Jade pendant

Making a thrusting gesture with his arm through an object, he gave a creepy smile Wae's way.

Wae took a step back in shock and fear, "I would never, my lord!"

Pushing back his hair, Hisha had a wicked grin. "Sure, I was merely joking..."

Wae chuckled to hide his nervousness.

"... that's if all goes according to normal arrangements and not out of the ordinary."


Kritz glared at the door, understanding Hisha was merely trying to shield him from getting into a brawl with anyone.

"Now, would you get the hell out of my vicinity?! You reek of dead bodies!" Hisha pegged his nose and blew at the air.

Wae's face was contorted in displeasure but had to force a smile. "Of course, I would take a bath, my lord."


Dusting his fingers, Hisha looked back at Kritz who seemed to be boiling with restricted actions to be taken against the tribal chief.

"My lord, his invitation sounds too suspicious and planned." Kritz voiced his concern.