Dangerous lust •



Swiftly flipping their position, he made sure he was still connected. Pulling a pillow, he arched her back with his hand beneath her and placed it underneath.

Alta locked eyes with him all the while gauging his reaction.

Hisha noticed her silent gaze and felt self-conscious for some reason.


Alta's concentration was broken as she let out a gasp the moment he filled her up completely, her back arched from his movements and her head thrown back.

"Take me!~" She beckoned him to move.

Because of her words, Hisha chose to take things slow and focused more on her breasts. Leaning downwards so he had his mouth over her right upright and pink nipple, he pinched on the left.

Alta let out a squeal of pleasure at the action. She could feel the pit of her stomach tingle.

Closing her eyes, she decided to live the moment and enjoy the feeling that came with it. Her hands combed through his hair and she pushed upwards so he could take more of her.