, Cell was also created using their genetic materials, so some evil scientist creating a full clone isn't that much out of the possibilities."
Shortly after saying that, I calmly teleport toward the rocky area and arrive just in time to hear Goku ask, "That wasn't all of your strength, was it?" which makes Black smirk and say, "I'm happy. You're evaluating me against you."
Then, Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 2, making Black comment, "Super Saiyan, huh?"
Goku shouts, "Now, it's my turn!" before he rushes toward Black, and the two start fighting while using my Cosmic Awareness is percieve that Whis is broadcasting the fight with his staff for those who didn't fly from Capsule Corporation to watch.
Goku and Black exchange a few moves before Black creates an opening with a low kick that destabilizes Goku and follows up with a straight punch, but Goku takes advantage of this disadvantageous position and uses his legs to grab Black's arm before using it as a lever to throw Black toward the ground.
As Black is quickly falling toward the ground while fixing his position to land on his feet, Goku fires a volley of Ki Blast that reach their target as soon as Black's feet touch the ground, exploding with such force that they create a big crater while rising a thick cloud of black smoke.
Soon, the smoke clears away with a pulse of Ki, and Black emerges from Goku's attack unharmed before he starts to chuckle and looking at his hand, a pleased Black comments, "Amazing! So this is the power of Super Saiyan Son Goku!"
At the same time, watching Black's current behaviour, Goku smiles and comments, "It seems like you're just like me. You get excited against a powerful opponent, right?"
In response to Goku's question, Black simply says, "Yeah." before he lets out a roar and powers up as his Ki increases massively, but at the same time, I sense that the portal he came through starts to convulse.
Shortly after that, Black flies up to confront Goku and says, "The father of the strongest fighter of the great warrior race, show me more of your power."
After saying that, Black doesn't waste any time and rushes toward Goku, and the two start to fight again as Black attacks with a barrage of punches, forcing Goku to block and defend them all without giving him the chance to retaliate.
Watching this scene, Krillin can't help but point out, "That Black person's power keeps on rising! This is just like Goza-kun!" followed by Future Trunks, who wonders, "What's wrong with Goku-san? Why isn't he using the power he used against me?"
Hearing that, Vegeta keeps focusing on the fight and replies, "Kakarot has a bad habit of not fighting seriously at the beginning." shocking Future Trunks who exclaims, "A habit!?" which makes Goza groan and say in a resigned tone, "Indeed, Father truly wants to enjoy a good fight, because of that, he always makes sure to more or less match his opponent might and try to draw out more of it during the battle..."
Meanwhile, Goku and Black continue the exchange, but now, Goku doesn't limit himself to defending but he also counterattacks until the two land a punch on ech other's face at exact the same time, then a grin form on their face as they slowly distance from one other until around dozen of meters is between them.
Shortly after the two fighters took their position, Goku stared at his opponent and asked, "What are you waiting for?" but Black replied with, "I can ask the same from you."
Hearing that, Goku answers in a confident tone, "I'm waiting... for your full power!" which makes Black casually comment, "There's no need to rush things. Let's have some more fun for a while."
At this point, Goku comes to a decision and says, "If you're not gonna use your full power, then I'll just force you to do so." Before Goku takes his fighting stance and warns his opponent, "Well, here I come!"
In response to that, Black casually cracks his neck and says, "Do as you wish."
Shortly after, Goku's aura explodes as he rushes up to Black and starts a fierce assault, successfully landing a diverse number of blows, but then Black suddenly grabs Goku's arm and as his Ki grows even stronger he casually launches toward the ground making his body crash against the wall of a rocky mountain.
Suddenly, I sense through my Cosmic Awareness that the portal's convulsion keeps getting stronger, which makes me realize, 'The tear in the time-space caused by the Time Machine is quickly fixing itself, this means that Black is about to get ejected by this timeline. If I remember well, in the anime, before being forced to leave, Black destroys the Time Machine... should I make a move to stop that from happening? I mean, sure, I agreed to let Zamasu do his thing to allow Goku and Vegeta to increase their power through this experience, but nothing stops me from making the whole process a little bit faster by skipping a few annoying parts and useless dramas..."
While I'm thinking that, I also notice that Black is distracted by the feeling of the portal closing and the Time Ring starting to eject him from this timeline.
At the same time, Goku takes advantage of this distraction and kicks him all the way back to Capsule Corporation while we all follow after them.
Black holds the area kicked by Goku, clearly in pain before he starts to chuckle and says, "This is great. This pain will make me even stronger!"
In response to that, a stunned Goku can't help but blink his eyes in disbelief before he casually comments, "Somethin's seriously wrong with you."
Hearing that, I can't help but chuckle while thinking, 'When even THAT Goku, who is usually clueless about such things, makes such a statement... then something is seriously wrong with you and you must seek help.'
At the same time, Black power ups even further before he fires another massive Ki Blast at Goku who quickly deflect it up in the air to avoid causing damage to the surroundings with its explosion, but such act leaves him open from Black's next attack, who takes advantage of this opening to knocks Goku toward the ground with a powerful kick.
Goku crashes on the ground with such force that the Time Machine gets knocked over, making Future Trunks exclaim in a worried tone, "The Time Machine!"
Black hears that and focuses on the Time Machine before he wonders out loud, "So... That's a Time Machine? Did he time travel using that?"
But while Black is distracted by that, Goku immediately flies up from the crater and rushes toward him while yelling, "Don't look away!" before he lands a punch in Black's gut.
After that, the two exchange punches, but Black starts to feel the same strange sensation again as the time portal starts to pull him back under the influence of the Time Ring.
Seeing that, Goku powers down and asks, "Hey, what's going on?" which makes Black, who is still trying to resist the pull, mutter, "T-This is... Is the distortion in time and space returning back to normal?"
After saying that Black is clearly angry that the temporal distortion Trunks' Time Machine created is correcting itself, thus causing the time portal pulling Black back to the future, and tot willing to go down without a final disrespect to Future Trunks, Black fires an energy blast at the Time Machine with the intent of blowing it up and thus destroying it, before the portal swallows him up and closes.
But at this moment, I'm about to use my Spatial Magic to create a barrier around the Time Machine to protecting it from Black's Ki Blast, but then I realize that making such a move is completely unnecessary and so, I restrain myself and simply watch as Black's Ki Blast is quickly heading toward the Time Machine before it reaches its target causing an explosion that engulves the remains of the Time Machine in flames.
Seeing that, Future Trunks can't help but exclaim in shock and rage as a result of the destruction of his last hope, the Time Machine, "How did he...!?"
Meanwhile, Black smungly smirks before he is pulled into the portal, which closes by itself under the shocked eyes of everyone present, excluding Goza, Whis, and Beerus.