Follow the old lady

In Mertac,

Kenna knocks on a door, but she jumps back the moment the door opens without any form of warning.

'Thel?' Kenna calls out in her thoughts.

Her heart skips a beat when he speaks.

"You shouldn't sneak up behind me like that!"

Looking over his shoulder, he sees her face covered in tears.

"Are you okay?" He questions in worry, dropping his clothes and walking toward her.

Shaking her head quickly wipes away the moisture forming under each eyelid.

"What are you doing here? You should go back to your hut now," He says gently, taking hold of her hand reassuringly.

"Why not?" She replies looking confused.

"Because I wouldn't want to put my elder sister in danger." He answers with an amused smile as they walk into his home together holding hands tightly.

"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier by sneaking around so suddenly; it's just… well…" The words die off at seeing how upset she is about him being there alone.