Three happy sisters

Finally, Lolly was feeling better and visited Eleanor and her sister. And when Eleanor saw her without Jamie, she squinted her eyes at her.


"Where is my baby girl? Jamie, I mean," She confirmed as the girl looked at her like she just told her two plus two was six.


"She was playing, and I didn't want to disturb her," Lolly walked past her from the door and headed to the kitchen. She always knew the right time to come home, when food was ready.




Her heart started feeling at ease. And a smile broke on her face, relaxing her features, and the minute she heard footsteps approaching, she quickly wiped the smile off her face.



"I told you, if you are feeling bad, or if anything is wrong with you, you need to share it. We may not be as loving toward each other but come to think of it, aside from Scarlet and Alfredo you are the closest I have to a family.