You can do anything with her

"This wasn't part of the agreement, my lord. What's with the attributes outlined?" Wae stared at the paper.


"Good question," Hisha smiled.

Flipping the paper so Wae could have a better look at it, Hisha read out the attributes, "it is clearly shown what you lack in respect to me and my plans for Kurg."

Wae stood dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

Not giving him any chance to explain, he placed his thumb on the signature right corner, a blood stamp extracted as the tiny jabs pierced and withdrew.

As it hovered above Hisha's palm, he set it up in flames.

"It's settled, you will gain the benefit of the contract as promised."

Wae growled, clutching to his chest as a wave of overwhelming energy washed over him, and nearly instantly the pain he had felt vanished and his wounds healed rapidly.



He let out a sigh of relief but instantly regretted it when he felt his breath strain and his heartbeat quicken.