Lost Princess

Cautiously, nor even believing her own eyes she moved towards the globe. Her hands shivered as she reached towards it. Her mother's picture already tattooed at the front of her mind. She wasn't even an inch away from it when a loud voice echoed in the almost empty room sending her jumping off her feet.

"aren't you sneaky just like your mother?"

She turned around stumbling backwards, the sharp edge of the chair hitting her back. A man in his fifties covered silver armor. His wrinkled face half covered in grey beard. He gripped the vase from the nearby table and launched towards her before she even had the chance to think upon his words and her mind began racing, she picked up the cushion from the chair behind her bringing it in front of her to protect herself. She felt the vase coming in contact with the cushion and she was forced backwards the edges of the chair pressing hard against her back. She groaned in pain resisting the pressure she pushed with the cushion and the vase fell to the side smashing into nothing but million pieces never to be joined again. She didn't have time to feel guilty, she was pulled back from her hair. She screamed in pain but accept for the roof the room was supposed to be soundproof.

"20 years wait and now you are here in my hands" He hooted in victory pulling her along with him towards another door. "She tried pulling away but it was giving her a head ache so she screamed that was her last resolution.

The doors from where she had entered flew open she couldn't turn around and see who it was until a loud smashing noise erupted and she fell to the ground freed.

"You need to run now" she looked up to see Marcello giving her a hand and on the other side Ian held the man with his neck against the wall. Shivering she accepted Marcello's' help standing up. The man slipped from Ian's hand falling to the ground unconscious.

"you killed him?" She questioned Ian surprised.

"He'll be fine. We need to get out of here" Ian motioned kicking open the other door and Audra followed him along Marcello. Not sure if it was good the man would be fine later.

The scene from the door was awful more than that. Audra gasped loudly her eyes unable to take in the scenario. It was a blood bath at least in that hallway. She felt like throwing up. The entire place was a mess everything fallen broken people and objects alike.

Ian gave Marcello a look and he turned to her. "Close your eyes we will lead you" His voice was cautious afraid she would break down here. She didn't need to be told twice she closed her eyes her hand on her nose she couldn't handle the metallic smell in the air it made her dizzy.

"Upstairs" IT was Ian who instructed and they moved fast. She tried her best to match the pace with them considering she couldn't see. She just heard it all. She heard the two guys beside her cursing as the metals clanked against each other but she didn't open her eyes until they were inside a room and they heard the lock clinking in place. When she opened her eyes again it was all dark.

"look at the mess we are in because of someone" Ian huffed in annoyance fire dancing on his fingertips.

"I didn't ask you to save me" she rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't forget I am still going to get my revenge on you" he bared his teeth at her.

"You have been failing for the past few times for the record" and they began arguing again like every other time they saw each other either fighting verbally or with hands it depended on the situation. She looked around ignoring him

It wasn't until Marcello and Ian both light up the oil lamps with their own hands that the room became visible. It was a humongous room the size of two of the room she was living in combined. A real princess's suite. It had everything. A large bed covered an enormous portion of the room covered soft bed sheets. On the other side a long mirror and a dressing table filled with various shiny products and jewelries. A tea table with long couch on the opposite side. The entire room was laden with layers and layers of dust. Huge double doors covered one side of the wall beside the dressing, cold wind seeping from underneath it. One of the wall had no furniture only a piece cloth hung covering half of what she guessed was a photo frame.

"Whose room is this?" Audra asked them.

"Whatever this place is we aren't supposed to be here" Ian replied walking towards the photo frame she couldn't see the picture only some part of it enough to tell her that it was a painting.

"This is the top floor the room has been locked since as long as we have known none of us were allowed to come up here." Marcello explained.

"But the door was open when we came here" Ian defended.

Ian's cough echoed in the room as dust came flying upon him when he pulled away the covers and Audra couldn't help but giggle earning a glare from Ian. But soon her attention was diverted towards something else. The massive portrait on the wall. A woman around Audra's age sat on the chair dressed in royal purple silk gown and her red hairs complimenting her dress were curled beneath a tiara shining jewels. IT was when she noticed the hazel eyes that she realized who it was. The artist had done an outstanding job painting the portrait especially that radiant smile.

"Who is it?" Marcello asked Ian who stood right in front of the picture.

"There is something written here" he wiped away his hand across the golden frame of the portrait.

"Pr…Princess Idalia!!" The shock was clearly visible on both their faces.

The door flew open and Ian and Marcello appeared right in front of her they weren't two guys messing with her but the warriors of the fire kingdom protecting all those under their kingdom in their possibility.

But this time it wasn't necessary for the it was Karl and Lucio who had entered Marcello and Ian eased in their positions.

"Oh thank goodness. I got worried something happened to you two" Audra really was concerned for them.

"She is lying" Ian commented getting a chance to contradict her. Instead of joking along with them the two got on their knees by the entrance startling the trio standing in the room. "Your highness"

"What are you two doing?" Audra eyed them peculiarly.

"Where's the king?" Ian and Marcello both questioned in unison for Lucio and Karl had no reason to bow to them unless one them was superior in rank and in Ian's opinion it was to happen only when their grandfather and fathers were dead making him the next king.

"Grandfather was taken to safety" Lucio replied still on his knees sigh of relief escaped through all three of them.

"then why are you both on your knees? I am not the king yet" Ian questioned still playful masking his confusion.

" You should bow to her highness too" Karl replied

"Her highness" Marcello could help but echo.

"She is princess Idalia's daughter" Karl revealed her identity. The secret she had been trying to hide.

"What?" Ian still couldn't understand and Marcello bowed beside him pulling him down.

Audra stood there in awkwardness unaware of what to do next.

"You guys stop that. Stand up. I seriously am nothing" She had no idea how to explain all this. They all stood up staring at her.

"Is princess Idalia really your mother?" Marcello questioned comparing her witth the picture on the wall.

She nodded slowly, it was no use hiding it anymore.

"Do you even know what that makes you?" Ian questioned her.

"I have no idea about any of this. My mother sent me here and now I don't know how to return" She replied in all honesty.

"That makes you the Lost princess of the three kingdoms" Lucio answered Ian's question still in a thought.

"No wonder you became the esteemed guest of our grandfather" Ian commented.

"how did you find out?" This time Marcello questioned Karl.

"When we were pretending to fight each other" he turned towards Lucio. "that's when those rebels came in and we went upstairs we had no choice but to hide in this room. And we also saw that portrait. I had seen her mother's picture in her phone. I joined the puzzle. When we got out of here we came running to get Audra. I mean her highness" Audra visibly cringed at the title. "you guys had already saved her" No wonder the cover only covered half o the frame they had removed it already.