Connection severed

Three hours later,

[1000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6241]

"Syla Gen wins the fifth round!" Kritz announces in a loud voice.

[Duel: 2]

[Number of possible harems participating: 6]

[Victories: 2]

[Points accumulated during the tournament: 9000]

Hisha let out a sigh, feeling bored and tired of guessing who would win.

[Would you like to see something interesting?]

'That's even sus coming from you.' Hisha dismissed its words, unwilling to follow through with its words.

[You're no fun, host]

'Where's the fun if I already know what's going to happen? I need someone who could show the potential of a yandere, some exhilarating kills, and potential!'

HTC displayed loading ellipses as it thought about what its host aimed to achieve.

[You are still thinking about that beautiful Vandrik?]

'Between the two of us, I think you're more lust filled than I am.'

[For now... I'm grooming you for your lustful experience]

[Aren't you interested in what I had relayed earlier?]