You are all fools!

Kritz got to his feet, his hands behind him. "Lord Hisha is pleased with your meal, as you can see, he will be taking his leave now."

[You seem to have forgotten your words to Wae about the feast... something about how you would feel about it and its effect on Wae. Let's not forget about the little trick you pulled earlier]


"Thank you, Kritz." Hisha smiled, patting him on the shoulder.

Responding with a nod, Kritz moved to his side, alert and ready.

"You passed this arguably well, it was entertaining, to say the least." Hisha led on with a nod.

Wae covered his nervousness with a chuckle and a nod of appreciation.

"I hope to get more invitations like this." Hisha continued with a thumbs up.

Opening a portal and letting his words sink in before stepping in with Kritz and the maid following behind.


The guests and the tribal chiefs blinked several times at what had transpired and there was a brief silence before Vanas spoke up first.

"You are stupid, Wae!"