Chapter 10

Gan Xing was scared by the chubby momentum. When he hit the bench, he thought of shouting and begging for mercy. Unfortunately, Song Zhong in the rage simply ignored this. The force of eating milk was madly photographed, and the limbs of Gan Xing were completely interrupted after a few moments. This is not finished, things have come to this step, the waste is a waste, the waste is also a waste, Song Zhong simply came to a grass and roots, and took the bench and shot the other four guys who have not yet climbed up.

It's not natural to kill people, so it's hard to talk. However, if they are completely abolished, they will at most be reconciled with their own outside disciples. Song Zhong also went out this time, simply play a big one!

The people around him only heard a bang, and it took a full quarter of an hour, until the bench in Xiaofeng's hand was completely broken, and he stopped.

"Hey, dog day, my grandfather is not angry, do you take me as a sick cat?" After he got angry, he threw away the broken bench in his hand and ignored the wailing of the five people. He took the little monkey and went out. The abolition of Gan Xing is equivalent to offending his cousin, so this place should not stay for a long time!

But when Song Zhong passed by Gan Xing, the rogue in this rampant township was still hard-hearted: "Dead fat, there is a kind of killing me, or else, I am not finished with you! My cousin will replace me." Revenge!"

"Go to your uncle!" Under the anger of chubby, he kicked his foot and kicked under the shackles of Gan Xing. Gan Xing was immediately kicked by Xiaopeng. Such an important part was so severely hit by Song Zhong, and naturally suffered a heavy blow. Poor Ganxing only came and screamed, and immediately fainted.

Xiaopeng can ignore this. He just wants to go out with his little monkey. He suddenly thinks about the food problem in the future, so he immediately turns around and grabs some rice bran in the kitchen, enough for two people to eat for a month, all thrown into himself. Space bag. Although the broken bag is small, there is room for half a square, which is always empty, and it is enough to install these things.

After taking the food, Song Zhonglian did not dare to go to the main entrance and ran directly into the Cangwu Mountain from the back door. He didn't dare to go back to his hut. If his cousin is not an idiot, he will definitely go to the door, so he goes straight into the mountain and plans to find a hidden place to hide.

The yard has already been blasted, and the little ones have already been scared by this **** scene. Although they usually fight often, but at most, the nose is swollen and the fracture is serious. But today, this is really too big. Five big living people have been interrupted by four limbs. This is a complete disability. If the outside disciples are injured like this, Xuantian is still willing to spend the elixir to help them reconnect the broken bones. However, they are just a group of small beggars. Even if they are disabled, they will certainly not be in charge. Waiting for their fate will definitely be sent back to their hometown.

And if the limbs are broken, what can you do if you return home? In their lifetime, they are completely finished.

"I didn't expect it, I always smiled, and the honest and honest Song Zhong, there was such a violent time!"

"You haven't heard of it? The more honest people are, the more it is impossible to launch a fire!"

"Yes, the dog that bites is not called!"

"But chubby himself is estimated to be hanging this time, and Gan Xing's cousin is a better one among the outside disciples. He also recognizes a powerful boss. Where is the chubby guy who can help? Today, he abolished Gan Xing, maybe he will be abolished tomorrow!"

"Yeah, yeah, chubby is definitely dead this time!" The onlookers talked about the various ways.

Shortly after Xiaopang left, a strong young man came in a hurry of Yu Jian. This person was named Wang Zhong, but he was the cousin of Gan Xing. He heard someone telling his cousin that he had suffered a loss. Caught over. It is a pity that although the speed of his sword is fast enough, the person who has no news can not attack the sword and can only run over, so he has delayed the time. When the result came, he only saw the five waste people on the ground, and the murderer Song Zhong Has long since escaped.

Wang Zhong came to the yard and looked at the rotten flesh of the limbs on the ground. He could hardly believe that this was his cousin who had played from childhood to big. The two of them were together when they wore the trousers, and the feelings were always good. They also went to the Xuantian hospital, but Wang Zhong's talent was slightly better, so he entered the outer door ahead of time, and Gan Xing was a little worse, but in two years, the kung fu could enter the innate realm. Originally, Wang Zhong was preparing a gift for Gan Xing, but he did not expect it to happen!

"Cousin!" Wang Zhong sighed and rushed to help Gan Xing, and burst into tears: "What the **** is going on?"

Unfortunately, Gan Xing has long been in a deep coma, and there is no way to answer him. In desperation, Wang Zhong had to take out his own medicine to Gan Xing, and finally tossed it, and the sky was dark. When Wang Zhong treated Gan Xing, the younger brother of Gan Xing told Wang Zhong about today's affairs.

It turned out that the cause of the incident was just for a gimmick! In the dining hall, the little monkey is responsible for steaming the steamed buns. He has a habit. Every time he steams his head, he likes to hide one, so he can keep it for Song Zhong. If Song Zhong does not come, he will secretly eat it.

And a few guys in Ganxing came to the dining hall late today, and there was no gimmick to eat. He asked the little monkey. The little monkey naturally refused to take out the hidden gimmicks and lied and said nothing. Unexpectedly, a younger brother of Ganxing knew that the little monkey had hidden the gimmick, so he found out the gimmick of the little monkey on the spot.

This is anger and anger, where is he used to allow someone to lie to him? So I wanted to teach the little monkey a meal. The little monkey was beaten and couldn't stand it. He had to carry out Song Zhong as a shield. He thought that Song Zhong was already a foreign disciple. Gan Xing was still a small beggar after all. How can he give him some face?

Unexpectedly, this smashed the horse cell. It turned out that Gan Xing thought that his talent in Otaru was amazing, and he was on the verge of promotion. He thought that the person who entered the inner door must be his first, so he had already released the wind. However, he did not expect that Song Zhong was born, and he immediately robbed him of the limelight, so that he greatly lost his face in front of the friends. Now the little monkey has taken Song Zhong to crush him. He naturally became angry immediately, and this was the dead hand. But at this time, chubby suddenly appeared, so Gan Xing and his four younger brothers were collectively tragedy!

After Wang Zhong listened to the consequences, he was so dying on the spot that he was maimed for a gimmick. Five people became disabled, and Gan Xing was even kicked off. It is about to enter the outer door, and the opportunity to change a life is also ruined. What is this all about? If Gan Xing is still in a coma, he can't wait to grab him and take a meal!

Wang Zhong, who was burning in anger, smashed a table directly and yelled at the same time: "Song Zhong, I am not in a position with you!" After that, he rushed into the night and was ready to find the trouble of Song Zhong.

But it is a pity that chubby is not an idiot. How can I wait for Wang Zhong to catch it? So when Wang Zhong came to Xiaopang's cabin with a few friends, he only saw the empty room, and could not find anyone!

Wang Zhong naturally refused to be so kind, and he immediately asked people to look for it, and at the same time let go of the words, whoever found the dead fat man, rewarded ten pieces of Lingshi!

What is the concept of ten pieces of Lingshi? Is that a subsidy for a foreign disciple for one year? For Xiao Yan, it is an unattainable treasure, and some of the poorer foreign disciples are even attracted. Ever since, after the news came out, thousands of people were alarmed, and they lit the torches, looking for chubby and little monkeys in the mountains.

However, Cangwu Mountain is too big. The scope of Guangxuantian's external courtyard is full of thousands of miles. It is too simple to hide individuals. Thousands of people are scattered in, but it is just a needle in a haystack.

At this time, chubby, has long been hiding in a hidden cave below the gutter. Here is where he found his hiding place during the past three months of work.

The mouth outside this cave is not big. There is only a small gap that can barely pass, and it is blocked by garbage. If there is a piece of debris falling into the cave, Xiaopeng can't find it. Don't look at the hole, but it is actually deep and wide. Xiaopeng had no choice but to go to the last few days. He was a little scared, and he didn't go deeper This time he was going to take refuge with a little monkey. In desperation, he could only find this hidden place.

In the deeper part of the cave, Xiaopang found a relatively flat place, and placed the little monkey on the ground, so that he could check his injury. The left hand fracture, the ribs are broken and said three, it can be said that the monkey is very heavy.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person who can't help but wind. After more than ten years of practice, he has almost reached the realm of the day after tomorrow. According to his talent, even if there is no spiritual tonic, it will take about ten years to enter. Congenital realm. At this time, the little monkey, the bones and muscles are much stronger than the average person, so he was so severely injured and could still maintain the basic sobriety, thus witnessing the whole process.

"Fat brother, you are for me this time, but it is a big disaster!" The little monkey cried cryingly: "In fact, you don't have to die like this. Just let them beat me out. It's good now." Gansu's cousin Wang Zhong, I'm afraid I won't let you go!"

"Hey!" Xiaopeng screamed and said: "I haven't let him go!"

Xiaopeng said while giving the monkey a careful treatment. When they were young, they were often interrupted by bones, and the techniques of bones were practiced. The fat man carefully attached the broken bone to the little monkey, and then took out a little homemade soil. At the same time, frowning: "You are hurting too much this time, our medicine may not have any effect, I have to get you some good goods!"

"Fat brother, my life, what value is it? You don't bother me, or think about what to do in the future?" The little monkey resisted the pain. "You can't always hide." Or do we go out and take a soft, give them two breaths?"

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