Cause a bit of chaos

With a careful movement of her hand while walking past as quickly as possible.

The fountain stopped mid-fall, bursting into tiny droplets and getting everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" A mermaid pointed at the suspended water in the air.

Coagulating, tiny droplets formed a dagger that shot through the air with great speed.


The attack Melody had created was deflected by the very merman that had some information.

He was still in the defensive position and exhaled as his eyes searched the crowd for any suspicious individual who could have done so.

There were murmurs all around as they all feared another attack, scurrying off to safety.

Melody quickened her pace, cursing at the fact that the merman also possessed the ability to manipulate his Sux in the water.

There were only a selected few who could use their Sux effectively without getting any setbacks.

'This doesn't look good!' Melody rushed through an alley to her left.
