Chapter 11

"Crap!" Xiaopeng is not stupid, he said directly: "Monkey, you don't think you are soft, those **** will spare you. I tell you, today, if we go out, it will be good to die!" Don't forget, I kicked the second child of Gan Xing! Unless Wang Zhong can find Xiandan, otherwise, Gan Xing can only be a father-in-law in his life!"

"Hey, fat brother, can you really start?" The little monkey was a little surprised.

"Crap, I don't yell at him, he has to give you a waste!" Xiaopeng annoyed, "If you are not afraid of the law enforcement hall guys looking for trouble, I want to kill him!"

"Fat brother, I will be abolished when I am abolished. Now I am bringing you in. I, how can I bear it?" The little monkey was in a hurry.

"Fat, what kind of friendship do we have? If you haven't been in the dining hall for years, I'm starving to death. In order to give me a meal, you don't know how many times the master of the canteen has been smashed!" Dao: "Now I am in the outer door. If I look at you again, it will be abolished. Am I still a person?"

"Fat brother~" The little monkey moved by tears.

"Don't say this!" Xiaopeng waved impatiently and said: "Your bones are so bad that you can only cure them if you want them to be cured, or you will be scrapped!"

"Emperology?" The little monkey heard it, then immediately smiled and said: "That is the refining of the monk. It is said that each pill must have at least a few pieces of Lingshi. How can we have money? It seems that my hand is a waste. deal!"

"Don't be discouraged, I have a way!" Xiaopeng then comforted him: "I will go to the medicine tomorrow, it may take a few days to come back. You stay here, you can't go out, if they are caught by them, Let's all die!"

"Fat brother, you can't go out! Wang Zhong's kid must be looking for you everywhere!" The little monkey was anxious. "My hand is like this anyway, don't worry!"

"Hey, Wang Zhong is a fart! I am going out this time, I want him to die!"

"Ah? Fat brother, you~" The little monkey was surprised.

"Okay, don't worry about it!" After chubby finished, he took out a large amount of food from the space bag and began to cook for cooking.

The time is not big, the chubby temporary meals are cooked. The little monkey has no appetite, and the injury is serious. If you eat a little, you will not eat more. It's that chubby doesn't care, and the ten days of eating in the past are not all. Seeing that the little monkey is stunned, he can't help but wonder: "Fat brother, isn't it that the more the monk gets to the back, the more you eat? How do you seem to be eating more than before?"

"I don't know, anyway, if you are hungry, you will eat it!" Xiaopang didn't dare to tell the truth, he just took a word, and then he said, "Okay, meditate and practice! My morning will not light up tomorrow morning!"

"Well!" The little monkey is not talking, and closes his eyes with Xiaopeng.

The next day, Xiaopang woke up early, cooked the breakfast for the little monkey, and left all the food, and then he left the sword.

Xiaopeng just flew out of the gutter, and suddenly found that it was wrong, although the sky was still dark at this time, but he found that there were a few flashes of light flashing in the mountains, it is clear that someone is looking for someone on the torch.

Xiaopeng knew what was going on at a glance, and hurriedly stopped the imperial sword to fall to the ground, because the sword is fast, but the target is also large and easy to be discovered. On the contrary, it is better to run on the ground. As for speed, you can't pursue this now.

Fortunately, this is the dawn time, it is the darkest time, so chubby and lightly walking in the mountains, it is really not easy to be discovered. Coupled with the mountain, he is not afraid to be seen for the time being.

Xiaopang's destination this time is the hinterland of Xuantian Courtyard. It is very close to the inner court. It is called the Move House. From then on, you can take it out. Moving the building is not a building, but a relatively grand building complex. When chubby was a child, he often went to play, but after his parents died, he never went.

However, childhood memories have not been forgotten, and Xiaopang is very familiar with the path to go there. There are several ways to go there. The mainland chubby is afraid to leave. He can only choose one of the most hidden and recent mountain roads.

Although the path of chubby is very hidden, but from time to time can meet people who are looking for him with a torch. I can even hear some guys shouting: "Song Zhong, come out, I saw you!"

"Fat, brother Wang Zhong said, as long as you come out and recognize a mistake, this is all over! But if you hide, he will pack you when he is angry! Brother I can't bear to watch you accident, so Only to inform you, if you hear it, hurry up and come out!"

After listening to Xiaopeng, it's so easy to hang up, so low-level scams are also good to play out? Gan Xing's five limbs are abolished, such a big hatred, can you recognize the wrong one? What about cheating ghosts?

Gently bypass these boring idiots, and chubby continues his sneak voyage. However, although Xiaopeng has tried his best to get on the road, but because the road is really far away, plus the sword can not rely on two legs, but also from time to time to bypass those who look for him, so that chubby can not be before dawn Arrived at the move building.

Originally, according to his plan, the time when Yu Jian arrived at the house was just the time when people opened the door. He went early, and people can only wait for them to open the door.

But now it seems that the plan is not as fast as change. The guys who were rewarded by Wang Zhong's rewards, even the erroneous mistakes made chubby a lot of time. The result was that he was discovered after dawn. At this time, he was only a few tens of miles away from moving the building.

I found that the chubby guy was a black and thin little cockroach. He didn't know which yard. He saw the chubby and fat body in the mountains, just like a sensitive leopard. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that this chubby chubby could make such an agile move.

Of course, the chubby skills are not what he cares about. He only cares about Wang Zhong's reward. So after discovering the trace of chubby, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Fat, I found it, I found a fat man!" The guy groaned while intercepting the chubby.

It didn't matter to the guy. The people around him were all alarmed by him. I didn't know how big his voice was. He called out a dozen people in one breath. They looked really chubby and suddenly overjoyed. They ran to intercept. Fortunately, these guys are all small, have not yet reached the innate realm, can not fly, can only rely on running, or else chubby can be really dangerous.

Looking at the guy who is elated to stop himself, chubby is so angry! Almost his head is going to smoke, he is too lazy to talk nonsense, and it is a kick. The poor child was stunned by Wang Zhong's huge reward, and he forgot the gap between him and Xiaopang. When he remembered, the man had already been kicked by chubby.

The chubby foot is mixed with anger, coupled with the strength of his Mercedes-Benz savings, the strength of the foot, is beyond the imagination of chubby. All of a sudden, the volley of the 20-year-old young guy flew up, and the foot was full of cracks, which was obviously broken and did not know how many bones. The guy came straight and spurted a blood in the air, then rolled into the grass a dozen feet away, and there was no more sound. Life and death are unpredictable.

The chubby class in anger is not thinking about this. He has only one thought left, and that is to escape! After kicking the guy who had blocked the road, Xiaopang was like a dog who lost his family. He died and moved to the building.

Most of the little cockroaches that caught up with them were shocked by chubby's just fierce kick, just shouting, but no one shouted. But there are also a few unwilling guys who yelled and rushed up together, trying to use the sea tactics to temporarily stop chubby.

They know that chubby has entered the innate realm, and has not had time to practice spells, so the combat power is even stronger than they are. If chubby learned even the lowest level of an attacking spell, these guys would certainly not dare to come up to find death.

However, even if they are not as strong as a fat man, it is very troublesome for seven or eight people to come up. It's hard to say if you can leave them. Even if you are squatting, I'm afraid I have to delay a lot of time. At that time, if you come to Yu Jian, you will be the innate master of the spell, then the chubby can be finished.

Thinking of this, chubby is also anxious, directly out of Feijian, I want to cut down a guy and then say! As a result, those guys who saw the fat man in the hands of Xiaopeng immediately smashed and hurriedly fled.

Xiaopang first glimpsed and then suddenly took a shot of his forehead, said: "And what are they arrogant, direct flight is not finished? Are confused by these bastards!"

After that, Xiaopeng hurriedly flew up and flew over the top of those little cockroaches. The little ones looked at this and they were all dumbfounded. People will fly, they can't catch up with them?

Although the chubby body is fat, the flying posture is as ugly as a duck, but after all, it is a few tens of feet high from the ground. After flying, it will no longer have to worry about the following small shackles. He thought that he would escape from birth, just want to relax, but suddenly heard a woman behind him shouting: "The little fat man in front, just stand up for me, or else don't blame me!"

Xiaopang turned his head and looked shocked. It turned out that I didn't know when I was chasing a woman who would be a sword. Although this seemingly young girl is so beautiful, charming and charming, but in the eyes of chubby, it is terrible than the viper and beast! There is no reason for it, it is chubby to know her, but also suffered a big loss!

This woman is called Han Lingfeng. She is a monk of ice and fire, and she was an innate master seven or eight years ago. She usually likes to tease people when she is chubby. When she gets the garbage, she will be teased. The light will be a water polo, the chubby chubby chicken, and the heavy fire will be burned directly. Xiaopang was burned out by her clothes, forced to streaking, and became the biggest joke in the small room. This incident has caused a huge psychological shadow to Xiaopang. He once vowed that if there is a chance, he must marry her well, and imagine that the high-ranking female practitioner will be praised by her own. However, I did not expect this chubby strength to fail, but once again hit her hand.