
"So you have to make ten batches of muffins tomorrow."


"And you don't know how."


Out of desperation, Dionne called Mr mask even though she knew he'd be busy. After her mum, the next person she knew who was adverse in kitchen matters was Mr mask.

"What type of muffins did he ask you to make?" Mr mask asked.

"Banana muffins."

"Ok. See what we would do..."

Dionne felt relaxed after her conversation with Mr mask. She knew it— Mr mask will always help her.

It was already late in Lucas' mansion. Dionne was already sore from the little errands she ran. The only thing on her mind right now was to get some food. She didn't get to taste the beef stew Sandy made because of Lucas and his demanding orders.

She ventured into the kitchen and dished out some food for herself. Smiling happily she went to the dinning table and made her self comfortable. She was about to take a mouthful only for Ben to burst her bubble.

"I'm sorry miss Dionne but sir Lucas has ordered that you eat in his presence. Right now he is in the study."

Dionne dropped her spoon and closed her mouth before turning to glare at Ben. "Even a dog is allowed to eat peacefully."

"Let me get that for you." Ben walked to the table ignoring Dionne's statement and carried her tray of food before heading to the study. Left with no choice, Dionne followed him.

Ben knocked on the study door and when Lucas gave permission. He entered and dropped the tray of food wordlessly before he left.

Not wanting to disturb Lucas, Dionne walked quietly to the table and took a seat. She was about to dig in when she was interrupted again.

"You can't eat there, this is your spot." Lucas pointed to the floor and Dionne frowned.

"You want me to eat on the floor?"

"Next to my feet." Lucas added.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

"Suit yourself." Lucas dismissed and continued working on his laptop. Dionne pursed her lips and stood up to leave only to be stopped.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"To my room." Came Dionne's rebellious voice. She fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"Your master is awake and you're thinking of sleeping? Stay till I'm done with work." Dionne was beyond pissed right now, but she held it in and walked back to her previous seat.

An hour passed and Lucas was still on his laptop. Dionne could hear her stomach grumbling and so did Lucas. He chuckled silently when he saw her internal conflict.

Meanwhile, Dionne was contemplating going to take a seat next to Lucas seat and ravish the beautiful meal staring at her. Her pride was the only thing keeping her from jumping next to his feet. If she had known, she would have accepted to eat at his feet when he ordered. It will save her less embarrassment.

"Are you sure you're no longer hungry?" Lucas asked knowingly when Dionne's stomach grumbled again.

`is the universe giving me a chance?` Dionne thought before a sly smile curved her lips.

"Since you insist, I will have my meal now." She picked the tray and went to sit on the floor next to his feet.

Lucas looked at the woman sitting at his feet and gave out a low chortle. He'll let her have this one, he doesn't want his slave be fatigued because of malnutrition.

"Sandy is such a good cook!" Dionne hummed as she took another bite. Even though the food has gotten cold, it was still very delicious.

"From tomorrow henceforth, my meals will be taken care of by you." Lucas said and Dionne choked on her food.

"You say?"

"It was stated in the contract, from tomorrow, you cook."


Dionne woke up early, scratch that, she couldn't sleep at all. She was studying her mum's recipe all through the night and eventually got an hour or two of sleep.

She ventured into the kitchen to prepare ingredients for breakfast. She didn't know what Lucas would like for breakfast so she just prepared the first thing that came to mind— pancakes.

"Where's the flour?" She muttered as she rummaged through the cabinets to search for ingredients.

"Huh, what are you doing in the kitchen by this time?" Sandy who yawned her way into the kitchen questioned when she saw Dionne.

"Making breakfast." Dionne said simply as she continued her search. "Where is the flour?" She asked.

"It's right there, at the lower cabinet to your left" Sandy pointed the location of the flour and Dionne found it.

"Why are you making breakfast?, Do you like cooking too?" Sandy asked naively earning her a scoff from Dionne.

"Do I look like someone that enjoys cooking?. That boss of yours is out to get me, he personally requested I do the cooking."

"Ohhhhh..." Sandy made an `O` Shape with her mouth in understanding.

"Is there anything I can help you with?. I can mix the batter for you." Sandy offered. Truth be told, she was just escaping from Minerva, the head maid. If she doesn't cook, she'll join the other maids in doing house chores and they'll find a way in having her do all the work. Due to how naive and timid she is, she tends to be bullied even from maids like herself.

"You can help me get all the ingredients ready, I'm still yet to familiarize my self with their locations." Dionne said and Sandy enthusiastically nodded her head before going to do as she was instructed.

"Every thing is ready." Sandy informed and Dionne stared and the ingredients with determination.

"Get me an apron" She said and Sandy hurried to go fetch one. Dionne wore the apron and put her hair up in a bun before placing her hand on the kitchen slab.

"Today, I am the chef and you are my assistant" she said and Sandy bobbed her head as usual. She definitely has no problem with that.

"Beat the egg..."


"Melt butter and milk in the microwave."


"Move away let me mix them." Dionne told Sandy who immediately gave way.

"Wait!" Sandy half yelled causing Dionne to jolt. "What is it?" She asked stupefied.

"You are supposed to mix the dry ingredients together." Sandy apprised carefully.

"Who am I?" Annoyed Dionne asked.

"Uhm... Dionne?"


"Mr Lucas personal maid?"

"Wrong. I am the chef and you are my assistant. The chef is always right."

"But you didn't even put baking powder and sa–"

"Shhhh. The chef is always right."

"Alright." Sandy sighed. It was so painful to watch Dionne ruin what would have come out to be a delicious breakfast.

"Do we have any vegetables?, We need the pancakes to be healthy."

"We have some chives, just a second." Sandy hurried to go get the chives.

"Perfect. I'm sure Lucas will have nothing negative to say about my cooking." Dionne beamed. Sandy just stood there with pursed lips wondering if she made the right decision not telling Dionne about the sorry excuse of a pancake she's about to serve for breakfast.

*In the dining room*

Lucas chewed the food in his mouth slowly and he fought the urge to throw up, still he couldn't let something like that into his system. He woke up this morning, expectant to eat a wonderful breakfast made by his one and only slave, but all his hopes came crashing down the moment he took the first bite.

"Did you taste this after you were done cooking?" He asked Dionne who stood diligently in front of him waiting for his review.

"Not yet master." Dionne answered with her head bent.

"Come and have a bite." Lucas urged.

"Don't worry sir, I have my own food in the kitchen." Dionne flatly refused.

"The food is so good and I can't eat this alone, you too sandy, come have a bite." Sandy who was trying to be invincible heard her name and she almost cried. Earlier in the kitchen, Dionne asked her to taste it. She had never tasted anything so horrible in her life. She was sure a 10 year old could do better than this. And now, sir Lucas who has never even bothered to look at her twice is suddenly asking her to eat?. The heavens must have decided that they wanted her to sleep in the toilet today.

Sandy unable to refuse, strutted to the table with a heavy heart and took a mouthful.

"Hmmm, so yummy" Sandy said while chewing. "Can I go use the bathroom?"

"Sure," Lucas wasted no time in giving permission. He knew she was about to throw up, I mean, who wouldn't?.

"See, even Sandy ate it." Lucas smiled slyly.

'Does he want me to eat that badly?. Fine, I'm sure the food is good anyway' And with this thought, Dionne sliced a bite for herself. Immediately the food got into her mouth she spat it out with immediate effect and it ended up on Lucas' body. The ashen look on her face made it hard for Lucas to muffle his chuckle.

"Don't forget the muffins" The smile on Lucas' face grew. He stood up and left with Ben while using his handkerchief to clean his suit that Dionne messed up.