Chapter 12

Xiaopeng knows that big things are not good at a glance. People practice longer than themselves. Their strength has reached the realm of congenital triple heaven. They are two grades higher than themselves, and the other flying swords are better than themselves. A lot. If this is caught up by her, it is absolutely dead!

So at first glance, she did not say anything, and hurriedly accelerated to escape. As for the stop, Xiaopang did not consider it at all.

Han Lingfeng saw Xiaopeng listening to his own words, not only did not stop, even dare to accelerate to escape, suddenly Liu Mei upright, sneer: "Well, you do not know how to die, you think you can run out of my palm? It seems that it is not good to give you a lesson!"

Said, her jade hand pointed, whispered: "Fire ~"

As Han Lingfeng's voice fell, a bowl of fireball was like a meteor.

Although Xiaopeng was running out in full force, he did not forget to observe the danger behind him. When he saw that the other party actually started, he did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly tried his best to avoid it sideways. The danger is dangerous, let the fireball fly over.

When Han Lingfeng saw the fireball fail, she suddenly became angry. The heart said, if I can't even keep such a waste, I can't be laughed at by that person. Thinking of this, Han Lingfeng also played a winning heart, his hands waved again and again, and the fireballs of each other hit the ring.

Xiaopeng can be embarrassed, the speed of the opponent's fireball is already fast, he can avoid a sword in the sword when it is good, but this one after another to fight, but it is not his defense by the sword Can be avoided. In desperation, chubby had to fall to the ground, and when he got to the ground, he was much more flexible. I saw him relying on the terrain, flashing and moving, just as a squirrel cat, agile, avoiding a fireball, but also not forgetting to run forward crazy.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone around, a funny scene was staged. Xiaopang is like a mourning dog in the front of the crazy escape, the latter Han Lingfeng is like a burst of fireball bombardment, with the explosion of a fireball falling to the ground, chubby miraculous did not fall, still The rapid rushing to escape.

However, although Xiaopeng can avoid the direct shooting of the fireball, but can not escape the impact of the explosion, the clothes on his body, the Mars that had been blown up by the fireball, burned everywhere, and even his face was smoked. Black, don't mention too much.

Fortunately, when Han Lingfeng met Xiaopeng, it was not far from moving the building. Therefore, after Xiaopeng insisted on running for a while, Han Lingfeng had to give up the pursuit. After all, this is a private all night, and it is impossible to see. The move to the building is the focus of the Xuantian hospital, and there are masters stationed all the year round. Killing Han Lingfeng did not dare to kill a foreign disciple in front of the elders.

Therefore, after Xiaopeng saw the building of the moved building, Han Lingfeng had to stop. No matter how much she wants to get the ten spiritual stones, she does not dare to make such a blatant creation.

However, although Han Lingfeng stopped her hand, she did not walk away. Instead, she drove the flying sword to the top of Xiaopeng's head. She said: "Dead fat, don't think that when you move to the building, you will be safe, and honestly follow me. Going back, I can ask for help from Wang Zhong's brother for you, otherwise, unless you can live here forever, you will die!"

Xiaopang did not directly answer her words, but re-entered Feijian to hurry. It was not until the door of the move to the building, but he smiled and turned his face to Han Lingfeng: "Han Lingfeng is it?"

"Yes, it's your grandmother!" Han Lingfeng sneered: "What do you want!"

"I want to say!" Xiaopang still keeps a smile and looks like: "Smelly girl, you are dead! There will always be one day, you will make you want to die!"

The face is like a flower, but the words spit out in the mouth are more poisonous than the snake. The sharp contrast reaction in Xiaopeng makes him seem incomprehensible.

After Han Lingfeng listened, it was suspended from the flying sword. Although she is not a top monk, she is also a good person among the outside disciples. As a beautiful woman, she has received a lot of care. Why was she so humiliated? I didn't think that today I was stunned by a wretched, fat man with a low strength, and still used such a vulgar, inferior language. She can't even imagine that being a monk who is determined to become a fairy can be so cumbersome. So much so that she was almost mad at the chubby.

"You, you, you~" Han Lingfeng pointed at chubby with a trembling finger, and he couldn't speak for a long time. At this time, she was already flushed and her eyes were dizzy. I don't know what to do.

"You, you are a head!" Xiaopeng still smiled and said: "Today's things, we are not finished, you will clean your butt, wait for me to clean up!"

"You are a bastard!" Han Lingfeng was so stupid, and couldn't help but anger in his heart. He was going to start on the spot.

But she just got the spell ready, a figure suddenly appeared next to them, cold and cold: "Do you want to work in the forbidden zone?"

This is a master who is exposed to the chilly atmosphere, and at least it is also a repair of more than 10 days. Without flying swords, they can appear in an instant, and stand steadily and steadily, showing how terrible the opponent's strength is. It can be seen from his black robes that he is the guard of the moving house. Moving the building is a key place for the sect, and it is strictly forbidden for the disciples to fight in the surrounding areas. It is a famous banned area. Anyone who dares to move around the house will be severely punished by him.

So when Han Lingfeng heard this voice, she suddenly woke up, scared her to quickly collect the spell, and then made a smile: "The disciple does not dare, it is this shameless **** who is too irritating, even using inferior words to insult his disciples, so The disciple couldn't help it for a while~"

"I don't care about your business. I don't allow unrelated people to stay here. Nothing to leave soon!" The man was cold.

"Yes~" Han Lingfeng listened, not shocked, because this way, not only did she have to leave, but the fat man had to be driven out. She couldn't help but think, oh, just go outside and see how I can clean you up! '

However, what disappoints Han Lingfeng is that Xiaopang does not mean to go. He just smiles and guards the road: "This brother, I want to use the transmission array!"

When the guards heard it, they frowned and said, "Where are you going?"

"Ling Yucheng!" Xiaopeng smiled.

"Go to Lingxiao City to get 20 pieces of Lingshi, can you take it out?" The guard immediately said: "If not, let's go, don't mess around here!"

"Disciples know!" Xiaopeng smiled and said: "I have already prepared!"

"If that's the case, go!" The guard then pointed to a tall building next to him, saying: "Go to the transmission line of Lingxiao City!"

"Thank you!" Although Xiaopeng knew the location long ago, he was still respectful and thankful. Then he smiled and glanced at Han Lingfeng. He said: "Han Shijie, you still don't leave? Do you want to go with me?"

"You~" Han Lingfeng did not expect this ending, just want to say something, but suddenly felt the guardian gaze, scared her no longer dare to stay, can only be angry and stunned the fat man, then hurried away.

"Weird, I remember that this dead fat man used to be a smashing junk, and he became a foreign disciple for a few months. It is obviously a poor ghost. Where is the 20 pieces of spiritual stone? His monthly monthly supply is also a piece. The next product Lingshi?" Han Lingfeng thought while walking.

Han Lingfeng flew away from the move to the building, and met Wang Zhong, who got the news. Wang Zhonghe and Han Lingfeng had known each other, and I heard that she went to chase chubby. So after meeting, I refused to pay attention to etiquette. I asked anxiously: "Han Shimei, can you catch Song Zhong?"

Han Lingfeng saw him at first, and immediately turned his face and shook his head. He said helplessly: "The teacher is incompetent, and the fat man is running!"

"Running?" Wang Zhongyi immediately said the difference: "Sister Fei's flying sword can fly four or five hundred miles in a quarter of an hour? Song Zhong is still using the garbage flying sword from the teacher's door. It's more than 200 minutes in a quarter of an hour. How much faster than him, how could the fat man run away?"

"The fat man rushed into the moving house, I can't catch people there?" Han Lingfeng was somewhat unhappy.

"Ah~" Wang Zhong realized that his attitude was wrong. He hurriedly said: "I am sorry for my sister, I am in a hurry, so I am a little rude!"

"No Square know that my brother is in a hurry to avenge, but I am afraid that there is no chance for the brothers!" Han Lingfeng suddenly said.

"Well? What does this mean?" Wang Zhong immediately puzzled.

"I just heard that the fat man said that he would take the transfer to Lingxiao City! There is no place to use force. We can only catch up and watch it. There is no way to take him!" Han Lingfeng then smiled bitterly: "And this death The fat man has offended so many people here, I am afraid that after this run out, I will not come back again!"

"Damn fat man! Why are you so embarrassed!" Wang Zhongxian was angry, but immediately changed the road: "No, I remember to go to Lingxiao City, at least 20 pieces of Lingshi, that is, we usually reluctant to use, he A few months ago, I was still a little bit, where did so many Lingshi?"

"I am also very surprised about this matter, is he bluffing?" Han Lingfeng suddenly said.

"Possible!" Wang Zhong said later: "It's better to ask us to see if he is really gone!"

"This?" Han Lingfeng hesitated, said: "Brother, are you going, I am here waiting for you news! Xiaomei just chased the fat man, was rushed out by the guardian brother who moved to the building, and then some inappropriate !"

"This way! Well, my sister and I will wait, I will come and go!" Wang Zhong finished, and gave a gift to Han Lingfeng, and then went to Yujian.

Time is not big, Wang Zhong flies back again. He first handed a hand to Han Lingfeng, and then smiled bitterly: "According to the brothers who guarded the portal, the fat man really went to Lingxiaocheng!"

"What? He actually has 20 pieces of Lingshi?" Han Lingfeng was surprised.