That's a good... °

[Slightly R-18]


He pounds her mercilessly, slamming his cock repeatedly hitting the bottom every single time. Each slap sends waves of pain shooting straight to her womb only adding fuel to her fire igniting her desire burning hotter than anything imaginable.

With no regard for what others might be doing, Ni plunges his entire length inside her clenching cunt burying his cock deep inside her depths. The sensation causes her whole being to tingle, sending shivers running across her skin.

Arousal overwhelms her senses forcing her to release another scream piercing the air and startling many including Yoru.

As if possessed, Ni drives forward pounding her cervix again and again eliciting more moans from both parties involved.






Unable to withstand any longer, Mina releases one final cry letting go and unleashing everything stored inside her. Waves of orgasmic bliss wash over her body triggering multiple orgasms coursing through her system.