Secrets best kept in the dark

Outskirts of Radomir, underground entrance,

Vanas stands staring wide-eyed at what lies beyond the door. A massive room stretching further than the eye can see. Even though he knows how huge the cavern really is, it feels smaller because of the darkness surrounding them.

The vast dark space in front of them suddenly dims to reveal a bright light shining brightly within its depths. It wasn't too big nor did it seem very deep compared to other caves they'd seen during their travels through the mountains.

Vanas pulls on his cloak, taking a whiff of the air before curiously asking. "Where is this place?"

Hisha answers, "This cave leads underground beneath the city itself. There aren't many entrances leading outside except for the main entrance near the secret passageway."

They walk along silently following the path carved inside the rock walls till reaching another opening ahead.

Vanas looks down, skeptical about his next words, "b–brother Derek,"