Uncontrolled passion •



Siadra clears her throat and looks away. After her freedom from the barrier, she had been the only one who could alert the knights of the danger their Count was in.

With the whole area searched, it had left one place that they hadn't checked.

Going along with the information given to the knights, Vanas looks behind him.


The cave shakes before rubbles begin to fall onto the ground, before eventually collapsing completely.

"What the hell?!" Siadra exclaims looking towards the cave in shock.

"He isn't going to bother us anymore," Vanas states plainly, looking down at the dust cloud rising into the air.

Krans stood in awe looking at the damage that was done to the cave.

Looking up from the dust cloud, Vanas looks at the sky to see the moon disappearing behind clouds.

"It seems that it's time for us to return," Vanas announces.

If he could forget all that had happened within the span of a few hours, he would have stayed in his castle.