Swallow the pill •



There was no use speaking on the quick depletion of his Sux, all he thought about was the adverse effects it would have on him once she took control and most importantly his physical wellbeing.

"You think that's worse?! My cock could be fractured if she goes with that rhythm while on me!" Hisha said in a panic.


[Sedaer pill available]

[It tastes heavenly only to the one whose libido would be quelled once swallowed]

"Does that include me if I ever get a high libido?" Hisha cut in on the information that was displayed before him.

[It can never be swallowed by the host and would be regurgitated in perfect condition]

"Oh, I see." Hisha stared awkwardly.

[Time limit: 1 hour before it wears off]

Narrowing his eyes at the time frame for the pill, he deduced it would wear off if the person in question didn't get the libido satisfied while sober.

"This is technically the worst case offer." He berated with a frown.