“Wait, you did not buy Hermosa?”

"Sorry about the delay," Alan who had been staring down at his empty plate, finally apologized for keeping her waiting.

When he had packed his car at the bus stop, he saw how she hesitated before entering his car.


He sighed when she didn't argue or nag about waiting for him. He was also proud of how far they had come.

Eleanor used to hate his guts, and she was not afraid of letting him know that. She'd refuse his gifts and even his attempt to help her younger sister.

She hated him touching her but now they had gone on dates, even collapsed during one and he heard about how she insisted on going with his brothers to make sure he was okay.


Maybe his love story was not as unfortunate as he was almost led to believe but maybe- if maybe they had not kidnapped her, he would've had it easier than he was having it now.


And also if they weren't mates, he was sure she wouldn't have gone out with him.