Focus on the task and do it right

The other guards felt the push from the swirling wind below her legs that swept them off their feet and had them crash to the ground, seconds later their eyes glowed the moment they brought their attention back to her, and were instantly mesmerized by the blinding light.

Like moths drawn to the light, they were drawn to her and were killed instantly upon touching her.

Deactivating once she had lost all strength in her, she thought with a sad smile, 'I did it. Thank you for creating me...'

Falling to her side with a loud thud, her vision clouded with dark corners and she could see sparkles of blue light surrounding her.

Bringing her hand up, she watched with a sad smile upon witnessing her hands disintegrating.

Hisha let out an unintentional gasp, feeling something off.

'HTC, why do I feel...'

[Connection lost]

Staring at the screen with wide eyes, he shook his head in disbelief. 'They wouldn't have.'


A glow from the pearl made him lose focus and pick it up.