Melody's decision

Witnessing a white pearl get picked from Melody's folds, he cringed at the sight and could see Mich laugh hysterically.

"Finally! I have the–"

Snatching the pearl from his hand, Melody took a defensive stance and had a hard time catching her breath after the rigorous activity she went under.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Mich barked and slowly advanced in on her.

Making her way toward the wall, she hid the pearl in her hand behind her.

{That's it, this is what we need!}

Creating a portal, Hisha collected the pearl secretly.

Melody took two steps forward, refusing to get into the portal after giving the pearl.

{What the hell are you thinking?!} Hisha panicked, realizing he couldn't save her the moment she disconnected his access to her eyes.

Dropping the pearl to the ground, Hisha punched at the wall–making a dent and boiling with rage at being shut out.