Ready for an adventure?!

The next day,

"Darling, wake up!"

Hisha shrugged off the voice, sleeping to his side to continue where he had left off in his dream.

Alta watched as he slept rather peacefully after she had passed out after numerous intense sexual activities.

Her lips pouted as she stared at him, thinking of a better way to start from where they left off.

Placing her hand on his head, she whispered into his ear. "Dream of me."

[Warning ~ Succubus' attempt on triggering your sexual activities in your dream!]

Hisha felt his body stiffen after she had heard the words and let out an unintentional moan from the scene that began to play in his head.

In his dream, he watched as her buttocks jiggled with every thrust of his dick.

He only stopped when he saw the original host watch him from a distance and he had a wide grin on his face.

Lord Hisha chuckled as he materialized in front of Hisha who was unseen by the Alta in his dream.