You want this so bad? •



Laying on the bed, Hisha exhaled and stared at the ceiling. The tournament was the worst and less competitive.

'They all either fucking gave up or paired against the wrong person.' Hisha wiped down his face, shaking his head.

[Look on the bright side, you got more points to think of purchasing anything from the inventory]

HTC cheered, hoping its host would be happy about something.

'Character status.' Hisha commanded.


[Name: Lord Hisha]

[Level: 1003]

[Height: 185cm]

[Position: Supreme Overlord]

[Ability: Replicate]

[Sux: 1000/1000]

[Meretrix: 2]

[Points: 21100]

[Exp: 38]

[Total number of your harem: 6237]


[See, the points are awesome]

Getting to his feet, he paced about, thinking of a plan to teach Mich a lesson.

'I can't let that stupid fishlegs think he could usurp me.'

[Kill him, that's the best way to get the merfolk's total allegiance!]