Don't mess with me

Thel grunts angrily nodding his agreement.

Thel glides his hand through the air creating blades made entirely of water, freezing them solid, and channeling his Sux into it so it glows with a faint blue.

Three others appear, coming from behind Liquid shadow, drawing out their weapons.

With a swift movement, Thel swings the blade slicing cleanly through the neck of the first attacker sending blood splattering everywhere.

Before anyone could react, he turned, slashing again, cutting deep into the second assailant leaving a large gash running vertically down his torso.

As soon as the third opponent came close enough, he swung his sword aiming right between the eyes, killing him immediately.

All three bodies fell lifelessly to the ground, frozen stiff until finally melting away revealing their rotten corpses underneath.

Clapping his hands together loudly, Liquid shadows' laughter echoes throughout the entire building.