Straight to the point

The maid crouched, trembling at the thought of being truly killed.

Sensing her indecisiveness, Hisha turned his burning resentment towards a guard.

Making a clench, the guard to the left exploded, splattering blood and skin all over those on the opposite side of the table.

There was a scream and gasp in shock from the unfortunate guest, with Vanas being an exception.

Wiping down his face and gladly licking the blood, Vanas' eyes temporarily glowed before reverting to a naughty grin.

A smirk tugged at Hisha's lips, finding Vanas' mannerisms intriguing.

Kritz bit down on his bottom lip to stifle a laugh at the shocked expression of the guests, their eyes wide in disbelief.

But all that wasn't compared to the mortified look on Wae, although unable to speak, that simple action had reminded him and everyone present how frightening their overlord was.